Want to know a dirty secret about the diet industry? The one thing no-one ever talks about? Well here it is ..........All Diets Work!
There. That's it. All diets work at one time or another. Some are more successful than others but they all work. That is what I discuss here on this blog and try to sort the wheat from the chaff as it were. I do the hard work for you and look at what works and what doesn't.
However, despite this many diets also fail.That may seem a contradiction. How can they all work and also how can they fail? The answer lies in their application and more often than not it depends on your mindset.
You need a plan
You see most diets fail for the simple reason that you do not have a plan. As the saying goes - If you fail to plan then you plan to fail. Or that even if you have a plan it is not planned out.
Let me put it this way. You have a "plan" in that when you start out on a diet the "plan" is you want to lose weight. That is not a plan.That is simply a goal. For it to be truly a plan you need three things:
- You need a goal
- You need a time frame (it helps if this is realistic!)
- You need to have a series of steps to take you towards your goal
So how does this apply to your weight loss journey?
You need a goal
OK. so the idea is to lose weight. This only becomes a goal if you have an idea of
how much weight you plan to lose.It is not simply enough to say you want to lose weight. State it in absolute terms.
For example "I need to lose 10 pounds" or "I must drop 10 pounds of fat". For added effect write it down and place this goal somewhere where it will act as a continuous reminder of what you wish to achieve.
You need a time frame
It's no use having a goal if you do not know by when you wish to achieve it. It's like starting out on a road trip without having an idea of when it will finish. Say you set out from New York in a car travelling towards San Francisco but you have no idea of when or even if you will arrive. It's no use going on such a trip and kinda, sorta thinking that you will get there in a week, 10 days, a year......
You see what I mean.
Have a time-frame and make it realistic. If you do not make it realistic then you are just setting yourself up for failure. Again write it down as a constant reminder. For example "I need to drop 10 pounds of fat in time for the wedding on December 10th eight weeks time"
You need a series of steps
It's all very well writing down your plan, with a time scale but not having any idea of exactly how to get there. You need to break down the overall plan into a series of achievable steps. Usually the project is too big to handle all in one go. Breaking it down into smaller steps helps to make it achievable and acts as a positive feed-back loop. As you see each step being achieved it helps to reinforce your mindset and your commitment and helps in the overall process. Again have a time frame attached to each step so that you can see yourself moving towards your goal.
Once you put these to work it will become much easier to stick to your goals and help you onwards on your health and weight loss goals. All the best.