Monday, 29 February 2016

Monday Muscle - Muscle Building, Success Or Failure Is A Matter Of Seconds

To achieve success when you're working out in the gym is a matter of seconds. That's true! In the same way a fraction of a second during a 100 metre dash will make or break a sprinter's race, that fraction determines muscle building success or failure and determines also your body's muscle growth.
Success or failure is a matter of seconds

In fact, your entire margin of success in the gym can ultimately be reduced to just a short time span of 60 seconds. That's correct, how you choose to handle a short 60 second time period during your workouts will translate to either poor, mediocre or significant muscle building results. Although each entire workout will last for about an hour, only 60 seconds of that actual time will determine what kind of gains you achieve.

Let me try to explain. Every set of execises that you perform in the gym will give you benefits on the last 1-2 reps. Why? Because muscles respond to stress, so, the first reps you perform are nothing but a mechanism to trigger the stress your muscles need to grow.

Reps 1-4 are only performed in order to get to reps 5 and 6. But there's more than meets the eye in that. The last reps you perform in a set actually are the ones that will determine if the results of your workout are or not the results you desire.

What's important then, is to overload the muscles on reps 5 and 6. And the most important thing to achieve better results is try to keep that stress level as long as you can at the end of each set.

There is simply no better way to trigger your body's adaptive responses than to train until your muscles cannot move the weight another inch. The closer and closer that you can come to muscular failure, the more dramatically your body will respond.

The closer and closer that you can come to muscular failure, the more dramatically your body will respond. This time frame is literally measured in single seconds. If you drop the weights 5-6 seconds earlier than the next guy (the margin is probably even smaller than this), you'll be significantly sacrificing your muscle growth.

So, your success will be measured by this really short period of time, and the amount of effort you are willing to exert during this time.

The closer and closer that you can come to muscular failure, the more dramatically your body will respond. Two seconds, five seconds, maybe another one rep, or two, would actually mean a great difference.
Choose the right weight to meet your reps

If you can force yourself to train to all out muscular failure, you'll achieve the best results possible. If you drop the weight 3 seconds before muscular failure, your growth will be compromised. If you drop the weight 8 seconds before muscular failure, your growth will be compromised even further.

You must train hard and with full effort at all times. When the weight feels heavy and your muscles ache and burn with discomfort, you must push through and continue until true muscular failure is reached.

Every time you give up and take a rest, even if it's just for a couple of seconds, you compromise your gains. Keeping this in mind at all times in the gym and will give you the better results than ever before.

Article Source:Ricardo Daryans

Friday, 26 February 2016

Fat Loss Friday - Ways to Get Your Kids to Eat Better

A nutritionist who's also the mother of 7-year-old triplets gives tried-and-true tips for getting your child to eat vegetables, drink milk, try new foods, and more.

By Julie Burns, R.D. from Parents Magazine

Every single day, I deal with picky eaters both big and small. I'm the mother of 7-year-old triplets, all of whom have very different eating habits; I'm also a dietitian who teaches the professional athletes on the Chicago Bears and Chicago Bulls teams how to improve their diets. Although it's tough to convince a towering basketball player or a 300-pound linebacker that junk food is bad for him, trying to get my kids to eat well can be even more of a challenge. My daughter Kathleen has severe and life-threatening allergies to eggs, peanuts, and tree nuts, and Julia will not eat fresh fruit; luckily, my son, Marty, will try just about anything. Mothers constantly tell me that they feel guilty about their children's diets; they know how important it is to feed their kids healthy foods, but they're just not sure how to do it. Despite my own background in nutrition, I had to go through some trial and error with my triplets. Here are the most important lessons I've learned, which should help you guide your kids to eat better.

1. Make a schedule

Children need to eat every three to four hours: three meals, two snacks, and lots of fluids. If you plan for these, your child's diet will be much more balanced and he'll be less cranky, because he won't be famished. I put a cooler in the car when I'm out with my kids and keep it stocked with carrots, pretzels, yogurt, and water so we don't have to rely on fas

2. Plan dinners. 

If thinking about a weekly menu is too daunting, start with two or three days at a time. A good dinner doesn't have to be fancy, but it should be balanced: whole-grain bread, rice, or pasta; a fruit or a vegetable; and a protein source like lean meat, cheese, or beans. I often make simple entree soups or Mexican chili ahead of time and then freeze it; at dinnertime, I heat it up and add whole-grain bread and a bowl of cut-up apples or melon to round out the meal.

3. Don't become a short-order cook. 
Don't be a short order cook

A few years ago, I got into a bad habit. I'd make two suppers -- one that I knew the kids would like and one for my husband and me. It was exhausting. Now I prepare one meal for everybody and serve it family-style so the kids can pick and choose what they want. Children often mimic their parents' behavior, so one of these days, they'll eat most of the food I serve them.

4. Bite your tongue.

As hard as this may be, try not to comment on what or how much your kids are eating. Be as neutral as possible. Remember, you've done your job as a parent by serving balanced meals; your kids are responsible for eating them. If you play food enforcer -- saying things like "Eat your vegetables" -- your child will only res

5. Introduce new foods slowly. 

Children are new-food-phobic by nature. I tell my kids that their taste buds sometimes have to get used to a flavor before they'll like the taste. A little hero worship can work wonders too. Marty refused to even try peas until I told him that Michael Jordan eats his to stay big and strong. Now Marty eats peas all the time.

6. Dip it. 
Kids love dipped food

If your kids won't eat vegetables, experiment with dips. Kathleen tried her first vegetable when I served her a thinly cut carrot with some ranch salad dressing. My children also like hummus, salsa, and yogurt-based dressing.

7. Make mornings count. 

Most families don't eat enough fiber on a daily basis, and breakfast is an easy place to sneak it in. Look for high-fiber cereals for a quick fix. Or, do what I do and make up batches of whole-grain pancake and waffle batter that last all week. For a batch that serves five, sift together 2 cups whole-wheat pastry flour, 4 tsp. baking powder, 1/2 tsp. salt, and 2 Tbs. sugar. When you're ready to cook, mix in 2 Tbs. ground flax meal, 2 cups water, 3 Tbs. canola oil, 1/4 tsp. vanilla, and 2 Tbs. applesauce.

8. Sneak in soy. 

Even if your kids don't have milk allergies, soy milk is a terrific source of healthy phytochemicals. My kids don't like soy milk but don't notice when it's hidden in a recipe. I use the low-fat, calcium-fortified kind in some recipes that call for milk, such as oatmeal, mashed potatoes, and sauces.

9. Sprinkle some sugar. 

Julia eats her cooked carrots with a bit of brown sugar, and I mix a little root beer into her prune juice to make prune-juice soda. Kathleen and Marty like a sprinkle of sugar on their fruit. I know that they'll eventually outgrow this need for extra sweetness, but in the meantime, they're eating fruits and vegetables.

10. Get kids cooking. 
Kids love to help out

If your children become involved in choosing or preparing meals, they'll be more interested in eating what they've created. Take them to the store, and let them choose produce for you. If they're old enough, allow them to cut up vegetables and mix them into a salad. Although Julia refuses to eat fresh fruit, she and I make banana or apple muffins together -- and she always eats them once they're done.

11. Cut back on junk. 

Remember, you -- not your kids -- are in charge of the foods that enter the house. By having fewer junk foods around, you'll force your children to eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and dairy products.

12. Allow treats
An occasional treat is fine

Having less healthy foods occasionally keeps them from becoming forbidden -- and thus even more appealing. We call candy, soda, and cookies "sometimes" foods. I generally buy only healthy cereals such as Cheerios and Raisin Bran, but I let my kids have sugary cereals when they visit their grandparents or when we're on vacation. And I treat them to McDonald's for lunch every so often.

13. Have fun. 

The more creative the meal is, the greater the variety of foods my kids eat. We make smiley-face pancakes and give foods silly names. (Broccoli florets are "baby trees" or "dinosaur food.") Anything mini is always a hit too. I often use cookie cutters to turn toast into hearts and stars, which the children love.

14. Be a role model

If you're constantly on a diet or have erratic eating habits, your children will grow up thinking that this sort of behavior is normal. Be honest with yourself about the kinds of food messages you're sending. Trust your body to tell you when you're hungry and when you're full, and your kids will learn to do the same.

15. Adjust your attitude. 

Realize that what your kids eat over time is what matters. Having popcorn at the movies or eating an ice-cream sundae are some of life's real pleasures. As long as you balance these times with smart food choices and physical activity, your children will be fine.

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Wednesday Video - Fasted Cardio and Fat Loss - Muscle Myth #5

You've heard it before and will probably continue to hear it - Do your cardio on an empty stomach, 1st thing in the morning. This way your body is forced to turn to your fat stores to supply the energy needed and so you will burn more fat.

Sound's logical and it seems to make sense. However, is it really that simple? Maybe. This video supplies the answer

Monday, 22 February 2016

Monday Muscle - Do You Believe These Muscle Building Myths?

As a professional strength coach I sometimes get asked some pretty strange questions on training. It’s become pretty clear to me that the general public is misinformed on a lot of issues that relate to muscle building and training for muscle growth.

Whether this poor information gets passed on through bodybuilding magazines, friends, or supplement companies is anyone’s guess. All I know is that these myths about training for muscle gain are harmful to your progress.

I am going to dispel some of the more common myths here. If you currently believe in any of these myths then it’s time to change!

Myth #1: More is better
Use the right amount of exercise

Whether it’s more protein, more creatine, or more workouts, it seems that people have a tendency to take a good thing and overuse it. This is a symptom of our culture of excess, which is especially present in the bodybuilding community where everyone wants to build as much muscle as possible.

Unfortunately life doesn’t work like this. Just because eating 200 grams of protein a day gives you good results doesn’t mean that 500 grams will give you great results. In the case of protein, there is a definite limit to what your body can utilize to build more muscle. If you aren’t on steroids there is no way that you need 500 grams per day.

I hear the same type of thing with creatine. Five grams of creatine everyday will give you good results, but increasing the dose to 15 or more grams per day won’t give you any additional benefit since there is a limit to how much creatine can be stored in your body.

The same goes for your workout schedule. If you’re working out 3 days per week and getting good results, this doesn’t mean that 6 days per week will bring you twice the results. Keep in mind that muscle growth occurs while you are resting. For most people training 6 days per week will not allow for enough recovery time between sessions. This leads to a plateau in strength and muscle gains. 

Myth #2: Supplements are the answer
Solid nutrition leads to solid results

No one ever comes right out and says they believe supplements are the answer, but based on the number of questions I get about which supplement to use I know this is the case for many people.

The fact of the matter is that your training and nutrition programs are going to bring you 95% of your results. That’s a hard pill to swallow for a lot of people (pun intended). Properly executing a solid training and nutrition program will never be as easy or cool as taking the latest miracle supplement, but the results are always better.

If building muscle were really as easy finding the right supplements don’t you think everyone would be huge and muscular already?

Listen, if 95% of your results come from your training and nutrition program, don’t you think you should invest some money in a good one? Here’s an idea, give up your supplements for a month and spend that money on a professional training and nutrition program. This investment will give you a much better return on your money than any supplement, but it will never be as cool or sexy. 

Myth #3: Your genetics are to blame

I get this all the time from the skinny guys. They tell me that it’s impossible for them to gain weight no matter what they do. They tell me how they eat thousands of calories and train hard, yet they don’t gain an ounce. They may as well resign themselves to being skinny because they don’t have the genetics to build muscle.

This is not true! Sure, some people are more genetically gifted in the muscle building area than others, but we all still have the same basic physiology.

When I look at these guys’ training and nutrition programs I can usually spot at least 10 huge mistakes that are holding back their gains. They think it’s genetics, but really it’s the actions they are taking.

These guys need to stop using genetics as an excuse. What they need is an objective observer to put together a training and nutrition program that is suited specifically to their needs.

As one of my trainees once told me, "The better I eat and harder I train, the better my genetics get."

Article source: Anthony Schwartz

Friday, 19 February 2016

Fat Loss Friday - How To Lose Weight - The Permanent Way

Ageing is something we can't avoid. And it is a fact that as you age, your appearance may go through some significant changes. As you reach your 40′s and beyond, you will begin to experience problems such as crow's feet, frown lines, and others associated with aging. Your metabolism will begin to change (read that as slow down) and your will find it easier to gain weight and get out of shape.
Ageing can make your weight creep up 
You might find it more difficult to lose weight and maintain a satisfactory level of fitness. Most people will try to lose weight by dieting. It can work, but it is a slow process. It may be difficult, but it is not impossible.

The cliché "You are what you eat" really applies as we get older and less physically active. Not only will your diet apply to your overall well being, it also affects the health of your skin and mental well-being. Foods rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals have valuable anti-aging effects that counteract or slow down the problems that come with age. And there are lots of supplements that are supposed to make your skin glow and your mind sharp. None that I've seen have any scientific basis and few if any have been evaluated by the FDA. The only hope we have is to learn how to select, prepare and eat foods that are natural and provide the nutrients that help our bodies be the best they can be.

The good news is that there are literally thousands of diets out there that work for some people. The downside is that none of them work for everyone and it is up to each of us to find one that works and that we can live with.

I like a variety of food and some diets restrict certain foods that I like to eat. They won't work for me over the long term. Anyway, my opinion is that it is not what you eat as much as how much you eat that causes you to be fat. You don't have to change what you eat. Just be aware of how much you eat. Eat less, you'll lose weight.

Here are some free weight loss tips:

1. If you want to diet to lose weight, go for it. Do some research and find a diet that fits your lifestyle. Calculate how many calories you're eating before you start making changes and then keep track of how much you eat. Remember, to lose a pound of fat, your body has to burn 3500 calories more than you eat. That could be easy to get just by making small changes in what your eat or drink on a daily basis. Use up or eliminate 3500 calories a week and you'll lose a pound. Sounds simple, doesn't it!

2. Don't drink your calories. Calories from juices, soft drinks and energy drinks add up very quickly and are often not considered as part of what we eat.
Don't drink your calories
Soft drinks are nothing more than liquid candy. Every can of soft drink, diet drinks or energy drinks fill you up with empty calories that have no nutritional value. Read the labels. Soft drinks average about 160 calories. Drink water, lots of water. Use a lemon or orange slice to give it more flavor. Unsweetened tea has almost zero calories. There are lots of things that can take the place of soft drinks.

3. Get committed to lose the weight you want. Think about what you will gain if you lose weight and avoid talking about what you will lose. It's just a matter of perspective, but one is positive and the other is negative. Positive things are always worth working for and if you can visualize the body you want, you can probably get it.

Losing weight is never an easy task. It is important to learn how to effectively lose weight and approach your diet to get the best results.

Article Source:

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Wednesday Video - 5 Steps To Achieving Your New Year Fitness Resolution

You've made a resolution to get fit and lose weight. Unfortunately studies show that 25% of people give up after just one week and a whopping 50% give up by the six month mark.

Don't fall into those categories! This short video shows how to stick to your resolutions and keep moving towards achieving your goals

Monday, 15 February 2016

Monday Muscle - 3 Muscle Growth Tips For Older Lifters

Muscle growth for when you're over 40

When guys that are 40 or older come to me for workout advice they are often skeptical whether the advice is solid. After all, I primarily train athletes, and what does some 25 year old pro athlete have to do with a 45 year old business man?
Continue growing muscle even when you get older

Well, to tell you the truth, there really isn't that much of a difference between the training for these two people, especially if the focus is on gaining muscle and strength. There are typically only 3 things that need to be factored in when you pass 40:

1. Hormones

Somewhere between the ages of 35 and 40 testosterone levels begin to fall. This drop in levels has been termed "andropause." This has huge consequences for building muscle, as anabolic hormones are the signal for our body to repair and rebuild. With less of these hormones you cannot repair your muscles as quickly as a 20 year old. This fact should be kept in mind when designing the training program. Options for increasing hormone levels should also be considered.

2. Injuries

Over time everyone begins to accumulate injuries. Even if it's nothing big those little aches and pains can prevent you from training as hard or as often as you would like. Because of this a good physical therapist and/or chiropractor are a definite must. If you are serious about gaining muscle then you need to be serious about training hard. And you need to be serious about taking the steps necessary to able to train hard on a consistent basis.

3. Mindset
Experience leads to wisdom

Call it wisdom gained through experience, or cautiousness due to age, either way it is often difficult to get people who are set in their ways to try something new. I have talked to more than one guy in his 40s who was still doing the workout he got from his high school football coach! Look, if you are serious about changing your body then you need to be ready to change the way you train and eat. Embrace new training programs and diets. What you've been doing isn't working, so try something new. Remember, the definition of stupidity is doing the same thing and expecting different results!

Keep in mind that I am pointing out the differences here. The basics of a good scientific training and nutrition program still hold true no matter your age. Anyone at any age can make fantastic improvements in their physique. Remember this the next time someone tells you (or you think to yourself) that you're too old to be training hard!

Article Source:
Anthony Schwartz

Friday, 12 February 2016

Fat Loss Friday - How To Turn Your One Week Weight Loss Goals Into Reality

It's no secret that people who wish to lose weight want quick results. This is because no one wants to spend months to see visible results. The good news is, there are certain ways to actually shed pounds in as little as a week.

We have collected some of the most popular yet effective one week weight loss tips. If you want to learn how you can shrink your waist-line and have a great figure, then keep reading.

Focus on fat-burning food
The right foods can make all the difference

We need food to survive yet food is also the reason your weight is where it is today. We do not realize it but processed foods are responsible for declining health and increasing waist size. If you are serious about getting in shape then you need to change your eating habits.

Start by getting rid of processed, junk food from your home. Replace these items with food that is not only rich in nutrients but will also boost your metabolism so that your body is able to burn fat faster.

Fruits, vegetables, seafood, eggs and cayenne pepper all help to increase metabolic functioning. Replace regular cooking oils with healthy fats such as raw butter, olive oil, coconut oil and sesame oil. These types of fat are good for your overall health and they help to regulate your metabolism. So try to load your shopping cart with more of these and you will be able to get rid of excess fat from your body.

Practice portion-control

Apart from eating healthy, you also need to eat right. This means that you watch out how much you eat. Even healthy food has calories and loading up on too much will defeat the purpose of eating healthy.

To prevent overeating on even healthy foods, practice portion control. Try not to fill your plate too much, instead take small amounts at a time. If you still feel the need to, then you can take a bit more but be careful not to go overboard.

The same applies to snacks. People cannot help themselves and usually finish the packet or box in one sitting. So instead of eat right from the box, take it out into a plate and you will be less likely to eat mindlessly.

Drink the right fluids
Water is vital - stay hydrated

Water is very important for not only your health but also for your one week weight loss goals. Keep a bottle of water with you so that you can drink all day long. This way, your body will stay hydrated as you go about your daily routine.

Also, skip on box juices and make your own juices and smoothies at home without dairy or sugar. Use only fruits and vegetables and you will be able to shed pounds more quickly. Apart from that, these smoothies also contain lots of vitamins and antioxidants that will help to detoxify your body and delay the aging process. Thus, your overall health will improve as a result.

Take herbal weight loss supplements

Herbal weight loss supplements like Hoodia Gordonii and Acai berry are great for those who want to burn fat and curb their appetite. These products help your body internally by regulating your metabolism and providing you with fiber so that you feel fuller for longer periods.

They are safe weight loss methods and are free from side effects. Thus, you can easily add these to your routine along with a healthy diet.

If you follow the tips above and remain active, you will be able to see significant weight loss in a week. Many people have found great results simply by switching to healthier lifestyle so keep that in mind.

Article Source:

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Wednesday Video - How To Tighten Skin After Weight Loss

After making a big effort to lose those extra pounds, looking unattractive due to loose skin can be very frustrating. Now that you've lost weight, the hanging pouch around your stomach, together with the extra skin on your back, butt and hips, are all preventing you from achieving the body you dream of.

But don't get discouraged yet; with this video you'll learn the reasons why your skin is loose, plus some great tactics and strategies to make it tighten again around your body as quickly as possible

Monday, 8 February 2016

Monday Muscle - Boost your T levels

Interesting FACTS : 4 Tips For Naturally Increasing Testosterone Levels Today

There're a lot of different ways that you can increase levels of testosterone today. Some people look for shortcuts that are dangerous, and that's not a good thing. When you seek out natural solutions, you will find the root of the issue and build a great momentum moving forward. If your goal is to increase health and wellness, then you will no doubt want to try these following tips. These are natural options that will help you move forward. Some things may seem harder than others, but if you seek out long-term solutions, you will find the benefits will manifest for longer than by going the synthetic route.

Increase Your Exercise Levels
Dumbbells or barbells - the choice is yours

The first thing that you can do is simple, exercise a great deal. Increase your exercise levels in an extreme manner. This means that you should look for higher intensity options. Intense workouts increase the body's circulation, heart rate, and builds muscle properly. Not only that, you will find that glandular secretions rise, including testosterone. Push yourself, as an athlete would push themselves for professional leagues, and you'll see major gains.

Weight Lifting and Training

Here is something that you should be looking into as a whole. Don't just go with cardiovascular exercise. Focus on weight lifting as well. Strength training is going to help you not only build muscle, burn fat, and get healthy, it's going to push levels that you need to increase natural production of testosterone. This takes time, of course, but just keep pushing weights, and you'll find that you'll feel the increase sooner than later.

Away Sugar In The Diet

Sugar doesn't help the body and diminishes your results. Throw away sugar content in your diet. That means that you'll want to focus on eliminating certain foods that only break down into sugars. If you can't eliminate this completely, start to scale back drastically until you can replace them. Sugar is going to stifle your progress.

Boost Your Protein Supplements
Protein supplements can help you along

One of the most important things that you should do in regards to trying to increase your levels is to increase your protein. You should focus on amino acid increases. This includes quality protein supplementation, as part of your routine. There's a lot of discussion as to what's going to be best here, but you can start with whey protein to get you moving forward.

As you can see, there are a few things that you can do to increase testosterone. If you can boost this element in the body, you will find that building muscles will become a bit easier. Through strength training, interval exercise, and weight lifting, your body will utilize the elements that you're putting into it, and will rise through the right areas you're looking for. It's important that you not only work on these tips, but you should also eat a balanced diet with enough calories to burn through your workouts, and a boost of supplements to assist your body's natural resources. Done right, you'll see results manifest in due time.

There're a lot of different ways that you can increase levels of testosterone today. Some people look for shortcuts that are dangerous, and that's not a good thing. When you seek out natural solutions, you will find the root of the issue and build a great momentum moving forward. If your goal is to increase health and wellness, then you will no doubt want to try these following tips. These are natural options that will help you move forward. Some things may seem harder than others, but if you seek out long-term solutions, you will find the benefits will manifest for longer than by going the synthetic route.

Article source:

Friday, 5 February 2016

Fat Loss Friday - What Is the Difference Between Weight Loss and Fat Loss?

What is the different between weight loss and fat loss? Which of these two types of body mass losing processes is healthier? Which of the two can be attained quicker, which of the two works more effectively? And ultimately, which between weight loss and fat loss is an overall better body mass losing process? A great comparative match-up these two make, but in the end, there may only be one which would ultimately be better than the other.

First off, fat loss and weight loss are two totally different processes. The common misconception people often make is thinking and claiming that the loss of fat and weight loss are one and the same. That could not be any more wrong. While losing weight can mean loss of fat, it does not necessarily mean that they are one and the same process of losing body mass. There are specifics ways each hold, and though they may have a few elements which are highly identical, they are separate processes overall.

Fat Loss
Scales alone don't tell the full story

What is fat loss? In its most basic definition, the loss of fat is the process of losing body fat using a variety of means. Those means may differ from exercise, to diet, to even liposuction procedures. However the means may differ, as long as their goals are focused toward losing fat.

Fat is not all bad, but is not all good either. Fat is needed by the body because it is what the body burns when it is put through stress and work. It is unhealthy for either a man or a woman to have 0% body fat; what would his or her body have to burn then? In the absence of fat, the body eats other parts of itself like muscle, which is more on weight loss already. The normal fat percentage men should have is between 12 to about 20 percent; women should have significantly more, around 15 to about 25 percent, since they would need extra fat for when they get pregnant.

This is easily mistaken to be the same as weight loss since a lot of people think all their weight is composed of fat. This is not true. Yes, a person's weight is composed of his or her fat, but overall weight is total accumulation of more than just fat (which will be touched upon later on when weight loss is discussed). Fat is not the only factor which makes a person heavy. Fat is, however, the most dispensable and expendable excess of the body which can be lost to make a person's weight lighter, without his or her body being unhealthy.

Weight Loss
Don't concentrate on weight alone

Weight loss, similar to fat loss, is also the process of the body losing fat, but not only fat. A person's body is composed not only of fat, but also of bones, muscles, tissues, organs, skin, and many more. Fat alone does not make a body heavy, but all the internal and external parts of the body, as long as it is attached to it, is what makes a body weigh the way it does. Weight loss then, is the process in which the body loses fat, or muscle mass, or bone mass, or organ weight, or skin weight, or a combination of all of these.

Weight loss is not entirely a bad process your body can potentially go through, but compared to losing fat, it is not an advisable process for your body to go through. Weight, as an overall category, is highly essential for your body's overall health. Losing muscle mass or bone mass is not something your body should go through. This is why your body needs fat, so it does not eat muscle or bone mass.

When a person loses more than just fat, the body highly decreases in weight. If you are an individual who has no more fat to burn or lose, you should be very, very careful not to go overboard and lose more than just fat. People like anorexics suffering from anorexia often do not have fat left in their bodies to lose or burn, so they become thinner, and more fragile, until they die due to severe weight loss.

In this match-up between these two goals, it may seem that fat loss is the preferred victor over weight loss. It may be the case, but do keep in mind that weight loss is not an option you shouldn't choose to take. Just be wary, however, to only have a goal of losing fat and not any other type of weight, and this match-up might end with a draw.

Article Source:

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Wednesday Video - Are You Skinny Fat?

Overcome Your Skinny Fat Body

What Is Skinny Fat

First off what do I mean by skinny fat? You're skinny or you're fat. How can you be both?
  • Skinny fat is when the body has a thin appearance and your weight is within the normal range but your percentage of body fat versus lean body mass shows that you are overweight
  • The skinny fat syndrome is most common amongst women, although men also run into this problem
  • Being skinny fat is most often caused by the wrong diet and lack of (or the wrong kind of) exercise
This video shows how to overcome this common and misunderstood problem:

Monday, 1 February 2016

Monday Muscle - 6 Benefits of Weight Training for Women

Fitness is an important part of my life. I make it in the gym at least 4 days a week in the afternoons when it is the busiest. I do not mind the crowd of people who have the same goals I have to get and stay in shape. Whether you are working out at home or at the gym like I do, it is a must. Sometimes it is a workout in itself just trying to find an open machine or bench before some meat head hops on it. One afternoon of pumping iron it seemed like every piece of equipment I wanted to use was a woman. Don't get me wrong I didn't mind one bit but it gave me the idea of writing this article.

For the longest time many women would not step foot in a weight room because many thought adding weights to their work out plans would give them an "unfeminine" look. Luckily, those days are long gone as many women of all ages have start to realize the many benefits of adding weight training to their work out routines. there are some women out there who still have negative feelings toward weight and strength training, read my top 6 reasons you should change your mind.

Top 6 Reasons Women Should Lift Weights

1.Burns More Fat/Calories
Weight training helps to shift those extra pounds

All women want to burn fat and get rid of those extra calories and weight training is perfect for both. According to,"the average woman who strength trains two to three times a week for eight weeks gains 1.75 pounds of lean weight or muscle and loses 3.5 pounds of fat." Sure cardio is great but at some point if that's all you do it becomes less effective as your body tends to become accustomed. And don't worry, since you have a lot less hormones that cause bulking up like us men, you do not have to lay off the weight training. If you want to burn more fat and calories add the weights.

2.Tones Muscles

A lean and sexy female physique is what women want and most achieve that physique by moving some serious iron in the weight room. While both weight training and cardio will help you burn fat, weight training will help defy and shape the muscles. Look at all the fitness models out there. I would bet the house that all work out with weights. You can tell when one only does cardio and one who does both. Guess who looks better? So for the look you want, grab those weights and tighten up.

3.Helps Fight Obesity

When you add muscle from weight training, you increase your metabolism even at rest. So even when you are not working out, your body is like a fat burning factory steady burning fat but at a higher rate than if you didn't lift weights. Let's say you gained three pounds of muscle and burn 40 extra calories per pound from your training program. That is 120 calories per day and 3600 per month. All those extra calories burn equals pounds melted away. Those pounds can average around 10 pounds in one year.

4.Prevent and Fights Osteoporosis
Weight training is great at any age

While muscle toning is an external benefit connected with weight training, improved bone density is an internal benefit. Studies have shown that weight training can increase spinal bone mineral density by 13 percent in six months. So strength training is a powerful tool against osteoporosis that all women should understand. After all, we only have one set of bones so with weight training women can most certainly strengthen them.

5.Makes You Physically Stronger

With all the day-to-day activities women take part in, they can make it a lot easier on themselves with gaining strength through lifting weights. Even something as simple as carrying box from the car to the house is a hassle but not with the extra strength you get from weight training. You never know when you may need that extra strength you gained by lifting weights. So lifting the children and those groceries won't be as difficult with all that new muscle you have. As much as I spend at the grocery store, it does wonders for me!

6.Weight Make You Mentally Stronger

With the increased muscle tone and the decrease in body fat from all the strength training, you women will love the way you look. It's a fact in both men and women that if you look good you feel good. Also, depression like symptoms exist higher in women than men and with weight training those characteristics will lessen greatly and in most cases disappear.

Bottom Line

Even though people say that men are from Mars and women are from Venus (or something like that), we can all train the same. In other words, weight training plan is just as important for women as men. It is time to stop listening to the media, misinformed people, and others who don't even know what a dumbbell is. Education is the key so get informed and get to lifting those weights.

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