Sunday, 28 June 2015
Have a double chin? Watch this
Friday, 26 June 2015
The easiest way to get started with exercise
What is the easiest way to get started with an exercise plan for weight loss? Without spending countless sweaty hours slogging away in a gym? Without bone jarring sports that seem more like a torture session rather than “fun”? If you have been reading this blog you will know the answer. By walking of course.
Walking is so natural that most people simply don’t give it much thought. Which is a shame as it is one of the easiest ways to get started on a safe and effective weight loss exercise programme. You may think that it’s not so much of a big deal as you have been walking for years and yet the pounds have still refused to budge. Well what if I told you that ways to charge up this most simple of activities and get it to work for you in?
Before getting started it might be a good idea to read the previous article about walking. Use the search box to look it up. Walking is so natural for many of us that we rarely think about it. Yet it is one of the safest exercises going because it is low impact with added health benefits. What do I mean by low impact? Well traditional sporting events have you running or jumping which put an enormous strain on your joints and muscle system.
Every time you run or jump the force on your knees is many times your body weight. Even light jogging impacts your body. For those who need convincing that jogging is possibly the worst exercise invented take heed of what happened to James “Jim” Fixx. For those who don’t know who Jim Fixx wasan American who authored the 1977 best selling book "The Complete Book of Running". He is credited with helping to start Americas's fitness revolution, popularising the sport of running and jogging and demonstrating the alleged health benefits of regular jogging. he died of a heart attack while out for his daily jog at the age of 52. so much for jogging!
So how do you get started with walking? And how can you make it work for you? Try to make it part of your everyday routine. Get into regularly going for a walk outdoors if possible. It is not only good for your health but waking outdoors is therapeutic as well, specially if you can find natural spaces such as parks, beaches or shady paths away from traffic. If you pop in an audio book on your MP3 player or smart-phone you can be entertained further on your daily walk. You could even grow intellectually while growing fitter physically
If you have a pet such as a dog not only will you get get exercise but your pet will as well. Studies also show that dog owners get up to 8 hours extra exercise per week compared to those non-dog owners. The same is not true however if you have a pet tortoise or goldfish!
Walking is so natural that most people simply don’t give it much thought. Which is a shame as it is one of the easiest ways to get started on a safe and effective weight loss exercise programme. You may think that it’s not so much of a big deal as you have been walking for years and yet the pounds have still refused to budge. Well what if I told you that ways to charge up this most simple of activities and get it to work for you in?
Before getting started it might be a good idea to read the previous article about walking. Use the search box to look it up. Walking is so natural for many of us that we rarely think about it. Yet it is one of the safest exercises going because it is low impact with added health benefits. What do I mean by low impact? Well traditional sporting events have you running or jumping which put an enormous strain on your joints and muscle system.
Every time you run or jump the force on your knees is many times your body weight. Even light jogging impacts your body. For those who need convincing that jogging is possibly the worst exercise invented take heed of what happened to James “Jim” Fixx. For those who don’t know who Jim Fixx wasan American who authored the 1977 best selling book "The Complete Book of Running". He is credited with helping to start Americas's fitness revolution, popularising the sport of running and jogging and demonstrating the alleged health benefits of regular jogging. he died of a heart attack while out for his daily jog at the age of 52. so much for jogging!
So how do you get started with walking? And how can you make it work for you? Try to make it part of your everyday routine. Get into regularly going for a walk outdoors if possible. It is not only good for your health but waking outdoors is therapeutic as well, specially if you can find natural spaces such as parks, beaches or shady paths away from traffic. If you pop in an audio book on your MP3 player or smart-phone you can be entertained further on your daily walk. You could even grow intellectually while growing fitter physically
If you have a pet such as a dog not only will you get get exercise but your pet will as well. Studies also show that dog owners get up to 8 hours extra exercise per week compared to those non-dog owners. The same is not true however if you have a pet tortoise or goldfish!
You could also incorporate climbing the stairs. It's a great way to train your heart, lungs and cardiovascular system. It also acts as strength training because it is a load bearing exercise so strengthens your muscular system! Studies also show that climbing 1 flight of stairs (the average flight is 12 steps) just three times per day burns up an extra 15 calories. All in the comfort of your own home!also as you grow fitter and stronger you can take the stairs two at a time or even sprint up them.
In no time at all you will be well on your way to losing the fat and getting fitter and healthier - all from an activity that you started years ago. So give walking a go.
In no time at all you will be well on your way to losing the fat and getting fitter and healthier - all from an activity that you started years ago. So give walking a go.
Wednesday, 24 June 2015
The time of yawning
Are you tired? In need of some quality sleep? Well spare a thought for those who are fasting during the month of Ramadan and how their sleep is faring. Come with me and see how I am definitely NOT sleeping like a baby!
I naturally like my sleep but during this month it is being severely disrupted. Falling asleep has come naturally to me (most times) and I am lucky that it wasn’t a problem like it is for some. My father was the same and could literally fall asleep any time, anywhere. He could even catch a nap standing up! Now while I haven’t been able to match that I did have my routine down so that a few minutes after my head hit the pillow I was blissfully in the land of nod. This used to annoy my wife no end!! She would be awake and I would be sound asleep.
During Ramadan, however, it’s a different story. I am almost always constantly tired and yawning. Having to get up in the middle of the night, for all intents and purposes (at 2:00am), in order to eat and pray has severely disrupted my fine routine which was practiced and down pat. Now by the time the prayers are finished I find that my mind is racing and I am wide awake!
Added to this is that due to the late meals the night before it is not easy getting food down at this time in the morning. By the time a fast ends here it is around the 9:40pm mark so it is only a few hours later that breakfast is consumed. Difficult.
Plus sleeping on a full(ish) stomach is uncomfortable which add to the lack of quality sleep. All of this leads to the fact that by mid-morning I am struggling to stay awake. The yawning starts and carries on.
The best I can hope for is to catch up on a short nap during the day. Even with this break, however, by the time the evening meal is consumed I am ready to go straight to bed before my alarm breaks my sweet slumber. This is disturbing me more than the lack of food and water.
The thought of leaving my cosy bed is getting difficult. Just yesterday when my alarm went off I fell into the deadly trap of thinking “just 5 minutes more”. From previous experience I know that it never works out like that. The 5 minutes easily turns into 5 hours. Steeling myself I got out of bed to face another day.
I can only hope it gets easier. Knowing my luck though, will mean that just as I get used to this routine it will all be over. Then my sleep will be disrupted further as I will be getting up in the middle of the night!
I naturally like my sleep but during this month it is being severely disrupted. Falling asleep has come naturally to me (most times) and I am lucky that it wasn’t a problem like it is for some. My father was the same and could literally fall asleep any time, anywhere. He could even catch a nap standing up! Now while I haven’t been able to match that I did have my routine down so that a few minutes after my head hit the pillow I was blissfully in the land of nod. This used to annoy my wife no end!! She would be awake and I would be sound asleep.
During Ramadan, however, it’s a different story. I am almost always constantly tired and yawning. Having to get up in the middle of the night, for all intents and purposes (at 2:00am), in order to eat and pray has severely disrupted my fine routine which was practiced and down pat. Now by the time the prayers are finished I find that my mind is racing and I am wide awake!
Added to this is that due to the late meals the night before it is not easy getting food down at this time in the morning. By the time a fast ends here it is around the 9:40pm mark so it is only a few hours later that breakfast is consumed. Difficult.
Plus sleeping on a full(ish) stomach is uncomfortable which add to the lack of quality sleep. All of this leads to the fact that by mid-morning I am struggling to stay awake. The yawning starts and carries on.
The best I can hope for is to catch up on a short nap during the day. Even with this break, however, by the time the evening meal is consumed I am ready to go straight to bed before my alarm breaks my sweet slumber. This is disturbing me more than the lack of food and water.
The thought of leaving my cosy bed is getting difficult. Just yesterday when my alarm went off I fell into the deadly trap of thinking “just 5 minutes more”. From previous experience I know that it never works out like that. The 5 minutes easily turns into 5 hours. Steeling myself I got out of bed to face another day.
I can only hope it gets easier. Knowing my luck though, will mean that just as I get used to this routine it will all be over. Then my sleep will be disrupted further as I will be getting up in the middle of the night!
Sunday, 21 June 2015
The fasting continues
As expected the second and third days of fasting are not having any noticeable effect. There is no lack of energy so far, probably due to the foods being taken at iftari (the time at sunset when food can be consumed). These are traditional fare such as samosas, pakoras (baked where possible to avoid extra fat from frying) and dates. Generally I only eat these sparingly during the year, usually on special occasions, so they are a welcome treat.
Some fruit salad is also consumed and some form of cold sweet beverage. So far this has been homemade lemonade. The reason is to top up glycogen stores without a spike in sugar levels. Fruit is naturally sweet and also provides natural vitamins and fibre.
This is kept deliberately light due to the late time it is consumed - at present, here, that time is 21.41hrs!
The main evening meal follows but due to the prolonged fast not much can be consumed. As the month progresses the food taken in will be smaller in quantity due to a feeling that the stomach is shrinking!
Water is also consumed in a slightly larger amount. This along with the extra fibre helps to keep the bowel healthy. Some years ago, when I was living abroad in a hotter climate and had started fasting, I found that this last fact was crucial. Due to lack of both I became painfully constipated!! Needless to say I don’t want a repeat of that.
I have also noticed that my fingers and toes are colder. Due to the lack of energy i suppose. This always happens when i reduce my intake. I am driving with all the cooling systems turned off and the windows up. This also saves a slight amount on fuel so it can’t be all bad i suppose. Another thing is that my leg muscles are feeling tired and drained, similar to when one is ill. Since they are the largest muscle group in the body they require the most energy which is in short supply anyway.
Overall I am feeling fairly healthy apart from a dry throat which is irritating. The only downside is having to get up at 02:00hrs in the night for a light breakfast to tide me over till 21.41hrs again. I love my sleep so this disruption to my slumber is the only downside.
This is kept deliberately light due to the late time it is consumed - at present, here, that time is 21.41hrs!
The main evening meal follows but due to the prolonged fast not much can be consumed. As the month progresses the food taken in will be smaller in quantity due to a feeling that the stomach is shrinking!
Water is also consumed in a slightly larger amount. This along with the extra fibre helps to keep the bowel healthy. Some years ago, when I was living abroad in a hotter climate and had started fasting, I found that this last fact was crucial. Due to lack of both I became painfully constipated!! Needless to say I don’t want a repeat of that.
I have also noticed that my fingers and toes are colder. Due to the lack of energy i suppose. This always happens when i reduce my intake. I am driving with all the cooling systems turned off and the windows up. This also saves a slight amount on fuel so it can’t be all bad i suppose. Another thing is that my leg muscles are feeling tired and drained, similar to when one is ill. Since they are the largest muscle group in the body they require the most energy which is in short supply anyway.
Overall I am feeling fairly healthy apart from a dry throat which is irritating. The only downside is having to get up at 02:00hrs in the night for a light breakfast to tide me over till 21.41hrs again. I love my sleep so this disruption to my slumber is the only downside.
cold drinks,
lack or energy,
Saturday, 20 June 2015
The fasting starts
So the first day of the month long fast started on Thursday 18th. As usual Pakistan started the next day due to the new moon not being sighted in any part of the country. I still don't know why the moon has to be physically sighted.In this day and age we know PRECISELY the position of the moon at any given time, on any given day. Even if the date is a thousand years from now we know where the moon will be in the sky and yet some still insist that the moon has to be physically sighted....
Anyway conventional wisdom has it the first few days of fasting are the hardest as the body is getting used to less food coming in. Those who know me know that in many ways I am an Iconoclast so will now be surprised to learn that I do not hold with conventional wisdom. For me the first few days are relatively easy. Although I do like my food it feels as if a switch activates inside me and I find the beginning of fasting to be no problem at all. Only as it progresses does it feel harder.
This may be due to the fact that glycogen stores are depleted in the first few days. No problem. Then the fat stores are targeted to supply the energy needs for the body - good news!!!
However this is when it gets tricky. As the fast progresses over the days and weeks the body gets the signal that, as always throughout history until relatively modern times, a famine is starting. The low food and water intake then acts as a signal to the body to start self preservation measures. So guess what? It starts preserving those tissues which will ensure survival and these tissues just happen to be fat stores. BOOOOO.
At the same time it starts to cannibalise those tissues which are not so important for survival and require extra energy to maintain. These are the muscle tissue. Just a pound of muscle requires an extra 50 calories per day just to maintain itself. this is the reason it is absolutely essential that any weight loss programme needs weight training to build up some muscle so that you continue to burn extra calories even at rest.
Anyway as the fast progresses is when I really start to feel it. the hunger becomes more acute. My body starts to ache, particularly in the joints.
It's only the first few days so I am still in the glycogen reduction phase. I am even enjoying the feeling of fasting. It's a familiar path. Let's see if it goes the same way as previous years.
I'll keep you posted
Anyway conventional wisdom has it the first few days of fasting are the hardest as the body is getting used to less food coming in. Those who know me know that in many ways I am an Iconoclast so will now be surprised to learn that I do not hold with conventional wisdom. For me the first few days are relatively easy. Although I do like my food it feels as if a switch activates inside me and I find the beginning of fasting to be no problem at all. Only as it progresses does it feel harder.
This may be due to the fact that glycogen stores are depleted in the first few days. No problem. Then the fat stores are targeted to supply the energy needs for the body - good news!!!
However this is when it gets tricky. As the fast progresses over the days and weeks the body gets the signal that, as always throughout history until relatively modern times, a famine is starting. The low food and water intake then acts as a signal to the body to start self preservation measures. So guess what? It starts preserving those tissues which will ensure survival and these tissues just happen to be fat stores. BOOOOO.
At the same time it starts to cannibalise those tissues which are not so important for survival and require extra energy to maintain. These are the muscle tissue. Just a pound of muscle requires an extra 50 calories per day just to maintain itself. this is the reason it is absolutely essential that any weight loss programme needs weight training to build up some muscle so that you continue to burn extra calories even at rest.
Anyway as the fast progresses is when I really start to feel it. the hunger becomes more acute. My body starts to ache, particularly in the joints.
It's only the first few days so I am still in the glycogen reduction phase. I am even enjoying the feeling of fasting. It's a familiar path. Let's see if it goes the same way as previous years.
I'll keep you posted
Thursday, 18 June 2015
How to tighten loose skin after a pregnancy
For many women tightening loose skin after pregnancy can seem like an uphill battle. If you are not sure how to go about it take a look at this video which explains the clear and simple steps you need to take to get back to your pre-pregnancy shape
Wednesday, 17 June 2015
Just had my last cup of coffee (black) for a month due to fasting starting tomorrow. I suppose I am lucky that unlike a lot of people I know I am not addicted to coffee or tea and so do not suffer with headaches, nausea or both when I stop. It's like a switch in my head which goes off when the fasting starts.
That's probably why I treated myself to an ice cream this morning. As I have always maintained - as long as the overall caloric balance is maintained it does not matter about the so called "bad" foods or treats in the long run. In fact such "cheating" helps you to maintain your dietary habits and allows you to stick to your goals.
What will be hard for me is the need to get up at 2:00 - 2:30am for the fast to start and prayer. I hate my sleep being disturbed and then to try to sleep when the stomach is semi-full.....
That's probably why I treated myself to an ice cream this morning. As I have always maintained - as long as the overall caloric balance is maintained it does not matter about the so called "bad" foods or treats in the long run. In fact such "cheating" helps you to maintain your dietary habits and allows you to stick to your goals.
What will be hard for me is the need to get up at 2:00 - 2:30am for the fast to start and prayer. I hate my sleep being disturbed and then to try to sleep when the stomach is semi-full.....
Sunday, 14 June 2015
Full Body Workout for Ladies
If you are not sure where to start with a weight training programme this is the video for you. A full body workout is the best place to start to get your muscles used to the weights, to get your body working as a unit and to learn the exercises and the effect they have on the body. and working with weights is the best way to SHAPE your body because you can use the weights to concentrate on the ares you want.
Relying only on dieting will not always work - if you are apple shaped you will just become a smaller apple!
So pick up those weights and get going towards your ideal body (oh this holds true for men as well)
Wednesday, 10 June 2015
How to Lose Weight Naturally
Do you know how to lose weight? This question has bothered many people and for very long times with nothing tangible coming up. It is very difficult understanding how to cut that extra pound from your body without enduring pain or strainDo you know how to lose weight? This question has bothered many people and for very long times with nothing tangible coming up. It is very difficult understanding how to cut that extra pound from your body without enduring pain or strain. Doing it naturally is the best option and you will always have home remedies for that. The good thing with doing it naturally is that no side effects are experienced and it is not too costly.Using anti-aging weight loss diet plans can as well be an applicable option for your consideration. The most important thing is for you to make choices that are well intended and effective enough to facilitate natural loss of extra weight.
• Cinnamon tea- this one is very good at managing blood sugar in the body and that has a direct effect on weight loss. If you research widely, you will know that blood sugar affects the pattern in which one gets hungry. When you have your blood sugar imbalanced, chances of getting hungry more often are high and you will thus tend to eat more and gain weight. With cinnamon tea, that will be well taken care of.
• Green tea and ginger- green tea has some key components that have been proven to help in weight loss. They are theanine, catechins and caffeine which will address all your concerns on how to lose weight. When you add ginger to your green tea, it will spur digestion in the stomach and accelerate weight loss.
• Ginseng- this is a perennial plant and will offer you a natural remedy for losing weight without stress. Ginseng helps to speed up metabolism in the body once consumed as well as increase energy, improve mental preparedness and fight off fatigue. When added to the anti-aging weight loss diet, ginseng will be very effective as well making it a two-in-one solution.
• Chewing gums- very many people chew gums most of the time but are not aware that it helps in losing weight. The simple logic is that chewing gums fool the stomach that it is eating something thus suppressing pangs of hunger. You will have lowered appetite for food and that is a good way to address questions around how to lose weight naturally.
• Stay hydrated- the more water you have in the body, the higher the rate of losing weight without too much straining. Water will be good anytime for your anti-aging weight loss diet because it will speed up the metabolism rate. Ensure you have taken in enough amounts of water every day for the sake of your weight loss plan.
With that, you do not have to endure the rigorous workouts that consume a lot of your time and energy in losing weight. These natural remedies will clear all concerns you have on how to lose weight right from the comfort of your house. It does not matter whether you are under an anti-aging weight loss diet, it will be a success if you embrace any of these remedies.
By: Vikram kumar
Article Directory:
Tuesday, 9 June 2015
5 Easy-To-Follow Tips to Burn That Stubborn Fat And Keep It Off For Life
Sick and tired of trying weight loss programs with no success? Well the problem may lie in the way you view weight loss. Many people trying to lose weight view weight loss as a short term goal. The reality is that weight loss is in fact a lifetime goal. Don't be put off with what I said. Instead of viewing weight loss as a means to an end, view it as a lifestyle. Don't give up hope just yet! This article will reveal to you the foundation to weight loss success for life.I'm sure that many of you have been on many weight loss programs with no success whatsoever. Below I'll reveal to you the foundation to successful weight loss for life.
1. Write up a weight loss plan
The first step you should undertake to develop a slimmer body is to write-up a weight loss plan. Writing up a weight loss plan will help you stay focused on your weight loss goals thereby eliminating distractions that may appear from time to time. It will also make your weight loss journey a lot smoother and stress free allowing you to enjoy your journey.
Things you should include in your plan include how much weight you would like to lose making sure you're realistic about it (i.e. 2 - 4 pounds of fat loss per week), writing shopping lists listing healthy foods, writing down specific exercises for you workout routine and planning your reward you would love to work towards, this reward maybe a be a pair of tight, well-fitting pants, shirts and maybe a holiday.
Things you should include in your plan include how much weight you would like to lose making sure you're realistic about it (i.e. 2 - 4 pounds of fat loss per week), writing shopping lists listing healthy foods, writing down specific exercises for you workout routine and planning your reward you would love to work towards, this reward maybe a be a pair of tight, well-fitting pants, shirts and maybe a holiday.
2. Eat frequently
Contrary to popular belief towards weight loss you should eat more instead of eating less by eating smaller meals frequently throughout the day (i.e. 4-6 small meals), you'll increase your metabolism thereby increasing your fat burning potential. However for many people preparing 4-6 small meals maybe too demanding on time therefore as an alternative I would suggest a 3 main meal, 3 snack approach.
3. Incorporate resistance training
As part of your weight loss plan you should incorporate resistance training such as body weight exercises and weightlifting into your weight loss routine. Resistance training builds muscle mass allowing you the ability to burn fat faster as a result of the increased caloric demand from your muscle tissue. Simply said the more muscle mass you build the quicker and easier your fat loss.
4. Try HIIT cardio
HIIT stand for Hight Intensity Interval Training and is considered to be far superior to regular cardio the reason being that HIIT cardio increases your EPOC (Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption) after you workout allowing you to burn fat for a whole 24 hours after your exercise session. HIIT is structured in alternating sets of walking and sprinting, for example 60 seconds of walking followed by 30 seconds of sprinting for one set.
5. Consume complex carbohydrates
While many of you believe that carbohydrates are the main culprits to weight loss, one should learn that not all carbohydrates are created equally, In fact as part of your balanced diet around 45-50% of calories should be from complex carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body since they're converted directly into glucose which is your body's preferred choice of fuel.
Carbohydrates you should avoid are simple carbohydrates such as white bread and white flour products. These carbohydrates spike your insulin levels leading to fat gain. So try your best to consume the bulk of your carbohydrates as complex carbohydrates.
6. Go to bed early
By going to bed early you'll allow your body plenty of recovery time after your exercise session. Hormones such as IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1), Melatonin and Testosterone are released during deep sleep thereby repairing muscle tissue as well as burning fat if you used HIIT cardio and removal of metabolic wastes.
If you incorporate these 5 tips into your lifestyle today

Source: John Baines from
Monday, 8 June 2015
How to Keep the Weight Off
By David HungImagine this scenario - you’ve spent months working out, eating well and living a balanced lifestyle. As a result of this effort, you’ve been able to get down to your target weight and are feeling great! Then, as a few weeks or months pass, you start to see the weight come back. You are frustrated and tired of feeling like all your hard work doesn’t really pay off in the long run.
Reality Check
Does this sound like you or someone you know? Gaining weight after a major loss is a relatively common occurrence, but fortunately there is a way to effectively address the issue. Although people may be satisfied with their health and wellness after getting down or close to their ideal weight, effort still needs to be made in order to continue to maintain a healthy, fit lifestyle. According to the New York Times (, the best way to avoid regaining weight after losing noticeable amounts is to incorporate regular weight training sessions into your fitness routine.Benefits of Weight Training
Weight training is capable of increasing the amount of calories burned throughout the day, which is a major reason why people who weight train don’t gain the weight back. The amount of calories that a person burns each day is dependent on something called non-exercise activity thermogenesis (N.E.A.T.). N.E.A.T. measures how much energy is used for activities like standing, fidgeting and walking, which aren’t related to exercise. Once a person’s weight has decreased then the amount of energy their body requires for these everyday activities decreases. Weight training is one of the few ways in which you can put the effects of N.E.A.T. in your favor and continue to burn calories, which will allow you to effectively keep the weight off.How to Get Started
Weight training should be done three times a week and should incorporate both upper and lower-body exercises. Coming up with a consistent and comprehensive schedule encourages more movement throughout the day and therefore activates N.E.A.T. to burn more calories. A great way to get started with weight training is receiving supervision. Supervision will provide assistance and help you determine proper form. Proper form is essential as it reduces risk of injury and increases the effects of the weight training exercises. In addition to the benefits mentioned above, people who weight train have a better walking economy and feel like moving is easier compared to those who do not weight train after weight loss. If you want to notice increased movement and calorie burn post-weight loss, weight training is the way to go.In conclusion, weight training is the most effective way to keep off the weight after losing it. Even though you may feel fit and fantastic after putting in lots of effort and going through a major weight loss, it is important to maintain a consistent and comprehensive weight training schedule so you can ensure that you’ll keep the weight off, stay strong and feel great.
Friday, 5 June 2015
Weight Training For Women - Get Big Time Benefits
Why isn't weight training for women more popular?
Some women fear they will build too much muscle and lose their feminine shape. This isn't true as women don't have enough testosterone to make that happen. Women who do engage in weight training are fitter, healthier and burn fat faster than those who rely on cardio classes alone. You will get multiple benefits from incorporating effective strength training into your daily fitness routine.
What other benefits can you get from weight training?
Lose Body Fat: Lifting weights three times a week over two months can burn three and half pounds of fat. As lean muscle mass increases so does your metabolic rate. After a workout your body continues to burn calories and fat for up to eight hours. For every pound of muscle you have you will burn an extra fifty calories a day without doing more exercise.
Improved Strength: Women gain strength from lifting weights but won't gain size like men do. You will have better muscle tone and greater definition in your arms and thigh areas. Studies have now proven that women who lift weights are thirty to fifty percent stronger than women who don't.
Decreased Risk Of Osteoporosis: Working with weights can increase the density of your bones. Lean muscle mass helps support and strengthen your bones as well. Women who are in the early stages of Osteoporosis can slow the effects of the bone disease and live a more active life for a longer period of time.
Change Your Shape: You can drop a dress size easily with weight training. As your lean muscle mass begins to build you will notice changes to all areas of your body. The most noticeable areas will be around your upper arms, the thigh area, your bottom and hips. You will feel better and may even need to purchase a whole new wardrobe.
Reduce Risk Of Heart Disease: Improve your cardiovascular health by working out with weights. It reduces bad cholesterol levels and increases good cholesterol levels. Weight training also lowers blood pressure and increases circulation.
Diabetes: Strength training burns up calories and excess sugar in the blood. New research shows individuals who train with weights are less likely to get diabetes. The body is able to metabolize the sugar and produce the right amount of insulin needed to maintain healthy glucose levels in the blood.
There you are ladies, several good reasons to begin weight training today. If you aren't sure where to start, call a personal trainer and find out what they recommend.
Article Source:
Thursday, 4 June 2015
7 Easy Green Smoothie Recipes for Rapid Weight Loss
Research proves that Green Smoothies are one of the best ways to quickly lose weight. However, it can be tricky to consume green smoothie unless you have proven recipes. Here are some easy to follow recipes of Green Smoothies that you can use.
#1. Mint Mojito Green Smoothie
· 1.5 cups of fresh spinach
· 1 large handful of fresh mint
· 3/4 cups of coconut water, or regular water
· Juice of 2 limes
· 3 teaspoons of hemp seeds (optional)
· 1 frozen or freshly chopped banana
· ice cubes (optional)
· 2 teaspoons of honey (optional)
Add the mint, spinach and coconut water (or regular water) into the NutriBullet together and blend until the mixture is smooth. Add the hemp seeds, lime juice and banana into your juicer, you can also add in the honey and a few ice cubes if you'd like then blend until the mixture is smooth. Garnish the mixture with mint and lime.
#2. Love Your Body Green Smoothie
· handful of spinach
· handful of kale
· Quarter cup of fresh parsley
· 5 frozen strawberries
· Half a lemon
· Quarter sliced cucumbers
· 3 teaspoons of hemp seeds
· 1 cup of almond milk
Combine all of your green vegetables and liquids into the NutriBullet, blend until the mixture is smooth. Adjust the speed and add in the remaining ingredients, blend unto the mixture is smooth.
#3. Avocado Grapefruit Green Smoothie
· 1 med. frozen banana, chopped
· Half med. peeled grapefruit, chopped
· Quarter med. peeled avocado
· 1 lg. handful kale and spinach
· 1 in. of ginger root
· 1 tsp. of wheatgrass powder, or of choice
· Half cup of filtered water, or regular
Gather all of the listed ingredients and combine in your juicer then blend the mixture until it is even.
#4. Kale Aide Green Smoothie
· Juice of 1 whole lemon
· 5 mini apples
· Lg. chuck of peeled ginger
· 3 teaspoons of hemp seeds
· 1 stalk of celery
· Quarter cup of chopped cucumbers
· Quarter cup of fresh parsley
· 4 stalks of de-stemmed kale
· 1 cup of water
Combine all of the greens into the NutriBullet then pour in the liquids. Blend the mixture until it is smooth. Lastly, add in the remaining ingredients then blend until the entire mixture is smooth.
#5. Apple Kale Green Smoothie
· Half an apple
· 1 cup of de-stemmed kale
· Half cup of frozen pineapple
· Half of a fresh squeezed lemon, or 1 tsp. of lemon juice
· 1 cup of water
· 1 serving of Vega One French Vanilla
· Ice (optional)
Gather all of the ingredients and add them into your juicer. Blend the mixture until it is smooth.
#6. Restorative Detox Green Smoothie
· Half of a grapefruit
· 1 cup of coconut water
· 8 fresh basil leaves
Add all of the ingredients into your juicer and blend until the mixture is smooth.
#7. Holiday Detox Smoothie
· 2 lg. peeled and quartered oranges
· 1 lg. quartered and cored apple
· 1 16oz. bottle of Kombucha, or apple juice
· 3 cups of fresh spinach
Put the apples, kombucha (or apple juice) and oranges into the juicer. Blend the mixture on low until the fruit is even. Add in the spinach to the blended fruit and increase the speed to high then blend the mixture until it is even and creamy in texture.
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Tuesday, 2 June 2015
The diet secrets no-one talks about
Wanna know a secret? What I'm about to tell you no-one else is willing to admit. ALL DIETS WORK. That's right - all diets work at least for a time. Some work better than others. The way to truly make them effective for you is to stick to them. However there are some "secrets" that work all the time and these are the ones I lay out for you in this blog.If you truly want that leaner body you need to follow the regular advice I give out because all the posts have research to back them up.
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However, when it come to diets, there are the not so well known facts, the ones that may seem counterproductive or illogical and yet have been proven to work in the real world time and time again, sometimes with science to back them up. Once you start to incorporate these into your regime you’ll be hooked.
What am I talking about? Read on.
· Cheat on your diet. That’s right – you heard me! Cheat on your diet. I know everything you may have read or heard is in total opposition to this but bear with me. I absolutely recommend that from time to time you eat what you like, even if it is not the most healthy or nutritious thing. You cannot get lean without sticking to a clean diet but at the same time occasionally straying (i.e cheating) can actually help. You see, when you diet levels of the hormone Leptin drop. Leptin keeps hunger down and metabolism up so when its levels drop you burn fewer calories and tend to eat more. Overeating bumps up Leptin so for one day, preferably for one meal, eat whatever you like such as a burger with fries, pizza, an ice-cream or whatever. As long as the overall calorie balance is fine one meal, especially a cheat meal, will not make that much of a difference. Also we live in the real world. Sticking to your diet is difficult (especially if you think of it as a diet that has to be kept). Your cheat meal gives you a mental and physical break and allows you to stick to your plan better.
· Eat before bed. Say what!! Again you heard me right. If your body is starved of fuel for too long a period (such as during the 7-8 hours you are sleeping) it breaks down muscle for fuel. Muscle is active tissue which keeps your metabolism up and continues to burn fat. So by eating a slow digesting protein food you will supply your body and its muscles with the nutrients they need. Excellent options are yoghurt, cottage cheese, natural peanut butter (not the variety with sugar added!), double strength skim milk (mix skim milk powder with skim milk instead of water) and so forth.
· Add some fat. Eating fat makes you fat, right? Not really. Healthy fats, such as omega-3 fats and monounsaturated fats, can actually help you lose body fat. Sources include salmon, trout, walnuts, olive oil, avocados, plain nuts, almonds and natural peanut butter. Whole eggs also fall into this category, and don’t worry about the cholesterol as eggs contain the “HDL” (good) cholesterol. Research has also shown that people who consume whole eggs for breakfast lose more body fat than those who do not. Just don’t go overboard by frying them or going for cheese omelettes and so on. Plain boiled, scrambled, poached or an omelette without anything added is what I am talking about
· Eat fat burning fruits. How many people do you know who have got fat from eating fruit? Thought so. However some fruits are better than others. A study from Scripps Clinic in San Diego found that people consuming half a grapefruit or 240mls of grapefruit juice three times a day lost on average 4 pounds over 12 weeks without any other changes to diet or lifestyle. So consider adding half a grapefruit to your breakfast and lunch every day.
· Drink cold water (as cold as possible). Drinking water may seam a simple way to get lean but it works. Plus it’s cheap. A study out of Germany showed that drinking 2 glasses of cold water a day could increase metabolic rate by about 30%. It is theorised that that this was due to norepinephrine release brought on by the water (the body released this to increase metabolism to heat up the water and this faster metabolism burned more fat!). Drinking extra water also helps you seem fuller so you tend to eat less at mealtimes.
· Drink black coffee without milk or sugar about 20 – 30 minutes before your cardio. The caffeine in coffee acts as a central nervous system stimulant (which is why drinking too much can make you jittery!). This results in greater fat loss. Adding milk negates the fat burning effects of caffeine and sugar simply adds calories. Add sweeteners if you want. If you have acid problems or ulcers, however, avoid this tip and stick to cold water, chilled if possible, instead.
Avoid diet drinks. Research has suggested that such drinks cause you to feel hungrier and provide a false sense of security so you stray from clean eating. Moreover they still increase insulin release, which can inhibit fat burning and cause the body to actually store fat! But if you absolutely cannot do without your Diet Coke try to limit yourself to one per day at the absolute most. If at all possible try avoid fizzy drinks altogether
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