5 Easy-To-Follow Tips to Burn That Stubborn Fat And Keep It Off For Life
Sick and tired of trying weight loss programs with no success? Well the problem may lie in the way you view weight loss. Many people trying to lose weight view weight loss as a short term goal. The reality is that weight loss is in fact a lifetime goal. Don't be put off with what I said. Instead of viewing weight loss as a means to an end, view it as a lifestyle. Don't give up hope just yet! This article will reveal to you the foundation to weight loss success for life.I'm sure that many of you have been on many weight loss programs with no success whatsoever. Below I'll reveal to you the foundation to successful weight loss for life.
1. Write up a weight loss plan
The first step you should undertake to develop a slimmer body is to write-up a weight loss plan. Writing up a weight loss plan will help you stay focused on your weight loss goals thereby eliminating distractions that may appear from time to time. It will also make your weight loss journey a lot smoother and stress free allowing you to enjoy your journey.
Things you should include in your plan include how much weight you would like to lose making sure you're realistic about it (i.e. 2 - 4 pounds of fat loss per week), writing shopping lists listing healthy foods, writing down specific exercises for you workout routine and planning your reward you would love to work towards, this reward maybe a be a pair of tight, well-fitting pants, shirts and maybe a holiday.
Things you should include in your plan include how much weight you would like to lose making sure you're realistic about it (i.e. 2 - 4 pounds of fat loss per week), writing shopping lists listing healthy foods, writing down specific exercises for you workout routine and planning your reward you would love to work towards, this reward maybe a be a pair of tight, well-fitting pants, shirts and maybe a holiday.
2. Eat frequently
Contrary to popular belief towards weight loss you should eat more instead of eating less by eating smaller meals frequently throughout the day (i.e. 4-6 small meals), you'll increase your metabolism thereby increasing your fat burning potential. However for many people preparing 4-6 small meals maybe too demanding on time therefore as an alternative I would suggest a 3 main meal, 3 snack approach.
3. Incorporate resistance training
As part of your weight loss plan you should incorporate resistance training such as body weight exercises and weightlifting into your weight loss routine. Resistance training builds muscle mass allowing you the ability to burn fat faster as a result of the increased caloric demand from your muscle tissue. Simply said the more muscle mass you build the quicker and easier your fat loss.
4. Try HIIT cardio
HIIT stand for Hight Intensity Interval Training and is considered to be far superior to regular cardio the reason being that HIIT cardio increases your EPOC (Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption) after you workout allowing you to burn fat for a whole 24 hours after your exercise session. HIIT is structured in alternating sets of walking and sprinting, for example 60 seconds of walking followed by 30 seconds of sprinting for one set.
5. Consume complex carbohydrates
While many of you believe that carbohydrates are the main culprits to weight loss, one should learn that not all carbohydrates are created equally, In fact as part of your balanced diet around 45-50% of calories should be from complex carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body since they're converted directly into glucose which is your body's preferred choice of fuel.
Carbohydrates you should avoid are simple carbohydrates such as white bread and white flour products. These carbohydrates spike your insulin levels leading to fat gain. So try your best to consume the bulk of your carbohydrates as complex carbohydrates.
6. Go to bed early
By going to bed early you'll allow your body plenty of recovery time after your exercise session. Hormones such as IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1), Melatonin and Testosterone are released during deep sleep thereby repairing muscle tissue as well as burning fat if you used HIIT cardio and removal of metabolic wastes.
If you incorporate these 5 tips into your lifestyle today

Source: John Baines from ArticlesFactory.com
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