Thursday, 10 November 2016

How to Increase Your Metabolism to Stay Fit

Metabolism Basics

Weight loss is a major area of concern for modern consumers. Many of them would like to know how to drop their weight as quickly as possible for weddings, photo shoots, self-esteem and the like. Metabolism is one of the keys to rapid weight loss. Metabolism has to do with the speed at which the body burns fat. Some people have fast metabolic systems that seem to burn fat continuously no matter what they eat. Other people seem to have sadly stagnant metabolic rates. You may be wondering how to increase your metabolism. The following are a few tips that are designed to help you if you are:

Drink Cold Water
Water is essential

Drinking ice-cold water is one of the easiest and most popular ways of learning how to increase your metabolism. Ice-cold water provides a lovely jolt to the metabolic system. The activity burns about eight more calories per hour than drinking room-temperature water does. Drinking cold water first thing in the morning can get the system going rather quickly. The best thing about the water method is that it is not expensive at all.

Eat Frequent Meals

Another tip for learning how to increase your metabolism is to eat between five and six small meals every day instead of eating three huge meals. The first bit of food that you eat in the morning kick-starts your metabolism. Giving the body a boost every four hours or so keeps it burning. Drinking the recommended number of water glasses per day can help keep the metabolism going, as well. Medical experts recommend that every person drink at least eight glasses of water per day. You can also aid the boosting process by eating foods that will work with the metabolism. Nuts, vegetables and fruits are always good.

Confuse the System

Sometimes it is good to trick the body a little bit so that it can get a kick to the system. The consumer can keep the metabolism on its toes by changing the diet. For example, the person may eat fruits and vegetables for six straight days and then eat a huge helping of ice cream on the seventh day. The change will boost the metabolism.

Exercise as Much as Possible
Exercise is also a key to success

Finally, exercise always gives a boost to the metabolism. You can get exercise a number of ways. One way to get exercise is to take a brisk walk first thing in the morning. Another way that you can get exercise is by riding an old-fashioned bicycle. Just an hour of walking or bike riding can burn hundreds of calories. Stair-stepping is another way that you can get some daily exercise. Stair-stepping works the thighs, buttocks and the bottom of the legs. All previously mentioned activities are great cardiovascular activities.

You can try any or all of the previously mentioned activities to quickly boost your metabolic rate. They are inexpensive and highly successful methods that should cause a significant difference in the speed at which you burn fat.

Read more: How to Increase Your Metabolism to Stay Fit
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Friday, 9 September 2016

Fat Loss Friday - Foods That Speed Up Metabolism

Eat For Heat: Foods That Rev Up Your Metabolism

Stoke Your Furnace

Metabolism makes up all the processes that fuel our bodies. The constant need for energy for all the things that make us alive is demanding, and the more active we are, or the more mass we have, the more energy is necessary to keep us running. Eating in general creates a thermic effect, that is, since it requires energy to breakdown and extract nutrition from food, food itself increases our metabolism. That's great, but there are certain foods that speed up metabolism even more than others. Focusing on including these in your diet can really boost your metabolism over the long term, increasing fat loss and improving health in general.

1 - Spice Up Your Life!

Spicy foods like jalapeno and habanero peppers and spices like cayenne can get the heart rate up and the body heat activated, requiring sweat to cool us down. This small spike in metabolic rate is actually used by hot countries to help keep them cool. As counter-intuitive as this might sound, by causing a little bit of sweat from food, you're constantly in a state of cooling as it evaporates from your skin, keeping your metabolic furnace stoked and your body cool.

2 - Protein Punch!
Protein is king for metabolism boosting

As stated above, all food requires energy to break down, but protein in particular requires a bit above and beyond. About 25% of the total energy provided by protein is required to break the food down and absorb the nutrients. That means a 100 calorie portion of meat will require about 25 calories to process it, leading to a net intake of 75 calories. Not only does this off-set some of the ingested calories, but it also increases your metabolic rate for a while after eating as it takes your body longer to break down protein than it does for carbs or fat. As far as foods that speed up metabolism are concerned, protein is king!

3 - Ice, Ice Baby

Cold drinks in general that have no calories, but particularly water, have a great effect at slightly boosting metabolism. The energy your body needs to return your temperature to normal after ingesting cold drinks makes your metabolism spike, even if only for a short while. Starting your day with a big glass of ice water is a great way to wake up and get your metabolic furnace firing on all cylinders.

4 - Coco-nuts About Coconut Oil!

Coconut oil is almost entirely made of medium-chain triglycerides. This type of fat is immediately useful to the body and a perfect addition to foods that speed up metabolism, providing a quick boost of energy that is harder for your body to store than other types of calories. Pure MCT oil is another source of these medium-chain triglycerides, and an even more potent one than coconut oil. Saute food in it, use it instead of butter, or if you're brave, try blending 1 or 2 tbsp in your coffee with heavy cream for a fatty, frothy coffee that boosts your metabolism to new heights!

5 - Coffee and Green Tea
Coffee is great for boosting metabolism

For most people, a quick pick-me-up is a nice cup of coffee in the morning or afternoon. Tea is a staple the world over, and both are great sources of caffeine, which greatly boosts mood, metabolism, and fat-burning rate, as well as concentration and focus. There's also evidence that daily coffee intake protects the liver and helps prevent diabetes, so grab yourself another cup (just maybe skip the sugar and flavored creamer!)

Read more: Foods That Speed Up Metabolism
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Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Wednesday Video - How to Lose 10 pounds in 2 Weeks

Can you safely lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks? Yes, it is hard, but very doableHave you been looking in the mirror and telling yourself that it’s about time you shed off those pounds? Or were you staring at a pair of skinny jeans and feeling bad that they can’t fit you anymore? Or maybe swimsuit season is fast approaching, but your body fat still thinks its winter and doesn’t want to leave yet? Whatever your reason, losing weight can be a good idea, not only for a sexier new look, but also for a healthier body.

Watch this video tutorial to learn how to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks.

Monday, 5 September 2016

Monday Muscle - Muscle Memory - Can Muscles Actually Remember?

Ask any bodybuilder what muscle memory means and they will readily answer that it is the ability to regain muscle mass more quickly after a period of inactivity than it took to gain the same mass originally. However, if you type the term "muscle memory" into a search engine on the internet, you will find there are many different interpretations of this term. And depending on which authority you consult, the meanings are diverse.

Some believe that muscle memory is simply the application of learned processes much like a baby learns to walk or feed itself.
Repetition can bring success
After many repetitions of the same action, parts of the body are able to react without the person thinking about what they are doing, and the action involved seems to come naturally. If this is true, then muscle memory is actually a neurological function that is built into all humans. According to Andersen, et al. (2005), some studies have shown that neurological and physiological changes occur during skill training, but not during strength training alone.

Others believe that there is an actual physiological change that occurs in the muscles during strength training, altering the function of certain muscle fibers, causing them to bring about muscle growth more readily than before training. In both cases, the muscle's ability to regain both strength and size may be enhanced if training is stopped for a period of time and then started again.

Resistance training and weight training require a combination of strength and motor skill. As a person learns how to perform certain exercises, it is important to learn the right patterns of movement that will achieve the desired muscle growth (Jensen, Marstrand & Nielsen, 2005). Many people define muscle memory as muscular hypertrophy, kinesthesia, proprioception or a result of neuromuscular facilitation. To some extent, all of these definitions play a part in muscle memory. Let's start by defining these terms and showing their interaction with one another to facilitate "muscle memory" during strength training and bodybuilding (as well as other types of exercise).

Muscular Hypertrophy Hypertrophy is the increase of the size of an organ or select area of tissue that occurs due to an increase in the size of cells. Muscular hypertrophy occurs through increased contractile proteins. Myosin heavy chain isoforms, or MHCs, refer to the types of protein seen in a given muscle fiber.

MHCs determine how the muscle fiber functions.
Some moves give more muscle
There are two types of MHCs - IIX, which are neutral until they are put to use by the muscle, and IIA, which have a specific purpose of causing muscle growth. Certain MHCs undergo a change in response to resistance exercise and serve as a reservoir of sorts for muscle hypertrophy because they can transform themselves into the types of fibers which grow easily in response to training (Haycock, 2004). Many scientists believe that once these types of muscle fibers are generated by regular resistance or weight training, they remain in the muscle, waiting to be reactivated. If a person does not exercise, or detrains, for a long period of time, and then begins an exercise regimen again, the fact that there are an abundance of muscle-growing fibers already present from previous workouts helps to regain muscle more quickly the second time around. In fact, certain types of strength training advocate detraining for a period of time in order to facilitate this type of response in the muscle, therefore eliminating the possibility of hitting a plateau that is difficult to overcome (Haycock, 2002). Without that plateau, a bodybuilder is better able to continue growing in muscle size and strength.

Kinesthesia Kinesthesia is the body's ability to sense the position and movement of all parts of itself, such as limbs and muscular tension. For example, if a person closes their eyes and holds their arms straight out in front of them, they are able to tell without looking if their palms are facing up or facing down. For a bodybuilder this translates into the body's ability to know the precise location and position to stop during a repetitive exercise in order to achieve the right amount of flex and tension to maximize the results. If you've taken part in a good program of resistance training, you will retain the ability to repeat the correct movements even if you stop training for a while.

It is important to note, however, that learning the correct way to perform an exercise is the key to achieving the best results. If a person learns the wrong movements, they will not achieve the same results. It is best to use a personal trainer or receive some sort of instruction when learning to exercise the different muscle groups, because learning the wrong form can cause damage or result in a workout that does not meet the exerciser's goals. And the time and effort involved in unlearning bad technique can be substantial and can totally demoralize the individual.

Proprioception/Neuromuscular Facilitation Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation is the term used to describe stretching exercises that increase range of motion in a muscle, thereby increasing strength and flexibility. It is often used as therapy after an injury or long periods of inactivity such as bed rest. By stretching and contracting and rotating a muscle, sufficient use can be regained even though the muscle has not been used as much as it would be normally, thus allowing a person to regain normal function. Stretching is an important part of physical fitness because it prepares the muscles for the physical activity involved in performing certain movements. It can reduce muscle strain and the danger of injury during a workout session. In order to be in top physical condition, a person must have good flexibility. Of course, there are different types of stretching for different routines.

Is Muscle Memory a Myth or Fact? Many articles and studies exist that discuss whether muscle memory in relation to bodybuilding and weight training is a myth. Some experts believe that muscle memory is simply a normal function of the body, that it is more related to the way the brain sends signals when performing any movement.
Correct movements mean optimum benefit
However, we'll use the term to define the memory of a learned pattern of behavior, such as how to make the correct movements while performing resistance training exercises to obtain optimum benefit.

Based on my interpretation of the literature, as well as my own experience, muscle memory is real and does have an impact on a person's ability to regain muscle mass quickly after a period of no exercise when they previously practiced a regular exercise regimen. A good analogy is learning to ride a bicycle or learning how to swim - once a person learns how to do these things, even if they don't do them for a long period of time, they are able to operate the pedals and retain their balance on a bicycle, or kick their feet and rotate their arms to stay afloat when swimming.

Andersen, L. L., Andersen, J. L., Magnusson, S. P., Suetta, C., Madsen, J. L., Christensen, L. R., & Aagaard, P. (2005). Changes in the human muscle force-velocity relationship in response to resistance training and subsequent detraining. Journal of Applied Physiology, 99, 87-94.
Staron, R. S., Leonardi, M. J., Karapondo, D. L., Malicky, E. S., Falkel, J. E., Hagerman, F. C. & Hikida, R. S. (1991). Strength and muscle adaptations in heavy-resistance-trained women after detraining and retraining. Journal of Applied Physiology, 70, 631-640.
Trappe, S., Williamson, D., & Godard, M. (2002). Maintenance of Whole Muscle Strength and Size Following Resistance Training in Older Men. Journal of Gerontology: BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 57A (4), B138-B143.

Darrin Clement runs, a blog covering the Art and Science of Building Lean Muscle Mass and An Awesome Physique. Sign up and get our free e-book on bodybuilding.

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Friday, 2 September 2016

Fat Loss Friday - How to Speed up Your Metabolism - Learn How You Can Speed Up Your Metabolism

Did you know?

Your metabolism is the machine inside you that keeps on working away to keep the weight off and burn fat.
Increase your metabolism at any age
The sad part is most people in their 30's and up struggle with their metabolic rate. This being a leading factor to why you have weight problems. But let's be honest, everyone out there who have the problem of everything you eat turning into excess fat or water weight is upsetting. A fast metabolism means more calories burned. You can speed up your metabolism so it works harder for you. It's very easy to regulate it and keep it at a medium to high rate to drop those unwanted pounds of fat.

Things you should consider

There are many sayings about fast and slow metabolism. Truth is you don't have as much control over your metabolism as you think but you can control how many calories you burn through your level of physical activity. The more active you are, the more calories you burn. There are three very effective ways to lose weight and burning calories to speed up your metabolism. Aerobic activity is the best way to burn calories. The goal should be 150 minutes a week of walking cycling and swimming. You can reach this goal by doing 30 minutes five days a week and breaking down your activity sessions in 10 minute sessions. To speed that metabolism up drastically you likely need to do more than that a week and make changes to your diet.
Any age is a good age to start weight training
Strength training is another excellent workout to help you speed up your metabolism. Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissues so increasing your muscle mass will help you lose weight. Aim to do two or more days a week that work all major muscle groups like lifting weights and high intensity rounds of exercise like cross fit workouts.

Try This...

We all know working out is great for your our health and it is the most beneficial for your metabolic rate but it isn't the entire picture. What you eat and how you eat it eat plays a big role in all of this. First thing you want to do is drink two glasses of ice water as soon as you wake up. The water will wake your body out of sleep mode and into awake mode. The cold water will start to shunt the water from the internal organs to the peripheral muscles. This gets your blood pumping and flowing, which boosts your metabolism one to two percent.

Eating certain foods at certain times of the day, waking up early and eating your breakfast is key but also eating your dinner before six and nothing after that except water throughout the evening. A food group in particular that helps speed up your metabolic rate is spicy foods. Hot peppers have been linked to reducing obesity and related disorders because they increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation by increasing the metabolism. Another excellent natural

For information on how to speed up your metabolism to lose weight go to

Read more: How to Speed up Your Metabolism - Learn How You Can Speed Up Your Metabolism
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Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Wednesday Video - 5 Common Weight Loss Mistakes - Lose Weight Fast By Avoiding These Mistakes!

The reason many people don't lose weight is because of mistakes they're not aware of. Make sure you do everything you can to avoid these mistakes! If you do, you'll lose weight effectively and fast!

Monday, 29 August 2016

Monday Muscle - Muscle Memory, Going Back to Muscle Building

Some people can't do something without motivation. Most first time gym goers quit because of fatigue, laziness, time constraints, injury, or some other silly excuse. Stop dreaming of a super soldier serum.
Use motivational images
Captain America is a just a comic book super hero. It's not impossible but we're far from that kind of technology.

Don't worry. I quit several times since I was teenager. The important thing is the willingness to keep coming back.

Some, people can't take the challenge of lifting weights for self-improvement. They grow big for a few months and then stop. Most never go back to the gym but there are a brave few who decide to go back.

And that, is the purpose of this topic. One should never fear going back to the gym to get bigger and do the same thing in the same amount of time over and over again. This, my friend, is something you don't need to experience because of muscle memory.

So what exactly is muscle memory? Muscle memory is man's retention in the memory of movement stored trough repetitive motor tasks. Muscles become accustomed to certain type of movement. It's when you try something like riding a bike for the first time and then learn from a series of trial and error. And then, after a few years of not riding a bike, you try using one, and then you don't fall. It's because your mind still knows exactly how to balance your body in a bike.

So when exactly muscle memory helpful for us bodybuilders?

Remember the rule that progress is needed to gain bigger muscles? Muscle memory is very helpful for people who quit bodybuilding but decided to bulk-up again. Muscle memory allows bodybuilders to immediately return to their old physique faster than when they first tried.

Muscle memory let's you lift weights easier too. When the body does the same thing over and over, like doing squats, dead-lifts and other exercises, the body automatically adjusts to the act. Doing it feels like you don't need to think about proper form anymore. The act becomes second nature to your body. This means you can lift more weight. More weight means bigger muscles!

I've had my share of quitting too.
The important thing is not quitting
I already gave all kinds of excuses. I've already quit several times since my teenage years. But I kept coming back. And every time I came back I became better and better. This should be the same to most people who have already quit. It's never too late to start building muscles again. You never know what would happen next. You might be the next Mr. Olympia. You might become a fitness coach. You might even be the next boyfriend of your dream girl. Or you can just be a better person and feel good about yourself.

Just take one step further. All it takes is that courage to try something again. This time, things are easier than your first.

It's because of muscle memory.

Remember that!

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Friday, 26 August 2016

Fat Loss Friday - Ways on How to Lose Weight Fast

Would you trust that it's conceivable to diminish around 5 pounds from your body weight in a week without starving, assuming how to lose weight fast or even totally disposing of some nutrition class from your eating routine? Trust it or not, it's conceivable! That as well, just by making a couple gives up and tailing some particular methods. Perused on to take in the right eating and practice system you have to take after, and how to get more fit in a week.
Plain water is best

We continue letting you know on numerous occasions, you have to drink more water to get more fit. There's no point drinking any sports or caffeinated beverage, or some organic product smoothie they all include no less than 100 superfluous calories to your ordinary calorie admission. A few fluids may likewise be high in sodium and sugars and trap your body into holding water to puff you out.

In actuality, plain water has zero calories and carbs, and next to zero sodium. It's in this manner the ideal thin down beverage which likewise flushes out overabundance water while kicking off your digestion system. In the event that required, you can include some lemon wedges or mint leaves to the water to upgrade its taste with least calories!

Quit eating white bread and pasta, white rice, sandwich rolls and spaghetti. This will eaffect your weight as these basic carbs just purpose bloating, particularly close to your paunch as they are processed rapidly. This abandons you hungry rapidly, and expansions the propensity of your indulging later on.

Rather, supplant them with more beneficial entire grain bread items and vegetables. So as opposed to eating a chicken sandwich, it's better on the off chance that you eat a chicken plate of mixed greens and rather than chips, have some carrot and a plunge. As vegetables are intricate carbs, they take more time to process and in this way keep you full more. Additionally, they are for the most part water which flushes out abundance water weight from your body.

30 minutes cardio a day is an absolute necessity as it builds your heart rate to expand the quantity of calories you smoulder.
The right cardio can torch fat
However, pick your cardio routine well as you can blaze more calories if your standard uses more muscles at the same time. Great choices are training camp workouts, cardio kickboxing and Muay thai.

All you have to do is thirty minutes of these activities to condition your legs, arms and center so that your body becomes sleeker and more tightly. You can blaze considerably more calories per exercise session if your workout incorporates interim preparing, comprising of option short blasts of extreme cardio alongside slower action. In order to know more about methods to lose weight fast, check the online medium. Now!

Mark Lee is a health fitness expert having years of experience on How to Lose Weight Fast & Lose Weight Fast He writes online contents related to healthcare industry.

Read more: Ways on How to Lose Weight Fast
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Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Wednesday Video - The Ketogenic Diet Explained in Under 5 Minutes. Low Carb = Best Weight Loss Diet?

The Ketogenic, aka "Keto" Diet is a widely popular diet that stuck through longer than many of the fad diets that have come and gone. So what's so special about this diet? This video explains it all

Monday, 22 August 2016

Monday Muscle - Muscle Building Nutrition - Stop Training Like a Pro! Here's The Right Strategy

Speaking of muscle building, most people rely more on advice and muscle building programs. But one thing they've forgotten is the muscle building nutrition. No matter how intense your workout is, you will never see development unless you pay attention to everything that you eat. Some people said training like a pro body builder will give you the muscle of the body builder. But why is it there are still millions of people searching for advice on how to build muscles? If training like a body builder will give you the figure that you desire, then why is it there are still people who are now spending long hours on the gym just to get the figures they desire?
Consider proper nutrition for your body

Muscle building is not about idolizing professionals. Yes, you can follow some of their advise but you should be warned because not all of them are true and effective. In the first place you should understand that most body builders were not trained naturally. Maybe some of them are using steroids to enhance their resistance. Besides, they're genetically gifted with strong bodies. People don't have the same body types. And to tell you the truth, training like a body builder will only make you suffer from muscle cramps.

So what are you going to do after you've read the information above? Of course, there's no other way to build muscles but to consider your nutrition. Until now, there are still mistakes people did when considering their diets. First and foremost, people are afraid of fats, isn't it? You can't deny that you also hate fats too. Fats are not poisons so you don't need to avoid it. Plus, would you know that there are good fats and bad fats? Good fats are the ones found of vegetable oil, nuts and olive oil. While on the other hand, bad fats are the ones found of fast food including burgers, steaks and fries.

Just like losing weight, you also need to plan your meals. But this time, you don't have to reduce the serving of your regular meal. Instead, you have to add or as much as possible consume the maximum serving an hour before the work out. For best results, it is better to divide your meals into 5-6 meals every day. This strategy is used simply to ensure that your body is getting the required nutrients.

Maybe you heard it many times. But it's true that protein is important for building muscles. Why? It's because protein is the one that provides amino acids to the body. On the other hand, amino acids are the ones that provide nitrogen which is therefore needed in muscle building process.

High protein foods:
Choose healthy high protein foods

• Eggs
• Nuts
• Lean meats
• Turkey
• Chicken
• Nuts and beans

Take note that muscle building nutrition plays a vital role in muscle building. But apart from that, you should also have a continuous workout. The proper nutrition and intense workout when combined can definitely bring good result though you should leave 2 days for your rest. Rest is important to regain the energy you have lost in the workout. But of course, don't forget to keep your body hydrated.

By Russ D. Edwards

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Friday, 19 August 2016

Fat Loss Friday - What to Eat to Lose Weight

Losing weight is a matter of choice. Today, many people are considered overweight. This is both in men and women. It is attributed to increased calorie intake and intake of foods which are rich in fats. The excess fat is stored in the adipose tissues and is not utilized. When you realize that you are overweight, the first thing to know is that, there are natural methods that can enable you lose weight easily. They are much safer than when synthetic medicine is administered. For instance, restricting yourself to some foods can help you achieve this goal. You therefore should not worry about what to eat to lose weight. Below are some of the foods you can consider.

Sweet potatoes

A sweet potato is considered one of the foods that burn fat fast. They have double benefit such that they are sources of energy and also, they contain fibers that help to prevent over-absorption of food and peristalsis. You can get these from your local market at a cheap price.

Green vegetables
Load up on vegetables

There are many people who like the green vegetables. These have several benefits in the body in line with losing of weight. Simply get to the market and purchase kales. If you are tired of them, you can as well order for another suitable type. Green vegetables are important sources of mineral salts and vitamins. On the other hand, minerals salts normally accelerate metabolic pathways while some vitamins act as co-enzymes. This therefore means that you need them for effective metabolism in the body. One of the greatest advantages of these is that, anyone can get them at any given time. Include these in your lunch and supper and wait for the good results.

Adequate water

For any person who wants to lose weight, he or she must be ready to drink a lot of water. There are some people who do not like to take adequate amounts of water and therefore, they end up becoming dehydrated. Without adequate water, the most important metabolic processes will be hindered from occurring. For instance, glycolysis, which is the breakdown of glucose into energy will not occur. Water in this process, provides a media through which the reactions occur.


Most fruits are common to people from various parts of the world. For instance, the bananas, mangoes and lemons are all important. They contain fibers that are important in regulating food absorption and also help in maintaining a normal flow of food in the intestines. You do not have to eat a lot of them. Simply include one or two in your diet and you will be glad.

Fish has multiple advantages for your body

Some people may not concur with the fact that fish can help one lose weight. The food has multiple advantages in the body. For instance, it contains certain mineral salts that are important in body metabolism and therefore, this helps to speed up the breakdown of food into energy. Moreover, itr also contains omega fats that are important in tissue formation.

Parry joeperia is a fitness trainer. She provides online training on full body strength training. The effectiveness of strength training exercises depends on the proper use of machines and weight tools.

By Parry Joeperia

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Wednesday Video - Top 10 Food Myths

These are the (possibly) false truths we convince ourselves to believe in regards to our food. Join as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Food Myths.

Monday, 15 August 2016

Monday Muscle - Facts About How To Lose Fat And Build Muscle - 7 Effective Tips For Your Diet And Workout

How do you lose fat and gain muscle? It's a contradiction, actually because a lot of people think that in order to gain muscle mass, you have to gain some fat, too. This is not applicable for most people. Unrealistic expectations of building more muscles lead many muscle building enthusiasts to believe that they cannot gain muscles and lose fat at the same time.

Facts about gaining muscles state that mature adults normally gain 15 pounds of muscle at most every year.
Quality calories mean quality muscle
However, many people tend to gain only 5 pounds of muscle at the same time duration. This is equivalent to only 1.25 pounds of muscle gained every month while maintaining the same amount of body fat. To gain more muscles, you have to add more calories in your diet. Take in 100 more calories each day so that in one month, you have an additional 3125 calories per month.

What about losing fat? You can lose fat faster than gain muscle. That is, in order to lose fat, you have to reduce your calorie intake per day while increasing your calories output. For an average person to lose weight, he or she should take in 400 calories lesser per day than they normally do. That totals to a reduction of 12,000 calories intake per month. It results to 1 pound lost per week which again totals to 52 pounds lost in one year.

Considering this equation, you'll realize that the calories increase you need to gain muscle is relatively very small compared to the calories reduction that you need to lose fat. Now, how is it to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time? It basically means that you have to eat more and eat less altogether. To get this straight, you have to first get rid of a particular muscle gaining myth, and that is the myth that you need to eat more so that you'll gain more muscles.

To get a better scenario about this endeavor, take a look at what your body does to the calories that it consumes. Twenty-five percent of your energy intake goes to your brain while 50% of the calories your body consumes goes to the activities that keeps you alive, such as breathing, regulating body temperature, pumping blood and replenishing dead cells.
Most calories are needed simply to keep the body going
Another 20% of your body energy is allocated to your physical activities such as moving, walking and lifting. Surprisingly, only 5% of your energy is contributed to adding muscles. As you notice from this calculation, only a small amount of the calories you consume are distributed to exercise and building muscles.

Your body has 2 main requirements in order to keep you alive:

· Carbs or fat for energy that you burn

· Protein amino acids

If the food that you take in is scarce, your body comes to the rescue by way of its emergency back up system. If it deems that you are in dire emergency, your body activates this nuclear power plant that cannibalizes your muscles. You have to stop the activation of this nuclear reactor so that it doesn't eat up your muscles. Here's how you lose fat and gain muscle:

1. Take 1 gram of protein per pound of your body weight. That means eating 5 to 6 equal portions of protein consumed evenly throughout the day.

2. Eat just enough calories to stop sending signals to your body that you are starving. Be wary of consuming too much calories or else you'll gain fat. A good value for this plan is to eat 10% less of your energy consumption every day. In other words, 10% calorie reduction.

3. Eat proper nutrition, make every calorie count. Skip eating processed foods. Add lots of fresh vegetables to your diet

4. Make a 30% calorie reduction from fat. Eat good fats instead, such as from nuts, olives and avocadoes.

5. Add more whole grains to your meals as well as low G.I. carbs.
Consume good fats 
Skip consuming simple carbs from alcohol, sugar and white flour. Have a daily intake of omega 3's from salmon and flax, among other food sources.

6. Be consistent in doing hardcore exercises. Ask a fitness trainer to design an appropriate workout plan for you.

7. Do 30- 40 minutes of cardio daily. Cardio helps in your endeavor to lose fat and build muscle.

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Friday, 12 August 2016

Fat Loss Friday - Foods That Can Help You Reduce Weight

You know how obesity has become a disease nowadays. The most disturbing feeling is that it has also spread to children below 12 years too. Hardly any child is thin and lean nowadays. Being obese can lead to high cholesterol, the rise in blood pressure, and problem in walking even raise chances of a heart attack too. Hence, to the most, we should eat food that is healthy and does not add extra layers of fat. These essential food items are

· Black Coffee:
Take your coffee black for fat burning power

We all love coffee with a little bit sugar and a cream flavour. Yes, it is tasty and has a lot of benefits too. But with sugars and cream, you are putting more calories in your body. If you are serious about reducing fat in your stomach, then you should drink black coffee twice a day. Its caffeine and necessary acids break down fat decomposed in our body and help in indigestion. Though it is tasteless, but it has lots of health benefits.

· Water-Melon:

Water Melon consists of 90% water and only 10% calories. It not only keeps you hydrated in summer but is also a rich source of amino acids that helps in burning fat in our body. The fruit is quite fulfilling keeping hunger pangs away for a long time. The fruit is best suited for lunch hours so that you don't feel hungry in evening hours and can avoid unhealthy snacks.

· Coconut Water:
Try coconut water instead of sugary beverages

Coconut Water has only 46 grams of calories. Taking this drink once or twice a week will definitely reduce weight in your body. If you are addicted to sugar beverages; then this drink can easily replace it. The Coconut water is not only sweet in taste, but also contains potassium, acids that can easily burn fat in your body.

· Apple:

There is no fruit like apple when it comes to health benefits. The fruit keeps your heart healthy, helps in teeth whitening, reduce chances of cancer and also helps you reduce weight too. It doesn't contain any fat and is fulfilling too. Hence, you should always include it in your diet if you are keen on weight loss.

· Leafy Green Vegetables:

Spinach, Mustard Green, Turnip Greens leafy vegetables are a rich source of fibre and low in calories. You should always include it in your diet plan if you are keen to lose weight. Apart from low calories, they also contain essential vitamins and minerals that can play a vital role in reducing your weight.

· Salmon Fish:

It is a high source of protein and omega 3 fatty acids that keep you thin and lean. The fish also has contains iodine in a sufficient manner that helps in maintaining thyroid level.

Above all these foods you have to do regular exercise and avoid high calories food such as pizza, burger and soft drinks to the most possible. They are the main reason for obesity nowadays. Hence, you should replace them with green vegetables, lots of healthy fruits, beverages and see results within 3 months.

Read more: Food That Can Help You Reduce Weight By Sumit Arora on July 30, 2016
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Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Wednesday Video - The Deal With Fat

Dietary science is complicated-- one day something is good for you and the next it's not. Learn what we DO know about fat chemistry in this short video from SciShow

Monday, 8 August 2016

Monday Muscle - 7 Top Muscle Building Nutrition Food Sources To Gain Muscle Mass

You can't actually neglect muscle building nutrition in your muscle building program. But the thing is, many people avoid the topic of nutrition when it comes to building muscles. They think it's complicated. It's simply a matter of obtaining the right information because it is in fact easy to find the right muscle building nutrition foods to complement your workouts. What's more, your nutrition can even make your muscle building program more successful. With muscle building nutrition sustaining your sufficiently, your workouts would be less tedious. That's right. Eat more foods for building muscles and you can work out less. What are the top muscle building foods to help you gain strength and muscle mass?

1. Lean beef. 

This ought to be a staple in your meals if you want to build muscles fast. Loaded with zinc, iron, B- vitamins and other nutrients that promote the growth of your muscles, you can't skip lean beef in your nutrition. Other than that, it also provides high-quality nutrition for growing your muscular physique. Take note that not all proteins are equal, but proteins in lean beef contain high amounts of amino acids that work in tandem with insulin to boost muscle growth. If you're trying to lose weight, lean beef is a valuable option for your nutrition, too. Eat 3 oz of lean beef and you'll get the same amount of proteins found in 1.5 cups of beans. However, you'll get half of the amount of calories.

2. Skinless chicken. 
Get your nutrition in order

Chicken, like beef is a good source of high quality protein which is essential for the maintenance and repair of muscles. It also aids in bone health and weight loss. You can prepare delish meals as well because chicken is easy to cook and prepare. At the supermarket, you'll find meat packaged in single serving sizes. You can season and cook it quickly.

3. Cottage cheese. 

It's a perfect nutrition to maintain the health of your muscles because it is an excellent source of pure casein protein. Casein, as a slow digesting protein can sustain your muscle health even if you go on long periods without eating.

4. Eggs. 

Other than being a good source of high quality protein, eggs also contain the right kind of fat, nine essential amino acids and Vitamin D. It's food that truly provides excellent value for your money. Contrary to what some studies have reported, eggs are not unsafe for your health.

5. Whey protein. 

Supplements containing whey protein are the most popular in the fitness industry. They are a fast, convenient and affordable source of protein.
Whey protein comes in many flavors
Bodybuilders take whey protein supplements in the morning after waking up, as a post-workout supplement and as a supplement to mix with their meals. A scoop of whey protein in your muscle building shake is effective for gaining muscle mass. Then again, see to it that whole foods are your main source of high quality protein, augmented by whey protein supplements.

6. Tuna and other fish

These foods are also rich in protein and omega 3 fatty acids. Being low in fat and high in omega 3 fatty acids, fish also aid in fat loss and revs up your metabolism.

7. Oatmeal. 

It's low glycemic index (GI) value makes oatmeal an excellent source of carbohydrates. It's also minimally processed as a muscle building nutrition food

Article Source:

Friday, 5 August 2016

Fat Loss Friday - Exercises to Lose Fat Rapidly

Would you like to learn about a handful of workouts to get slimmer easily? 

It is not a secret that high intensity workouts are what will get results. Aerobic exercises such as jogging will help burn up fat, but if you are not careful,
Cardio can help
you can also burn off lean muscle doing these (remember those scrawny cross country runners from high school?). Since muscle tissues help burn up body fat, you want to keep them around even when you are not looking to get buff. High intensity sprints on the other hand are good workout routines to lose weight fast without burning up lean muscle.

Therefore, for the high intensity exercise session, we will be doing basic Cardio exercises. Yet, we are going to be shifting between extremely high intensities and decreased intensities. If you are just getting started, this can be quite strenuous, So it's better to begin with less and then work it up as your stamina increases. you can repeat this with cycling, stair machines, or other exercises, But doing this with sprinting is probably the best physical exercise to burn fat quickly.

To start this, we are going to first warm-up and stretch. This is a very critical thing to do to make sure you do not hurt yourself.

Afterward we start a jog-sprint-jog series. jog for 1 minute, And then burst straight into a full-out sprint for one minute, followed by returning to jogging. Keep changing from one to the next for about 20 to 30 minutes. If this is simply too strenuous for you, start out with two minute jogs with one minute sprints, Just make it a goal to build up to one minute jogs and one minute sprints. After you get comfortable with this, you can test yourself even more by repeating this up slopes, getting started with gentle slopes and working up to more challenging ones. Try this about four to five times weekly and you’ll begin to get some extremely incredible results.

Remember, that while you are doing your intense component of the workout it really does need to be extreme! To do anything else, will merely lead to an ordinary aerobic exercise session that probably won't give you the effects you would like. You need to force yourself to your max and be totally out of breath.

You can vary your workout to keep yourself from getting overly bored to death throughout your high intensity exercises. Try doing totally different workout routines or doing your running at a new place. You might sprint around the community you live in, try out the gym, or a close by park.

During off-days, try to hit the gym.
Muscle burns fat even at rest
Do a handful of weight lifting exercises to build some muscles and tone your body a bit.

This can be a great way to burn off extra fat and shed those pounds. On top of that, you are going to be building your endurance and energy at the same time too. high intensity exercises are excellent workout routines to lose weight easily and they also are more enjoyable and more reliable than normal cardio exercises.

You should make sure to talk with a physician before you do this on your own though, considering that high intensity exercises can be really taxing on your body, to begin with.

Stay with it, though and you are going to have a slimmer body and the energy and endurance you need to feel good each day!

Source: Free Articles from

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Wednesday Video - How to Burn Stored Fat

Everybody wants to burn off fat (that's why you're watching this) but not everyone is sure about how to go about it.

There are ways to burn fat, but do you know the proper ways to burn stored fat? 

The body is conditioned to store fat in preparation for lean times, so it burns the food you eat first instead of burning the stored fat. Since you are not likely to suffer from food deprivation or malnutrition in the near future, the body just keeps storing fat without burning it off. Here're some tips on how to burn stored fat quickly, easily and safely

Monday, 1 August 2016

Monday Muscle - Do You Really Need to Spend Hours at the Gym to Build Muscle?

To build muscle you do not need to spend too much time at the gym. You actually have to spend less time lifting weights and more time recovering, that is, sleeping and doing nothing physically demanding.

Most people think they have to train for hours because bodybuilding magazines and professional bodybuilders promote some ridiculous training routines that will not give optimal results to a normal person.
Pills are not the answer

The truth is that professional bodybuilders do work out that much, but they can only do it because of two things, which are privileged genetics and using steroids.

Natural bodybuilders can't recover as fast as these professional bodybuilders, simply because steroids help these people have unbelievable progress.

On the other side, since we are not considering using steroids to enhance our performance, it is important to know that you can have important gains in muscle by doing one or two whole body workouts every week.

These workouts shouldn't even last too long, because your body can only function optimally in these sessions for about 45 minutes.

What you can do is follow a routine that uses compound movements. You should train to failure in order to promote muscle growth, since your body will have absolutely no reason to increase muscle mass if there is not enough stress.

Now, the frequency of your workout depends on your rate of recovery.
Recovery equals muscle
You're going to be pretty tired after working out the way it was mentioned above. You should have your next workout until fully recovered.

To measure this, do the next workout after three days. If you can beat your previous session, that is to carry more total weight during the same time period, then you were fully recovered. If not then try to decrease your training frequency until you find what's optimal for you.

If on the other side you actually were fully recovered, then try increasing your training frequency. Some people need as much as seven days to be fully recovered, but you might be an exception, so test it out.

By doing these kinds of workouts you will gain considerable muscle mass, while only doing one or two workouts per week. You don't need to spend hours at the gym in order to gain muscle. You just have to train smart, eat well, and sleep enough.

Article Source:

Friday, 29 July 2016

Fat Loss Friday - 2 Things You May Not Know About Fat Loss

It is a sad and very unfortunate fact that many people and companies take advantage of the lucrative weight loss industry, by convincing people that their latest gadget will do wonders for their weight problems. These unscrupulous people and companies fool the public into believing that their gadgets really work. The truth is, abdomen flatteners or thigh trimmers really do not work and tests prove they don't, but still people fall for the lies some companies tell them. In nearly all cases these gadgets do not work for people and are just a complete waste of money.

Now the time has come to put these so called wonder gadgets to bed and tell the truth so that people will gradually learn and stop buying these useless machines. People who seriously want to lose weight are being fooled into purchasing these wonder machines and it does nothing to help them. So, here are two things you need to know about fat loss in order to make sure you do not become another victim.
Exercise at a time that suits YOU

Exercising in the morning will not help you burn off more fat than exercising at any other time of the day. Let's face it, physical activity is going to help you burn fat and it really doesn't matter when you exercise as long as you exercise. Don't be fooled by companies that tell you to use their exercise machines first thing in the morning. It really doesn't matter when you exercise one bit.

Alongside that, it is not possible for many to exercise first thing in the morning. Most people have to go to work or have other things to do. These people need to do their exercise in the afternoons or early evenings.

Some people though will have more energy in the morning of course and for these people they should go ahead and exercise first thing, but please do not believe that you will get the most benefit from exercising in the morning before you do anything else.

There is no such thing a spot fat reduction. It is fitness experts who fool people into believing this foolish notion so that they can sell a gadget or something to them. Do not believe this myth or you will end up buying something that says it will help with spot reduction of fat for special areas of your body, like your stomach or thighs. The only thing you will spot reduce with these gadgets is your bank balance!

No matter how or where on your body you try to lose weight,
Your body decides where it loses fat
ultimately it is your body that will decide which fat to burn. It will always win no matter what you do. Some people will lose fat around their buttocks or thighs, while others will firstly lose it around the waist or face area. Don't be fooled into believing that doing hundreds of sit ups each day will burn fat around your abdominal area. Just doing abdominal exercises will simply help you to lose your abdomen muscles and lose no fat!

I hope this article helps you to understand important things about fat loss.

Article Source:

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Wednesday Video - Muscle Fibers Explained - Muscles of the Body

How do muscles work? What exactly is your skeletal muscle system? What are the types of muscles in the human body? Learn about muscle anatomy in this short video!

We look at the different types of Skeletal Striated Muscle Fibers found in the body

Monday, 25 July 2016

Monday Muscle - Fail To Plan, Plan To Fail: Top 10 Reasons Why Bodybuilders Fail To Grow

Are you frustrated with the lack of growth you’re experiencing? Then read on…


What state are you currently in?
The reason bodybuilders don’t grow is because they don’t know what state their body is in to start with. Without accurately assessing your current state you cannot determine which system of training will help you reach your goals.


Bodybuilders don’t know how to change the state they are in to induce growth. . Guess what? If you do not train properly you will never stimulate you muscles to grow. Improper training is one of the biggest reasons why most people never get the desired results form training.


Bodybuilders do not know what route to take to get there (build muscles). Most bodybuilders have no real system that changes as their body gets used to the training stress they are currently handling. They walk in the gym, pick random exercises and rep ranges, put their time in and come home. Where is the science in that?


(which occurs primarily with steroid users who artificially build their muscles) is athletes can’t keep the muscles they built with drugs because they don’t know how to train or eat in the first place. Once they stop taking drugs their muscles disappear, leaving them skinny, fat and in a worse state than if they had never used drugs.


Most bodybuilders do not regularly monitor biofeedback to determine when to change their training to continue growing.
Record keeping is vital to track growth
If you are not keeping records of your training there is no way you are maximizing your gains. Journal keeping allows you to track your process over years enabling you to fine tune your training and keep the gains coming continuously.


Most people select exercises that work only work their strengths. Seldom or rarely do they work on their weaknesses and create a truly outstanding balanced physique.


Bodybuilders get sucked into bogus well marketed supplements and glitzy magazine ads to look for quick fixes instead of implementing a systemized, training and nutrition program.


Most people do not generate enough intensity in the gym to force the body to grow. Intensity is a very misunderstood term in bodybuilding and most individuals are kidding themselves into believing they are training intensely enough to really grow.


Very few bodybuilders actually invest in professional specific coaching to help them achieve their best results. Consider this, what athlete in the world got to the top of his game without coaching? I will tell you, absolutely none! Many bodybuilders erroneously think that they can maximize muscle growth without coaching. Guess what? They are dead wrong!


Don't let your ego get in the way
Most people let their EGO get in the way of learning the correct and most efficient way of training. They do not listen to or follow sound science or consider what other people have to say. They spend their time shooting down authorities in the sport or spouting off about their own hare brained training routine. Great athletes are life long learners. They check their ego at the door and are always looking for ways to improve, integrate and apply new training information.

I could go on about these failure reasons for a whole book but you get the idea. Analyze your own thoughts and training and see if there is anything holding you back. Then eliminate your weaknesses and move forward on the path to greatness. By constant and honest self analysis you can be sure to achieve greatness in any field.

True bodybuilding is about right training, nutritious eating, a positive mental outlook, and a deep respect for yourself and others.


Article Source: By Wade McNutt