Monday, 30 November 2015

Monday Muscle - 5 Popular Misconceptions About Weight Training For Women

In spite of great efforts by the weight trainers the myths associated with weight training for women does not seem to go away ever. Weight training for women has a lot of controversy surrounding it. Read below and learn the five popular misconceptions about weight training for women:

1. Training makes the women look masculine and bulky: 
Whenever we hear weight training for women the first image that comes to our mind is of the women bodybuilders. It is a fact that women can't produce testosterone, responsible for increase muscle size and thus it is very difficult for the woman to have muscle mass simply by doing some weights. The women bodybuilder who develop their bodies rely on synthetic testosterones and anabolic steroids. The results are also a combination of genetics and rigorous training programs wherein, they lift very heavy weights. Women who regularly do weight training without the steroids have fit and firm cellulite-free body.

2. Exercise increases the chest size
It is a myth that breast size increases with weight training.
Bench Presses
The breast is made of fatty tissues. In case your body fat decreases by 12 percent the size of the breast decreases considerably. The myth was born because weight training increases the back size and thus there is an increase in the size. Just remember that breasts size can be increased either by gaining fat or breasts implants.

3. Weight training makes you muscle-bound and stiff: 
If you do all the exercises through a full range of motion the flexibility is bound to increase. Exercises like dumbbell presses, flyes, chin-ups and stiff-legged deadlifts stretch the bottom muscles. All these exercises improve your stretching capacity considerably.

4. When you stop weight training the muscles turn into fat: 
This is like saying that gold if not used turns into brass. Fats and Muscles are two different entities. After women quit weight training there is a certain loss of muscle and drop in diet. Bad eating habits lower the metabolism system, low muscle mass all make muscles look like fat. Though, the truth is as simple as fat starts to accumulate after muscles are lost.

5. With weight training fats convert into muscles: 
This is like saying brass turns into gold. If you want to transform the body then you must try and lose extra fats by taking a nutritious diet and gain muscles by following a planned weight training schedule for women. Remember you can't change muscles into fat.

Therefore we can say that weight training for women has no actual side-effect. It is just the popular myths that stop women taking up weight training sessions. But remember, when you start with the weight training for women it is very important to do it under a well experienced trainer. This will ensure your well being and safety. Take it slow and steady for healthy weight training!

Article source: Rakesh Vasoya 
 5 Popular Misconceptions About Weight Training For Women

Friday, 27 November 2015

Fat Loss Friday - Best Options For Avoiding The Temptation Of Junk Food

Last week we looked at David Samson's article about why you get junk food cravings and how to avoid the vicious cycle. This week we examine how to avoid these cravings in the 1st place.

Junk food is a guilty pleasure for so many people it delivers immediate emotional gratification and it satisfies the taste buds. For many people that are struggling with their weight, giving up the burger and the French fries is the most difficult task of them all.

Are you one of the people that use junk food to cope with daily stress and experience some degree of satisfaction? If so, the following article will teach you some effective opportunities for giving up on such meals without experiencing depression or discomfort.

Do Not Diet

The first and the most important rule for consuming healthier foods is to refrain from dieting. Cutting out a particular food group or type of product from your menu altogether will simplify intensify the cravings.

To stop eating junk food, you will need to derive pleasure from healthier meals. Eating in moderation and going for nutritional items is the best option for getting satisfaction from food without turning to the greasy, processed stuff.

Cut Sugars Out Gradually

It is already been proven that sugar is incredibly addictive. Quitting cold turkey will make you experience withdrawal-like symptoms. Chances are that you will lack energy, you will feel cranky and experience mood swings.

Go for a gradual decrease in the amount of sugar you are consuming. Cut out the carbonated beverages first. Have some berries instead of a candy bar. Meanwhile, you can form new and healthier habits that will slowly take you on the path to better health.

Try Weight Loss Hypnosis

Hypnotherapy for weight loss is another great possibility to try.

Very often, food has much more than nutritional value. Certain foods provoke certain positive emotions. This is almost always the case with junk food. Through weight loss hypnosis, you will learn how to enjoy healthier foods carrot sticks instead of chips, for example.

Hypnotherapy for weight loss teaches you healthier habits on a sub-conscious level. As a result, the transition to a healthier lifestyle is not stressful. You will understand what triggers binge or unhealthy eating and you will get equipped with the tools needed to overcome such self-destructive behaviours.

Address the Emotional Component of Cravings

What is making you crave junk food? If you are capable of answering this question, you are also capable of addressing the addiction.

Identifying the hidden cause of your culinary desires and addressing the emotional problems you are facing will eliminate the need for having a coping mechanism. Are you fighting stress through eating? Maybe you feel lonely or you do not like your body? These are all very deep and very serious problems. Food cannot get them solved. Counselling, exercise, more social encounters with positive people and even a hobby can all be helpful for dealing with the emotional factor responsible for your cravings.

Enjoy Junk Food Every Once in a While

You can still have your favourite temptations once per month or if you feel like it. As time goes by and you get used to healthier meals, your taste will change.

Suddenly, you may find yourself having absolutely no appetite for that cheeseburger. Until that happens naturally, however, you should not push yourself too far. Being excessively strict will cause more stress and make the transition challenging.

Article Source: David Samson

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Wednesday Video - Snacks To Flatten Your Stomach

The 5 Tastiest Snacks To Flatten Your Stomach

Let's start with the bad news. You can do 1,000 sit ups every day and it won't give you a six pack. What it will do is give you abs of steel; but whether anyone will actually see those rock-hard abs, well that's a completely different question.

Whether anyone actually notices those new ab muscles of yours depends on one thing only—how much belly fat you've got in front of them. Sumo wrestlers have some of the hardest abs in the world but you'll never see those abs because they're surrounded by fat. 

So what to do, specially if you like to snack? This video shows how snacking can actually help to flatten your stomach.

Monday, 23 November 2015

Monday Muscle - Basics of a Weight Training Diet

Weight training diet hard to come by for you? Coming across too much confusion and puzzling information? No need to stress any longer because you should know that the weight training diet is only controlled by ones own aims. So if you do not have a clear goal in your midst and don't know exactly what you are aiming for then the weight training diet is not for you until you have gotten those in check.

Weight loss diets, power lifting diets and body building diets are all different kinds of a weight training diet. Although they may differ in quantity, in each of them however exists a shared element. This would be the quality of the food consumed, which is certainly the most vital factor in the weight training diet.

Traditionally most fitness enthusiasts would only eat 3 big meals a day. Now, more and more fitness members are eating at least 7 meals a day. An increase in overall meals at small portion sizes has the ability to increase your metabolism faster. Increasing your metabolism not only boosts you're your fat burning efforts but it also works towards to getting your lean.

The best way to draw up your diet schedule is to first educate yourself on the various types of foods.
Eating right is one thing but to know what exactly you are eating and why makes a huge difference to your momentum. Knowing what damages your body and what helps your body is fundamental when it comes to building muscles and getting ripped.

I personally never follow those hyped up fad diets, or even think for a minute that they aren't a gimmick. They are usually too difficult to follow because people will always have their restrictions like money, no motivation to continue and access to good food. Just be familiar with carbs, proteins and healthy fats; the three food groups. In addition learn about meats that relieves lean muscles like rock cod, salmon, rounded steaks, chicken breasts and lean turkey meat.

When doing the weight training diet remembers that it is only your own individual sweat that will influence your final outcomes. Just give in those extra efforts like reading health articles, because by educating yourself you will know exactly what you are doing and how you can further in being successful. To achieve the absolute best in what you are pursuing just give in extra thought and extra effort.

Article source: William Collins Basics of a Weight Training Diet

Friday, 20 November 2015

Fat Loss Friday - Why Do You Crave Junk Food And How To Break The Vicious Cycle

Pizza, cheeseburgers, cookies, French fries and soda these happen to be some of the most addictive foods out there. Consuming junk food simply feels good and it gives you the satisfaction that no fruits or veggies will ever deliver.

Why is junk food so addictive? Why do you feel powerless when it comes to resisting the temptation? Science has actually got a very good explanation of the addictive nature of junk food and the cravings that we have for it.

The Science behind Junk Food Cravings

Willpower could be insufficient to overcome the major cravings that you have for junky, fatty and sugary treats.

According to a study presented in Frontiers in Psychology, the long-term consumption of junk foods makes us lose our desire for other kinds of meals. It is normal for everyone to desire a heavy, delicious and calorie-rich meal every now and then. Eating junk food on a regular basis, however, changes brain signals and makes it impossible to feel satisfaction from anything else. In other words, substituting the pizza for a salad is a lot more difficult than actually coming to the conclusion you need to do it. It also involves faulty neurological signals that have to be overcome.

This is why people do not binge on carrots and celery. Food companies know what it takes to make junk snacks taste good. The flavours are rich and they hit your palate right from the first bite. Once you get used to this kind of hyper-stimulation, going back to healthy treats that have a much gentler taste becomes an incredibly difficult task.

A final explanation is provided in the Why Humans Like Junk Food report by Steven Witherly. According to the author, two factors are at play. The first one is the taste and feel of the food, the manner in which it melts in your mouth. This is why the delicious crunch of potato chips is so addictive.

The second factor focuses on the foods macronutrient makeup. The perfect combination of far, salt and sugar in junk food makes you desire more and more.

Dealing with a Junk Food Addiction

To stop eating junk food and begin enjoying healthier treats, you may need professional assistance. Weight loss hypnosis is one of the most effective options for breaking out of the vicious cycle.

Hypnotherapy for weight loss focuses on how you think and feel about junk food. It is not about why even if you know why you eat a lot of junk food, it still may be difficult to deal with the addiction. If you, however, get an opportunity to change the way you think about it, you will make some great first steps in the right direction.

Through weight loss hypnosis, you can introduce major changes to your eating habits. If you do not make a change on a sub-conscious level, old habits will creep back in very quickly. Hypnosis will help you establish feelings of deep satisfaction with healthier treats, thus you will never look back.

Junk food addictions are very challenging but they can be overcome. Do not give up and seek professional assistance, in case you cannot make the transition on your own. A bit of help will help you go a long way.

Article Source: David Samson at

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Wednesday Video - How To Burn Fat Faster

Do you have to do a million crunches or run a zillion miles just to lose that extra flab? How many pizza opportunities do you have to say no to just to slim down? The answer is—you don't really have to.

This short video shows you how to burn fat faster

Monday, 16 November 2015

Monday Muscle - 5 Things You Can Do Before Training

Are you getting the most out of your workout session, even if you're not training with a personal trainer? Your time is precious, and you have to know that what you do at the gym is effective and is optimizing that time and effort you invest. Work smarter, not harder, to achieve the stronger, leaner and more flexible body you want. And you can only do this by completing these 5 things before you work out. Each tip is designed to get you burning more calories, increase your capacity to build muscle and improve cardiovascular fitness.

1. Be hydrated. Drink sufficient water at 2-3 hours before you exercise.
Of course you should always keep your body well-hydrated no matter if you exercise or not, but consume a little more a couple of hours before hitting the gym. This will help your body improve the circulation of nutrients, which can have a positive affect on your ability to maximize your physical state and decrease your recovery.

2. Eat well the day before, specifically if you have low blood pressure. The last thing you need to happen is to experience that crash during your work out. You know, when you just hit that brick wall and simply cannot move any longer. Eating well prevents this from happening, so you can remain at peak performance.

3. Don't eat right before your workout. Food that's just been delivered to your stomach needs energy to digest, meaning you'll be diverting precious energy to your stomach instead of your game. It's bad for gastro-intestinal health and makes it harder to workout, plus the valsalva maneuver is compromised. If you eat anything, keep it to a light snack (e.g. banana) and eat it an hour minimum beforehand.

4. De-stress and mentally get yourself ready. Take time to relax, particularly if you're emerging from a busy or stressful environment. A positive frame of mind is crucial, especially because a negative one can tap energy from your nerves-- it should be used on your workout!

5. A little coffee won't hurt, and it may even help you to perform better. Charles Poliquin, an Olympic Strength Trainer,
recommends taking a caffeine supplement about 45 minutes before you start exercising. Research has found that it may also help you burn fat better.

While every one has their things they do to get driven to work out, these tips have all been provided as a way to optimize the results you achieve from your workout.

Now what are you waiting for? Get your sweats on and hit the gym!

Article by Mike Landon.
Article source:

Friday, 13 November 2015

Fat Loss Friday - You Need A Plan

Want to know a dirty secret about the diet industry? The one thing no-one ever talks about? Well here it is ..........All Diets Work!

There. That's it. All diets work at one time or another. Some are more successful than others but they all work. That is what I discuss here on this blog and try to sort the wheat from the chaff as it were. I do the hard work for you and look at what works and what doesn't.

However, despite this many diets also fail.That may seem a contradiction. How can they all work and also how can they fail? The answer lies in their application and more often than not it depends on your mindset.

You need a plan

You see most diets fail for the simple reason that you do not have a plan. As the saying goes - If you fail to plan then you plan to fail. Or that even if you have a plan it is not planned out.

Let me put it this way. You have a "plan" in that when you start out on a diet the "plan" is you want to lose weight. That is not a plan.That is simply a goal. For it to be truly a plan you need three things:
  1. You need a goal
  2. You need a time frame (it helps if this is realistic!)
  3. You need to have a series of steps to take you towards your goal
So how does this apply to your weight loss journey?

You need a goal

OK. so the idea is to lose weight. This only becomes a goal if you have an idea of how much weight you plan to lose.It is not simply enough to say you want to lose weight. State it in absolute terms.
For example "I need to lose 10 pounds" or "I must drop 10 pounds of fat". For added effect write it down and place this goal somewhere where it will act as a continuous reminder of what you wish to achieve.

You need a time frame

It's no use having a goal if you do not know by when you wish to achieve it. It's like starting out on a road trip without having an idea of when it will finish. Say you set out from New York in a car travelling towards San Francisco but you have no idea of when or even if you will arrive. It's no use going on such a trip and kinda, sorta thinking that you will get there in a week, 10 days, a year......
You see what I mean.
Have a time-frame and make it realistic. If you do not make it realistic then you are just setting yourself up for failure. Again write it down as a constant reminder. For example "I need to drop 10 pounds of fat in time for the wedding on December 10th eight weeks time"

You need a series of steps

It's all very well writing down your plan, with a time scale but not having any idea of exactly how to get there. You need to break down the overall plan into a series of achievable steps. Usually the project is too big to handle all in one go. Breaking it down into smaller steps helps to make it achievable and acts as a positive feed-back loop. As you see each step being achieved it helps to reinforce your mindset and your commitment and helps in the overall process. Again have a time frame attached to each step so that you can see yourself moving towards your goal.

Once you put these to work it will become much easier to stick to your goals and help you onwards on your health and weight loss goals. All the best.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Wednesday Video - Are You Eating This for Breakfast? STOP. Eat This Instead

The Importance Of Breakfast

We know breakfast is supposed to be the most important meal of the day. So what do you eat for that important meal? In this video Dr. James Dowd discusses what to eat and what NOT to eat for breakfast and why.

Monday, 9 November 2015

Monday Muscle - Compounding growth

Compound Exercises Vs Isolation - Which Among the Two Is Better?

Compound and Isolation exercises are the two main categories of weightlifting exercises. Compound exercises focus on more than one muscle group in your body, while isolation exercises are exercises that isolate a certain muscle group by focusing only on that certain group of muscles. Remember that the type of exercises that you based your workouts on is very important because this would determine whether you will end up successful or not - so which is better among the two? Find out by reading this compound exercises vs. isolation.

Compound Exercises Are Time-efficient Workouts

Compound exercises are highly recommended if you prefer time-efficient workouts because such exercises could simulate all the major muscles in your body. Furthermore, these exercises are responsible for creating a big change in your body composition within the shortest time period only. And as an added bonus, these exercises are great at developing your body proportionately.

Isolation Exercises Are Recommended for Correcting Muscle Imbalance

Isolation exercises are the type of exercises that are recommended to correct any muscle imbalance on your body or to treat muscle weaknesses that often occurs right after you suffer from injury. Isolating a certain muscle group is necessary in order to get it activated and increase muscle strength, because usually, our muscles are weak right after we develop an injury, while other muscles work to compensate for that weakness. If you will not be able to retrain your injured muscles to function properly again, this could lead to a biomechanical imbalance that will be too difficult to heal.

Which are better - Compound Exercises vs. Isolation?

If you are more interested on achieving a complete, proficient and functional full body workout, then performing compound exercises during your workout training is the best choice. However, there are times in your workout training where there is a need for you to isolate a specific muscle group or joints, and this is where isolation exercises are highly recommended. If you are not sure which exercises are best for you, consult with your personal or athletic trainer, because they are the best persons that could give you the best advice. They also have the means to locate any muscle imbalance or muscle weaknesses that you may have, and they will be able to design a specific workout program to address your needs.

In conclusion, compound exercises are highly recommended for muscle builders, especially if you are still a new trainee. These exercises will not only focus on certain muscle groups in your body, and therefore, they tend to develop your body muscles as a whole, rather than as a collection of seemingly unrelated body parts. If you are already a pro at body building however, and belong to the 200-lb and above bodybuilders, then isolation exercises could work for you - in fact, you will reap some benefits out of doing these exercises. But when it comes to knowing the best, compound exercises is obviously way better.

Article Source:

Friday, 6 November 2015

Fat Loss Friday - Best forms of cardio that are not running

Running is arguably the simplest form of cardio, but sometimes it’s impossible to do. You’re knees hurt, it’s snowing or raining, you don’t have the time, running sucks. Whatever. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to get in a good cardio workout without pounding the city streets. Here are some alternatives.

· HIIT – High intensity interval training is a fantastic way to get in a good cardio session, burn a ton of calories, and do so in a short amount of time. This is also a good way to get in some resistance training, as HIIT often includes bodyweight exercises like pushups and squats.

· Kettlebells – Unsurprisingly to anybody who has used them, kettlebells are fantastic for getting your heart rate up and keeping it up. Use a light bell and do a lot of reps, and pretty quickly you’ll be sweating like you’ve run a 10k. Grab a heavier one and you’ll get in a good strength/power workout.

· Swimming – Swimming is fantastic way to get in some low-impact cardio. Because there is no resistance against your joints, this is a particularly good option for people who are injured. It also works your arms and back more than your legs, which is good for those that want to tone up but don’t like to lift.

· Cycling – cycling has the benefit of being easy to do indoors.
Hop on a stationary cycle and go to town, but make sure to increase the resistance of the machine. Otherwise you will just be spinning your wheels (literally) and it won’t be much of a workout. It’s also a good way to get outside and see the sights, especially in a bicycle-friendly city like Portland.

· Elliptical – this is another machine that is popular with people who have injuries. It is low impact and a great way to get your heart rate through the roof, but, as with indoor cycling, be sure to select a pre-programmed workout or up the resistance of the machine. Doing an elliptical with no resistance won’t give you much benefit.

· Row – lots of gyms have rowing machines, which is fantastic, because it’s a solid way to increase heart rate using a full-body motion. Incidentally, it is also a good way to warm up before doing a weightlifting session, as it hits legs, arms and back while getting your heart rate up.

· Walk – walking is actually a great way to increase heart rate and burn some calories.
While it isn’t as strenuous as running is, it is easier on the joints and can provide some of the same benefits as running. Half an hour of moderate intensity walking is usually a decent alternative to other cardiovascular exercises.

Cardio is an important aspect of fitness, but sometimes can be difficult to do. Running is challenging, occasionally inconvenient, and can be hard on your body, but you can still get in a great cardio session without setting foot on a treadmill.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Wednesday Video - 2 week challenge to Burn Body Fat and Lose Weight Fast

Good things happen when you have a low body fat percentage: you look better, you feel better, and you're healthier. But there's information overload about how to reduce body fat.

In this video men's style, grooming and fitness expert, Aaron Marino, shares with you his best fat burning tip to lose body fat, belly fat and lose weight with this simple lifestyle modification.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Monday Muscle - The Foundations Of Your Temple

Imagine for a moment a lean, muscular, toned body. This person is standing on a beach gazing out across the waves. As your eyes take in the the good looking body you start to track downwards to come a cross a pair of stick thin, almost toothpick like legs!! Whoa - what happened there? All of a sudden that body atop those legs doesn’t look so good anymore. In fact it looks faintly ridiculous.

You see that is the problem. Most people who train with weights, to achieve the body they dream of, pay ample attention to their upper halves but when it comes to the foundation they tend to be sorely lacking. It’s easy to understand why - working the legs is hard, extremely so, and most people reckon that most of the time the legs are covered anyway so it doesn’t seem to matter so much.

Unfortunately in order to achieve a complete physique strong legs are a necessity. Most sports also require strong legs (soccer, running, cycling, swimming and so forth) and since they take up almost half of a fully functional body it’s a shame to neglect them.

There is no other animal in the world that can run for as long or for as relatively long distances as humans. If you doubt the truth of that statement name 1 animal that can do so. People run marathons, tri-athletes demand even more. Horses, by comparison, only run for a relatively short time before slowing to a canter. Camels, zebras, wildebeest, bison and so forth all the same. Only humans have the capacity to keep running for great distances and for great lengths of time.

So what to do? Well since your legs are designed for arduous work they need to be worked intensely. I remember that the first time I ever picked up a set of weights (as a very young teenager - around the age of 13 in a dark corner of the school gymnasium with a group of other young boys) the first exercise I did was squats. Since then whenever I have trained with weights I have never neglected my legs.

Conventional wisdom has it that squats are the primary exercise for legs. However because they tax so much of your body they are a great overall exercise. So if you want strong shapely legs, a stronger chest, a better back, firmer arms, to be stronger generally - you should squat. See the video below for pointers on how to do this correctly.

However, this is a technically difficult exercise and some people genuinely cannot squat. It may be because of body mechanics, back problems or some other reason. If this is the case then try leg presses with your back supported. If even this is not possible then leg extensions and leg curls can be used. However, these are not really full substitutes for full proper squats.

Remember - if you want your body to be a strong temple you need to build the foundation first. So go ahead and build that strong foundation. Go ahead and squat.