A new study (as of 2016) says something that goes against the norm. This short video explains it all
Wednesday, 29 June 2016
Wednesday Video - How Much Rest Between Sets? (NEW STUDY)
So you've in the middle of your set in the gym. You've got to rest between them and while you're resting before the next set you start thinking. "How much should I rest between my sets?". "Is it 1 minute or 3 minutes or somewhere in between?" Hmm. What time is best for your muscles?
A new study (as of 2016) says something that goes against the norm. This short video explains it all
A new study (as of 2016) says something that goes against the norm. This short video explains it all
Monday, 27 June 2016
Monday Muscle - How I Blasted My Arms Past The 18 INCH Mark Without Drugs!
Picture this! You embark on a new training regime focused specifically on building your arms. You follow the best nutritional practices, train like a maniac, and in just over two months you add just over an inch to each arm. Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it?
While up until a few months ago I would have been a bit skeptical myself until I experienced the above scenario firsthand. That’s right! After 18 years of training, thousands of hours in the gym and hundreds of training routines I finally discovered the secrets to building truly impressive guns.
Let’s qualify a few things first. I have logged over 20,000 hours in the gym training people as well as I have written one of the most popular natural bodybuilding books of all time Freaky Big Naturally. I have won 5 divisional titles in 4 different weight classes including 4 overall trophies and a National Championship.
I have had the good fortune to train with some of the worlds’ best coaches and on occasion rubbed shoulders with many of the legends of bodybuilding such as Franco Columbu, Frank Zane, Larry Scott, Lou Ferrigno, and many of the champs of today.
Now you would think after all this I would really know how to build arms to be proud of but the fact is… I DIDN’T!!!
You see although I have learned how to build a great physique even though being “genetically challenged”, my arms always lagged behind the rest of my physique. I tried all the strategies, philosophies, and training styles possible. I bombed, blasted, and fried my arms every possible way I could. Although my arms did look good and were above average they still had never reached the sleeve busting, jaw dropping, stove pipes that every trainee desires.
Now I am not one to quit and even though I had been at it for 18 years I was not about to give up. I knew there had to be a way to increase the size of my arms, without resorting to the use of steroids or other drugs. Fortunately, I finally cracked the code on building massive guns to be proud of. Here’s how I did it.
First since I’ve tried everything I decided to do the exact opposite of whatever one else is doing. That meant instead of training 4-5 times a week to build size. I decided to train 6 times a week.
Since so many people are following low volume high intensity routines (and getting nowhere fast) I decided I am going to do mega-volume with moderate intensity. That’s right I stopped training to failure completely and I dramatically increased the amount of sets I was doing for my arms directly and indirectly.
How many sets? How about 30-40 sets per workout?
How many reps? I kept my reps in the 6-10 range per set.
NO drop sets, forced reps, negatives, partials, or anything else.
How many times per week? I did two full arm workouts per week plus I hit the arms indirectly on the other days when I trained shoulders and legs on two days and chest and back on the other two days. So my arms got trained every single day!!!
Because I was hitting the gym with so much frequency and volume it would be impossible to train to failure. So I would just train each set until the last rep seemed tough but it was certainly not an all out effort.
Needless to say the routine worked like gangbusters. Every workout I kept adding weight to the bar or reps to each exercise. I did the same exercises each workout for a whole month and then I switched the exercise to a new set on the next month.
What happened?
I packed on over 12 pounds of muscle and 1 inch on each arm. My left bicep (the bigger of my arms) measured 18 inches cold. The right one is a little smaller and I am working hard on blasting that one over the 18 inch mark as well. Even so these measurements are not too bad for a guy who barely makes 5’8” and weighs 205lbs.
Finally, people are expressing positive comments about my arms. The comments used to be “if you could only bring up your arms you would look great”. Boy after 18 years it’s great to hear. Wow look at how thick your arms are!
I also want to add that I followed a very specific diet protocol during this training. Each day I consumed about 1800 calories.
And once per week on my non-training day I consumed about 6000 calories. This way I could stay lean without adding fat while I got bigger and stronger.
Here’s the really shocking fact that has most seasoned veterans of the gym stunned and mystified. I only consumed between 50-80 grams of protein per day. However almost all of this protein came from live protein sources such as Hemp protein.
So there you have it. It is possible to build 18 arms without drugs. I have done it and you can too. Remember don’t let anyone steal your dreams.
Wade McNutt
Natural National Bodybuilding Champion
IFBB Mr. Universe Competitor
Wade McNutt is a Natural National Bodybuilding Champion and an IFBB Mr. Universe World Champion. He combined the secrets of Eastern Yoga Masters with, scientific, muscle building to produce a revolutionary new health system, called Freaky Big Naturally, find out more athttp://www.freakybignatural.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Wade_McNutt/40585
While up until a few months ago I would have been a bit skeptical myself until I experienced the above scenario firsthand. That’s right! After 18 years of training, thousands of hours in the gym and hundreds of training routines I finally discovered the secrets to building truly impressive guns.
Build biceps to be proud of |
Let’s qualify a few things first. I have logged over 20,000 hours in the gym training people as well as I have written one of the most popular natural bodybuilding books of all time Freaky Big Naturally. I have won 5 divisional titles in 4 different weight classes including 4 overall trophies and a National Championship.
I have had the good fortune to train with some of the worlds’ best coaches and on occasion rubbed shoulders with many of the legends of bodybuilding such as Franco Columbu, Frank Zane, Larry Scott, Lou Ferrigno, and many of the champs of today.
Now you would think after all this I would really know how to build arms to be proud of but the fact is… I DIDN’T!!!
You see although I have learned how to build a great physique even though being “genetically challenged”, my arms always lagged behind the rest of my physique. I tried all the strategies, philosophies, and training styles possible. I bombed, blasted, and fried my arms every possible way I could. Although my arms did look good and were above average they still had never reached the sleeve busting, jaw dropping, stove pipes that every trainee desires.
Now I am not one to quit and even though I had been at it for 18 years I was not about to give up. I knew there had to be a way to increase the size of my arms, without resorting to the use of steroids or other drugs. Fortunately, I finally cracked the code on building massive guns to be proud of. Here’s how I did it.
First since I’ve tried everything I decided to do the exact opposite of whatever one else is doing. That meant instead of training 4-5 times a week to build size. I decided to train 6 times a week.
Since so many people are following low volume high intensity routines (and getting nowhere fast) I decided I am going to do mega-volume with moderate intensity. That’s right I stopped training to failure completely and I dramatically increased the amount of sets I was doing for my arms directly and indirectly.
How many sets? How about 30-40 sets per workout?
Target your biceps directly & indirectly |
How many reps? I kept my reps in the 6-10 range per set.
NO drop sets, forced reps, negatives, partials, or anything else.
How many times per week? I did two full arm workouts per week plus I hit the arms indirectly on the other days when I trained shoulders and legs on two days and chest and back on the other two days. So my arms got trained every single day!!!
Because I was hitting the gym with so much frequency and volume it would be impossible to train to failure. So I would just train each set until the last rep seemed tough but it was certainly not an all out effort.
Needless to say the routine worked like gangbusters. Every workout I kept adding weight to the bar or reps to each exercise. I did the same exercises each workout for a whole month and then I switched the exercise to a new set on the next month.
What happened?
I packed on over 12 pounds of muscle and 1 inch on each arm. My left bicep (the bigger of my arms) measured 18 inches cold. The right one is a little smaller and I am working hard on blasting that one over the 18 inch mark as well. Even so these measurements are not too bad for a guy who barely makes 5’8” and weighs 205lbs.
Finally, people are expressing positive comments about my arms. The comments used to be “if you could only bring up your arms you would look great”. Boy after 18 years it’s great to hear. Wow look at how thick your arms are!
I also want to add that I followed a very specific diet protocol during this training. Each day I consumed about 1800 calories.
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Quality nutrition is also important |
Here’s the really shocking fact that has most seasoned veterans of the gym stunned and mystified. I only consumed between 50-80 grams of protein per day. However almost all of this protein came from live protein sources such as Hemp protein.
So there you have it. It is possible to build 18 arms without drugs. I have done it and you can too. Remember don’t let anyone steal your dreams.
Wade McNutt
Natural National Bodybuilding Champion
IFBB Mr. Universe Competitor
Wade McNutt is a Natural National Bodybuilding Champion and an IFBB Mr. Universe World Champion. He combined the secrets of Eastern Yoga Masters with, scientific, muscle building to produce a revolutionary new health system, called Freaky Big Naturally, find out more athttp://www.freakybignatural.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Wade_McNutt/40585
Friday, 24 June 2016
Fat Loss Friday - Water Consumption Myths & Facts
Water Consumption-H2O
Is there a difference between drinking H2O and just any other form of liquid?

Make sure you keep drinking pure water

The myth is that water is the easiest and most economical fluid to keep you hydrated. But when you compare the cost today of purchasing water to drink, and purchasing other liquid products, the cost is very comparative and sometimes water can even cost more.
Does drinking H2O flush toxins from your body?
Fact: It does not necessarily neutralize toxins; the kidneys do use water to get rid of certain waste products. If you do not drink enough water, your kidneys do not have the amount of fluid thy need to do their job properly. If the body does not have enough water, then the metabolic wastes will not be removed as efficiently as they should. In essence, the body would be holding in toxins instead of expelling them, as is required for proper health.
Does drinking H2O help you lose weight?

Water can help with weight control

Fact: It will not specifically trigger weight loss, but it can aid in the process. Water replaces other calorie-laden beverages in the diet, causing you to reduce your overall number of calories. Plus, it can make you feel fuller, so you many eat less at each meal. Water. particularly cold water, may play a role in increasing your metabolism.
Does drinking H2O help to keep your skin moist?
Myth: It used to be believed that staying properly hydrated led to youthful, vibrant skin, the reality is that the amount of water you drink probably has very little to do with what your skin looks like. The moisture level of the skin is not determined by internal factors. Instead, external factors such as skin cleansing, the environment, the number of oil glands, and the functioning of these oil-producing glands determined how dry the skin is or will become. The water that is consumed internally will not reach the epidermis (top layer of the skin).
If you are thirsty, are you already beginning to dehydrate?
Myth: If you start to feel thirst, the you are headed in the wrong directions and should grab a drink of water, but thirst doesn't necessarily mean you are dehydrated. "Thirst begins when the concentrations of (substances in the) blood has risen by less than 2 %, whereas most experts would define dehydrations as beginning when that concentration has risen by at least 5 percent."
Is it possible to drink too much H2O?
Fact: People with certain health conditions can put themselves at risk of complications if they drink too much water. People with some heart conditions, high blood pressure, or swelling of the lower legs (edema) need to avoid excessive water consumption. If you have a history of kidney problems, especially if you have had a transplant, consult your doctor before increasing your fluid intake. You should not drink too much water while eating, as it dilutes your stomach acid and can cause digestion problems.
Should you save water bottles and reuse them?

Plastic is convenient but buy a proper water bottle

Fact: Plastic water bottles can present a couple of risks to people who drink their contents and then refill them up time and again. These bottle leach chemicals into your water after multiple uses. The bottle, if not properly cleaned, may also harbor bacteria from your mouth.
Water is essential to survival - You as an individual are the only one that can determine if you need to increase your intake or feel reassured that you are drinking enough.
Read more: Water Consumption http://www.sooperarticles.com/health-fitness-articles/water-consumption-1496155.html#ixzz49DczwXbw
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Wednesday, 22 June 2016
Wednesday Video - Weight loss pills - Fact or Fiction
We all know that weight-loss pills are a con trick right? The only thing you will lose with these "miracle" products are your money. However, as with most things, it is not so simple and that may not always be the case.
Enjoy your bacon sandwich, while we walk you through the facts and fictions of what science can -- and maybe someday, will -- do to help people lose weight safely.
Enjoy your bacon sandwich, while we walk you through the facts and fictions of what science can -- and maybe someday, will -- do to help people lose weight safely.
Monday, 20 June 2016
Monday Muscle - How To Mix The Best Ingredients For The Ultimate Muscle Building Shake
When people think of muscle building, they usually imagine barbells, dumbbells, and workouts but give little thought to the role nutrition plays in muscle building. This has led many an aspiring muscle building enthusiast to give up in frustration when he or she sees little or no result after months of hard work at the gym.
In contrast, professional body builders know the value of proper nutrition and almost as a whole pay as much attention to what they consume as they do to their workouts.
They not only eat a well-balanced diet but also augment it with protein-rich shakes and powders that their aching muscles need after workouts. If you want to develop strong and well-developed muscles, you should the same. All types of ready-made preparations are available at places like wholefoods but you will not get a fraction of what you can get if you prepare muscle shakes yourself. Fortunately, it is quite easy if you know what ingredients you need as we show you below.
In contrast, professional body builders know the value of proper nutrition and almost as a whole pay as much attention to what they consume as they do to their workouts.
Supplements can help |
· Whey Protein Powder -
The undisputed king among protein sources, whey protein is loaded with protein. No serious muscle building fan should be without it. Period!
· Greek Yogurt -
Also high in protein but low in sugar, this is a nice addition to a shake that will enhance the overall taste of the shake.
· Frozen berries -
Known for their high antioxidant content, berries also blend beautifully in a shake and give it a thicker milk-shake like texture.
· Ground flaxseeds -
High in healthy omega fats, they provide an easy and fast way of consuming the healthy fats your body needs and craves.
· Dried coconut -
Coconuts make a healthy addition |
Known for its tasty flavor and energy enhancing qualities, this is another source of healthy fats you don't want to be without.
· Natural nut butter -
Nothing beats nut butter as a source of healthy fat and as an easy way to give your shake a creamy tasty flavor. Make sure you choose almond or peanut butter variety.
· Cottage Cheese -
This is another fine ingredient that can serve as an alternative to or as a substitute for Greek Yogurt.
· Dry Ground Up Oats -
A great source of energy releasing carbohydrates, they lower cholesterol level among other health benefits. Best of all, you will not notice any difference in the taste.
· Bananas -
Are such a rich source of potassium that they should always be included in all shakes. They also improve the taste significantly and keep your muscles healthy.
· Xanthan gum -
A tiny amount of this is all you need to turn the mix into a very thick muscle building milk shake. It is an essential component to any shake.
· Milk -
Finally, milk will supply your muscles with calcium and protein while also helping to make the shake thinner.
The above ingredients are all you need to prepare a muscle shake high in protein and other essential nutrients that your muscles and body desperately need. If you regularly consume a shake using the above set of ingredients while also maintaining a regular workout routine you will soon wake up one fine morning to stare at yourself in the mirror wondering if that impressive physique with lean and well-defined muscles is really you. It is really within your reach if you regularly exercise and nourish yourself with foods high in proteins and other essential nutrients.
Optimize your performance in life. Choose your nutrition wisely to give you energy and mental clarity.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Walter_H_Menuet/1833556
The above ingredients are all you need to prepare a muscle shake high in protein and other essential nutrients that your muscles and body desperately need. If you regularly consume a shake using the above set of ingredients while also maintaining a regular workout routine you will soon wake up one fine morning to stare at yourself in the mirror wondering if that impressive physique with lean and well-defined muscles is really you. It is really within your reach if you regularly exercise and nourish yourself with foods high in proteins and other essential nutrients.
Optimize your performance in life. Choose your nutrition wisely to give you energy and mental clarity.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Walter_H_Menuet/1833556
Friday, 17 June 2016
Fat Loss Friday - Visualize Your Weight Loss
Weight loss goals are important. Your dreams of wearing a certain size or see a specific number on the scale are also important. Are these weight loss goals and dreams where you can see them? Do you have a visual reminder of what you want? Take it out of your head and create a weight loss vision board.
To see it is to believe it. Whether you call it the law of attraction or a visual work in progress, a weight loss vision board works!
Weight loss goals are important. Your dreams of wearing a particular size or seeing a specific number on the scale are also important.
Are these weight loss goals and dreams someplace that you can see them? Do you have a visual reminder of what you want? Take it out of your head and create a weight loss vision board.
A weight loss vision board is a great tool to consider a work in progress as you lose weight, get closer to your goal, change habits, experience successes along the way, or even photographs. You can put photos of you, pictures from magazines of a body that you'd like to achieve, meaningful words or pictures from magazines that inspire or motivate you. If something is of significant importance or meaning to you, it will keep you focused. It will be a reminder of your weight loss goals and can be included on the board.
Take a photograph of yourself every month. As you lose weight, place the photos reflecting your progress of a smaller body size. Another tip is to wear the same clothes each month for the photo. Again, as you lose weight, you'll see the clothes becoming loose and then baggy. This is another great way to keep motivated by seeing how far you've come.
Include a photograph of you at a smaller body size. Cut out a photo with a body size you'd like as your own goal. Put your face on that body for a motivating visual.
If you want to exercise more,
cut pictures that motivate you such as a toned body, a photo of someone exercising, hiking, walking or running, or other mementos of inspiration to you.
Make a graph of your starting weight and keep track of your progress. Show your goal weight as well so you see yourself moving closer and closer to it on your graph.
A client that I work with has created her own weight loss vision board. She hung it in her kitchen which has been a very effective way to stay on track. At times that she's been tempted or even headed to the kitchen, she sees her weight loss vision board front and center. It has saved her from many extra calories and pounds, and kept her motivation and confidence high that she will achieve her weight loss goal.
Make a visual reminder of motivation and inspiration by creating your own weight loss vision board. Create a visual center that updates and changes often as you lose weight. Have fun with it as you create it and update it to reflect your personal change and weight loss. Be creative; think big, think out of the box in whatever you place on your weight loss vision board. When it comes to any goals and success
, see it to believe it. When you see it - you can be it!
Source:Cathy Wilson Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com
Weight loss goals are important. Your dreams of wearing a particular size or seeing a specific number on the scale are also important.
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Visualise your weight loss |
A weight loss vision board is a great tool to consider a work in progress as you lose weight, get closer to your goal, change habits, experience successes along the way, or even photographs. You can put photos of you, pictures from magazines of a body that you'd like to achieve, meaningful words or pictures from magazines that inspire or motivate you. If something is of significant importance or meaning to you, it will keep you focused. It will be a reminder of your weight loss goals and can be included on the board.
Take a photograph of yourself every month. As you lose weight, place the photos reflecting your progress of a smaller body size. Another tip is to wear the same clothes each month for the photo. Again, as you lose weight, you'll see the clothes becoming loose and then baggy. This is another great way to keep motivated by seeing how far you've come.
Include a photograph of you at a smaller body size. Cut out a photo with a body size you'd like as your own goal. Put your face on that body for a motivating visual.
If you want to exercise more,
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Use motivational pictures |
Make a graph of your starting weight and keep track of your progress. Show your goal weight as well so you see yourself moving closer and closer to it on your graph.
A client that I work with has created her own weight loss vision board. She hung it in her kitchen which has been a very effective way to stay on track. At times that she's been tempted or even headed to the kitchen, she sees her weight loss vision board front and center. It has saved her from many extra calories and pounds, and kept her motivation and confidence high that she will achieve her weight loss goal.
Make a visual reminder of motivation and inspiration by creating your own weight loss vision board. Create a visual center that updates and changes often as you lose weight. Have fun with it as you create it and update it to reflect your personal change and weight loss. Be creative; think big, think out of the box in whatever you place on your weight loss vision board. When it comes to any goals and success

Source:Cathy Wilson Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com
Wednesday, 15 June 2016
Wednesday Video - This Is 200 Calories
What is a calorie? How much do you need on a daily basis and where do those calories come from?
In this video we take a look at this. From Broccoli to Big Macs - All of your favourite foods, shown as 200 calories!
In this video we take a look at this. From Broccoli to Big Macs - All of your favourite foods, shown as 200 calories!
Monday, 13 June 2016
Monday Muscle - Muscle Building Diet - The Role of Protein and High Biological Content in Food
If you're looking to build muscle quickly,such as bodybuilding or training for a specific sport then you need to understand that muscle gain is not an easy task. 70-80% of building muscle naturally and fast is related to having the correct diet plan plus a very smart weight training program.
The main thing to follow in any muscle building diet is that you should concentrate on the top sources of protein while maintaining a intake of natural carbohydrates such as of fresh veggies, fruits, fats, oils, and nuts (the best nuts being almonds and raw peanuts). If you are looking to build muscle then you should also include supplements (such as Creatine) which will assist you to in muscle recovery and therefore allow you build muscle much faster.
To put on muscle and grow it fast, the bodybuilding or muscle diet needs to consist of about 25% of its calories made up of both animal and vegetable protein. Complex carbohydrates, should really only ever be consumed and plus vegetables that contain protein as well. 25% also needs to come from Fats and stay clear of refined sugars or starches. Caffeine and alcohol should be kept to a minimum although caffeine is quite useful to consume about 20 minutes before a training session as it stimulates your metabolism, gets the blood flowing and you feel more mentally 'switched on' to train - plus the fact that caffeine assists in mobilizing fat stores for energy.
You should always supplement your muscle building diet with whey protein powder
and mix it up with milk or water and look at making protein pancakes or sprinkle some on your oats for breakfast. Always use protein boosters like eggs or desiccated liver. Soluble oils such as wheat germ will also assist your body to metabolize protein faster and give an additional endurance.
The top principle to follow these days to go along with your diet is that you just don't have to work every muscle group for 2 hours a training session. This was the way of old world bodybuilding, when nobody knew a single way to build muscle fast. 20 years ago one go to the local gym and train for two sometimes three hours daily and cycle through all body parts. Then at the evening the objective was to rest and get 8 hours sleep a day while having 2 or 3 rest days away where you wouldn't go to the gym.
Because human tissue is exactly 100% biological, it's essential that you eat foods containing elevated levels of biological content so you build muscle tissue as quickly that is possible. Never make the assumption that foods that are high biological content must be high in protein content, this is not always correct because not all protein is the same. Biological content actually means food that is equivalent to a protein anatomy that's the same to protein found in human tissue.
One thing many people find surprising and are amazed by once they know - is the fact that the highest biological content is the simple egg! Others include milk, liver, kidneys heart, sweetbreads, lamb, poultry, steak and fish. Beans and other vegetables are also good sources of natural protein, so another reason to make sure you have them in your diet as well.
By way of comparison soybeans, while known to be high in protein, is 22% biological.
Therefore eating large amounts must be done to match the amino acid levels of previously mentioned foods. So it's obvious for practical reasons you need to still eat those foods that contain the full set of essential amino acids such as eggs, meat, poultry and whey protein powder.
The above diet concept follows science in giving your muscles a big influx of biological protein as it reaches a new level of strength and fast repairs any damage. After about 2 months a reduction in amounts to about one or two per day, allows you to achieve your goal.
So to conclude, to build muscle quickly a sound muscle building diet should be followed and needs to be centered on protein, fats, good carbohydrates and fiber. Best nutritional breakdown to follow is around 25% protein, 40% natural carbs (strictly no refined, processed sugars). Add to this a training regime that is about exercising each main muscle part a lot smarter, and not long or harder with the right amount of rest - this is the way to fast muscle growth Combine this with a solid muscle building diet program about exercising each muscle group smarter, not harder.
Learn more about the evolution of the muscle building diet at: The Muscle Building Diet [http://www.themusclebuildingdiet.com/bodybuilding-diet/].
Mike is an expert advisor and book/online author in the areas of nutrition and diet plans for muscle growth. He currently is a writer working for a blog on muscle building diets, The Muscle Building Diet.com where he provides articles for following the best diet in getting rapid muscle growth.
Article Source:By Mike Strong
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Always include fresh vegetables |
The main thing to follow in any muscle building diet is that you should concentrate on the top sources of protein while maintaining a intake of natural carbohydrates such as of fresh veggies, fruits, fats, oils, and nuts (the best nuts being almonds and raw peanuts). If you are looking to build muscle then you should also include supplements (such as Creatine) which will assist you to in muscle recovery and therefore allow you build muscle much faster.
To put on muscle and grow it fast, the bodybuilding or muscle diet needs to consist of about 25% of its calories made up of both animal and vegetable protein. Complex carbohydrates, should really only ever be consumed and plus vegetables that contain protein as well. 25% also needs to come from Fats and stay clear of refined sugars or starches. Caffeine and alcohol should be kept to a minimum although caffeine is quite useful to consume about 20 minutes before a training session as it stimulates your metabolism, gets the blood flowing and you feel more mentally 'switched on' to train - plus the fact that caffeine assists in mobilizing fat stores for energy.
You should always supplement your muscle building diet with whey protein powder
Whey protein is convenient |
The top principle to follow these days to go along with your diet is that you just don't have to work every muscle group for 2 hours a training session. This was the way of old world bodybuilding, when nobody knew a single way to build muscle fast. 20 years ago one go to the local gym and train for two sometimes three hours daily and cycle through all body parts. Then at the evening the objective was to rest and get 8 hours sleep a day while having 2 or 3 rest days away where you wouldn't go to the gym.
Because human tissue is exactly 100% biological, it's essential that you eat foods containing elevated levels of biological content so you build muscle tissue as quickly that is possible. Never make the assumption that foods that are high biological content must be high in protein content, this is not always correct because not all protein is the same. Biological content actually means food that is equivalent to a protein anatomy that's the same to protein found in human tissue.
One thing many people find surprising and are amazed by once they know - is the fact that the highest biological content is the simple egg! Others include milk, liver, kidneys heart, sweetbreads, lamb, poultry, steak and fish. Beans and other vegetables are also good sources of natural protein, so another reason to make sure you have them in your diet as well.
By way of comparison soybeans, while known to be high in protein, is 22% biological.
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Always add variety |
The above diet concept follows science in giving your muscles a big influx of biological protein as it reaches a new level of strength and fast repairs any damage. After about 2 months a reduction in amounts to about one or two per day, allows you to achieve your goal.
So to conclude, to build muscle quickly a sound muscle building diet should be followed and needs to be centered on protein, fats, good carbohydrates and fiber. Best nutritional breakdown to follow is around 25% protein, 40% natural carbs (strictly no refined, processed sugars). Add to this a training regime that is about exercising each main muscle part a lot smarter, and not long or harder with the right amount of rest - this is the way to fast muscle growth Combine this with a solid muscle building diet program about exercising each muscle group smarter, not harder.
Learn more about the evolution of the muscle building diet at: The Muscle Building Diet [http://www.themusclebuildingdiet.com/bodybuilding-diet/].
Mike is an expert advisor and book/online author in the areas of nutrition and diet plans for muscle growth. He currently is a writer working for a blog on muscle building diets, The Muscle Building Diet.com where he provides articles for following the best diet in getting rapid muscle growth.
Article Source:By Mike Strong
Friday, 10 June 2016
Fat Loss Friday - 4 Effective Exercises to Lose Belly Fat
Have you tried different exercises to lose belly fat yet failed to drop the weight? There is no need to invest in high tech equipment and expensive gym membership fees. Check out this article to learn more about the effective ways to get that toned belly.
Have you tried different exercises to lose belly fat yet failed to drop the weight? There is no need to invest in high tech equipment and expensive gym membership fees. The truth is, anyone can get a flat stomach. With the right exercise and proper diet, getting that body you have been dreaming can be within your reach.
Aside from proper diet and exercises to lose belly fat, it is important that you stay committed to the whole process. Commitment is necessary in achieving your end goal. I should warn you, this is not an easy task. The road may be a little bumpy but the results will be worthwhile. You will be tempted to stray from your program along the way. Just keep in mind your end goal and tell yourself that you can do it.
AB machines and fat burning pills are not as effective as doing exercises to lose belly fat. There are exercises that concentrate on the muscles of your stomach. You should focus on your abdominal and oblique muscles. Here are some of the exercises that will transform your belly from fat to flat.
Exercises to Lose Belly Fat #1: Side Bends
Do this by standing straight with your feet apart. While firmly holding your pelvis, bend sideways to the right, and then back to the center, then to the left. Side Bend exercises will give your oblique muscles a good workout (editor's note: if done with weights only have the weight on the side being worked - this way the resistance is against the side being worked. If you have weights in both hands they act as counter-weights and negate each other. This exercise can also be done while holding a low pulley cable)
Lie on your back, bend your knees, and place your feet flat on the ground. Tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your body. By doing this, you are letting your abdominal muscles do all the hard work. Do this at least 100 times a day and you will see a more trimmed upper body.
Exercises to Lose Belly Fat #3: Crunches
Abdominal crunches are just like sit ups. Instead of lifting your back, you will only need to lift your upper back. Just make sure that you tighten your abdominal muscles while you lift your upper back. This will result to a more toned abdomen.
Place your palms flat on the ground and put your feet together.
Tuck your tummy in and let your abs do the hard work. Doing push ups will give you a toned belly. It is a great exercise for the arms too.
Now, let's talk about everything beyond exercise. Change your diet. Do not engage in those fad diets that celebrities have made popular. These diets will not give you enough nutrients and will slower your metabolism. They will only result in temporary weight loss, but you will eventually gain back all the weight.
Eliminate the white carbs and replace them with their corresponding healthier versions. For example, instead of buying white bread, opt for whole wheat bread. They are equally tasty but healthier. Foods high in fiber will aid in better digestion.
Remember, doing exercises to lose belly fat and eating the right kinds of foods work hand in hand. You will not get that flat tummy when you just exercise without being conscious about your diet. In the same sense
, just changing your diet will not work if you do not exercise regularly. There are no shortcuts. Hard work is all it takes!
Source: Dominique de Rooij Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com
Have you tried different exercises to lose belly fat yet failed to drop the weight? There is no need to invest in high tech equipment and expensive gym membership fees. The truth is, anyone can get a flat stomach. With the right exercise and proper diet, getting that body you have been dreaming can be within your reach.
Aside from proper diet and exercises to lose belly fat, it is important that you stay committed to the whole process. Commitment is necessary in achieving your end goal. I should warn you, this is not an easy task. The road may be a little bumpy but the results will be worthwhile. You will be tempted to stray from your program along the way. Just keep in mind your end goal and tell yourself that you can do it.
AB machines and fat burning pills are not as effective as doing exercises to lose belly fat. There are exercises that concentrate on the muscles of your stomach. You should focus on your abdominal and oblique muscles. Here are some of the exercises that will transform your belly from fat to flat.
Exercises to Lose Belly Fat #1: Side Bends

Side bends tighten your obliques
Do this by standing straight with your feet apart. While firmly holding your pelvis, bend sideways to the right, and then back to the center, then to the left. Side Bend exercises will give your oblique muscles a good workout (editor's note: if done with weights only have the weight on the side being worked - this way the resistance is against the side being worked. If you have weights in both hands they act as counter-weights and negate each other. This exercise can also be done while holding a low pulley cable)
Exercises to Lose Belly Fat #2: Sit Ups
Lie on your back, bend your knees, and place your feet flat on the ground. Tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your body. By doing this, you are letting your abdominal muscles do all the hard work. Do this at least 100 times a day and you will see a more trimmed upper body.
Exercises to Lose Belly Fat #3: Crunches

Crunches tone your abdominal muscles
Abdominal crunches are just like sit ups. Instead of lifting your back, you will only need to lift your upper back. Just make sure that you tighten your abdominal muscles while you lift your upper back. This will result to a more toned abdomen.
Exercises to Lose Belly Fat #4: Push Ups
Place your palms flat on the ground and put your feet together.
Push ups also work your abdominal muscles |
Now, let's talk about everything beyond exercise. Change your diet. Do not engage in those fad diets that celebrities have made popular. These diets will not give you enough nutrients and will slower your metabolism. They will only result in temporary weight loss, but you will eventually gain back all the weight.
Eliminate the white carbs and replace them with their corresponding healthier versions. For example, instead of buying white bread, opt for whole wheat bread. They are equally tasty but healthier. Foods high in fiber will aid in better digestion.
Remember, doing exercises to lose belly fat and eating the right kinds of foods work hand in hand. You will not get that flat tummy when you just exercise without being conscious about your diet. In the same sense

Source: Dominique de Rooij Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com
Wednesday, 8 June 2016
Wednesday Video - The Science of Laziness
Why are some people so lazy? Is there a couch-potato gene?
We know that exercise is hard but can there be a genetic answer behind the desire to sit around doing little? this short video looks at that very question and the answer may well be surprising.....
We know that exercise is hard but can there be a genetic answer behind the desire to sit around doing little? this short video looks at that very question and the answer may well be surprising.....
Monday, 6 June 2016
Monday Muscle - Muscle Building Tips: Do's and Don’ts
Packing on Muscle mass involves a lot of dedication and care. At times, trying too hard can have its negative effects too. Right guidance and proper techniques make the perfect recipe to MUSCLE BUILDING. Muscle Building is no joke, but at the same time, very much possible. The bottom line is to workout in the right direction and not to harm your body. Here are some Do's and Don’ts for Muscle Building.
1) Popping a pill to reach your health and fitness goal is not the answer!
Results are temporary and effects the body adversely in the long run.
2) Remove the tag " Short cut" from your workout schedule. There is no such thing as quick-fix. Dedication and hard work hold the key for MUSCLE BUILDING.
3) Dietary Supplements can be helpful in achieving your goals. Supplementation is designed to supplement your healthy eating and exercise habits.
4) Don’t go in for any supplement you come across. Before taking a supplement, consult your trained or a physician. Always buy supplements from a reputed DRUGSTORE. Do your research before taking in a supplement.
5) Supplements shouldn’t be misunderstood as steroids. Steroids should be a BIG NO. Gather more knowledge on supplements at http://www.weightloss-health.com/Supplements.htm
6) Muscle Building Diet: It occupies a prominent area in MUSCLE BUILDING pie-chart. You should be highly careful related to your muscle building diet.
Always ask your trainer to write down a diet schedule for you.
7) Give rest to your body between two sets, say for two minutes.
8) Not work on more than two muscle groups at a time. Train those muscles in a group which work with each other. This technique has proven to be effective. For e.g: Chest and Triceps or biceps and backs.
9) The most effective time to do muscle building exercises is in the morning. You have consumed a lot of carbs by evening. So, carbs become the source of energy for you when you do your exercises in evening. But in morning, body depends on its alternative source i.e FAT for energy. Hence fats get burned up more in morning.
10) Last but not the least
, Don’t be biased to any body part. Proper balance is a necessity. Having big upper body and skinny legs is no good. Work out on entire body.
Source: Jasdeep Singh Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com
Muscle Building Tips: Do's and Don’ts
1) Popping a pill to reach your health and fitness goal is not the answer!
Popping pills is not the answer |
2) Remove the tag " Short cut" from your workout schedule. There is no such thing as quick-fix. Dedication and hard work hold the key for MUSCLE BUILDING.
3) Dietary Supplements can be helpful in achieving your goals. Supplementation is designed to supplement your healthy eating and exercise habits.
4) Don’t go in for any supplement you come across. Before taking a supplement, consult your trained or a physician. Always buy supplements from a reputed DRUGSTORE. Do your research before taking in a supplement.
5) Supplements shouldn’t be misunderstood as steroids. Steroids should be a BIG NO. Gather more knowledge on supplements at http://www.weightloss-health.com/Supplements.htm
6) Muscle Building Diet: It occupies a prominent area in MUSCLE BUILDING pie-chart. You should be highly careful related to your muscle building diet.
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The right diet can be key |
7) Give rest to your body between two sets, say for two minutes.
8) Not work on more than two muscle groups at a time. Train those muscles in a group which work with each other. This technique has proven to be effective. For e.g: Chest and Triceps or biceps and backs.
9) The most effective time to do muscle building exercises is in the morning. You have consumed a lot of carbs by evening. So, carbs become the source of energy for you when you do your exercises in evening. But in morning, body depends on its alternative source i.e FAT for energy. Hence fats get burned up more in morning.
10) Last but not the least

Source: Jasdeep Singh Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com
Friday, 3 June 2016
Fat Loss Friday - How to Set Weight Loss Goals – Shaping the Outcome
How to Set Weight Loss Goals: Shaping the Outcome.
First, Figure Out Your Motivation to Set Weight Loss Goals. Set Weight Loss Goals that Fit into Small Jars and Take Short Moments to Reach. Success in Weight Loss Goals: Keeping the Written Record. Weight loss is going to take time, almost the same time it took to put it on. If you think in that way, then when you are about to set for yourself weight loss goals, with these tips in mind, you will be better able to prepare for the journey ahead.
You can shed pounds without following complicated plans, without eating frozen or liquid meals, without craving your favorite foods, or shelling out hard-earned money. If you want to keep off extra pounds for good, then traveling like lightning isn’t the best way to get there. (After all, it took time to put on the weight.)
Instead climb aboard a slow, steady train. You’ll feel the bumps. You may have some extra stops on the way. You will still reach your destination and enjoy the foods along the way.
You can shed pounds without following complicated plans, without eating frozen or liquid meals, without craving your favorite foods, or shelling out hard-earned money. If you want to keep off extra pounds for good, then traveling like lightning isn’t the best way to get there. (After all, it took time to put on the weight.)
Instead climb aboard a slow, steady train. You’ll feel the bumps. You may have some extra stops on the way. You will still reach your destination and enjoy the foods along the way.
First, Figure Out Your Motivation to Set Weight Loss Goals

What's your motivation?

Answer the why, and make it a big why. Why do you want to lose or keep off your weight? If your motivation is to wear that size 8 dress or to fit into those good jeans from last year, then you may setting yourself up not to make the long journey, because you won’t have a strong enough motive to keep the weight off in the future.
On the other hand, if you motivation is to be healthy and feel good about yourself, you will likely make your new eating and exercise habits part of your new lifestyle. It’s lifestyle you are ultimately affecting here. By making this a major reason of your ultimate goal, you will have a stronger motive to achieve it and maintain it.
Set Weight Loss Goals that Fit into Small Jars and Take Short Moments to Reach
Now, as you have begun your journey, it’s time to think about goals. Often people reach for goals that are impossible to achieve, and set themselves up for failure. For example, dropping 35 pounds in two months or swearing not to eat a certain food. Then, when they don’t meet those goals, they easily feel defeated and are apt to give up.
Instead, shoot for goals that are realistic and short term. Then, repeat. I learned this from a friend of mine.
I suggested to her: aim to lose 1 or 2 pounds per week. She retorted in a way that I thought she was joking with me, when she said she was going to lose a half a pound per week. A year later she was 32 pounds less, which represents 23% ahead of her set goal. Though it was over a year mind you, nevertheless, she did an unthinkable task, by breaking it into baby steps. And she kept herself motivated by reaching those doable steps each week and by sometimes exceeding them.
Short term weekly goals. Realistic half pound goals. Amazing. She expected success all along, because she wasn’t over extending herself. A couple less sodas this week. An extra walk or two outside next week.
Success in Weight Loss Goals -- Keeping the Written Record

Keep records of your progress

Another key to her success, I believe, is this: She weighed herself on a consistent day, Saturday morning. This was was to keep herself from worrying about the midweek fluctuations and to never record herself right after a meal.
I think this contributed to her ultimate success. Her goals were measured using a consistent standard. This weekly result she would record in her notebook, along with the few things she did that week to accomplish her result.
To Summarize the Steps on How To Set Weight Loss Goals for Success
First, start with a high-ground motivation. Next, make yourself a simple attainable goal and place it within a doable time-frame. Finally, be consistent in your application of it by recording your results it in a notebook every week.
As the last word, to echo the first thoughts. Weight loss is going to take time, almost the same time it took to put it on. If you think in that way, then when you are about to set for yourself weight loss goals, with these tips in mind

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com
Wednesday, 1 June 2016
Wednesday Video - What If You Stopped Eating?
Ramadan is about to start. This is the time when millions of Muslims throughout the world will be fasting from sunrise to sunset as part of following their faith.
Apart from Muslims other religions and cultures have practised fasting throughout history. Many people also fast for dietary or health reasons. In this short video we take a look at what happens to your body without food.
Apart from Muslims other religions and cultures have practised fasting throughout history. Many people also fast for dietary or health reasons. In this short video we take a look at what happens to your body without food.
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