· Black Coffee:

Take your coffee black for fat burning power
We all love coffee with a little bit sugar and a cream flavour. Yes, it is tasty and has a lot of benefits too. But with sugars and cream, you are putting more calories in your body. If you are serious about reducing fat in your stomach, then you should drink black coffee twice a day. Its caffeine and necessary acids break down fat decomposed in our body and help in indigestion. Though it is tasteless, but it has lots of health benefits.· Water-Melon:
Water Melon consists of 90% water and only 10% calories. It not only keeps you hydrated in summer but is also a rich source of amino acids that helps in burning fat in our body. The fruit is quite fulfilling keeping hunger pangs away for a long time. The fruit is best suited for lunch hours so that you don't feel hungry in evening hours and can avoid unhealthy snacks.
· Coconut Water:

Try coconut water instead of sugary beverages
Coconut Water has only 46 grams of calories. Taking this drink once or twice a week will definitely reduce weight in your body. If you are addicted to sugar beverages; then this drink can easily replace it. The Coconut water is not only sweet in taste, but also contains potassium, acids that can easily burn fat in your body.· Apple:
There is no fruit like apple when it comes to health benefits. The fruit keeps your heart healthy, helps in teeth whitening, reduce chances of cancer and also helps you reduce weight too. It doesn't contain any fat and is fulfilling too. Hence, you should always include it in your diet if you are keen on weight loss.· Leafy Green Vegetables:
Spinach, Mustard Green, Turnip Greens leafy vegetables are a rich source of fibre and low in calories. You should always include it in your diet plan if you are keen to lose weight. Apart from low calories, they also contain essential vitamins and minerals that can play a vital role in reducing your weight.
· Salmon Fish:
It is a high source of protein and omega 3 fatty acids that keep you thin and lean. The fish also has contains iodine in a sufficient manner that helps in maintaining thyroid level.Above all these foods you have to do regular exercise and avoid high calories food such as pizza, burger and soft drinks to the most possible. They are the main reason for obesity nowadays. Hence, you should replace them with green vegetables, lots of healthy fruits, beverages and see results within 3 months.
Read more: Food That Can Help You Reduce Weight http://www.sooperarticles.com/health-fitness-articles/weight-loss-articles/food-can-help-you-reduce-weight-1511248.html#ixzz4G09QWvMy By Sumit Arora on July 30, 2016
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