Wednesday, 29 April 2015

How to Make Sticking With Your Diet Easier

If you're are constantly finding yourself falling off the healthy eating wagon, it's important that you start considering what you can do to help yourself stick with it better so that you can move forward and see the results that you're after.

Adherence really is the number one thing that you must be accounting for as you plan to get in shape and lose weight.

Fortunately, there are a number of ways to make sticking with your diet easier, and if you can just employ one of those, you can get yourself back on track to faster success. Let's go over the main techniques to try.

The Details:

· Get a diet buddy. Having a supportive friend there for you during your times of struggle can go a long way to helping you stay on course.

· Make a list of goals. Set some goals from the very start that you want to accomplish so you have a clear reason for being on the diet.

· Use daily goals. Along with your long-term goals, have some daily goals that you can pat yourself on the back for hitting. The feeling you get when you carry them out will propel you forward.

· Try new recipes. Dietary boredom is one of the biggest reasons that people fall off their new eating plan. Make sure to try a new recipe every so often; the choices are endless.

· Add new vegetables to your dishes. Vegetables are a must to eat daily, but most people don't. Add one new vegetable to your diet each week to help liven up your meals and boost your nutrition. Soon you're bound to find a new favorite!

· Plan to indulge. If you plan a cheat meal once a week, you won't obsess so much about guilty pleasure foods the rest of the time.

· Stay hydrated. Not drinking enough water can cause food cravings to set in.

· Stay away from your triggers. If you know you always give in to cinnamon buns after one whiff of the sugary scent, don't go anywhere near a bakery.

· Shop wisely. If you don't bring foods you crave into the house, you won't be able to eat them when the craving strikes.

· Take progress pictures. Doing so will help you see how far your efforts are getting you. When you see your motivation waning, pull out past photos to remind yourself how far you've come. Or keep an old pair of pants to slip on when you're feeling discouraged.

· Write in a journal. Getting your thoughts down on paper will release them and help you work through your emotions rather than turning to comfort food.

The Bottom Line:

So there you have some of the main ways of making sure that you stay the course on your diet plan. The odd set-back here and there is completely normal so don't expect complete perfection.

As long as you pick yourself back up and get back on track, you should have no problem moving onwards and see the results that you're hoping for. A set-back is only a set-back if it causes you to fall off the protocol for a week or longer, and you really do damage to your newly formed healthy eating habits.

Article Source:

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Lose 10 Pounds With These 10 Tips

If you want to lose 10 pounds (about 4.5 kilos) there is a good chance that those pounds were gained slowly over the course of many months and you have to accept that you won't lose them in a matter of a few days. Here are 10 top tips for losing 10 pounds.

1. Pick Your Time Carefully.

Your attempt to lose 10 pounds needs to start at an appropriate time. If you start at a time when there is a lot of stress or other distracting things in your life, your chances of failure increase.

2. Adjust Your Diet.

Try to add as much variety to your diet as possible. Eat more fruits and vegetables that are high in water, high in fibre and low in calories. Good examples include spinach, broccoli, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, watermelon, berries and apples.

3. Monitor Your Progress.

When you track the foods you're eating and the exercises you're doing it becomes easier to remain accountable for your dietary patterns.

4. Get A Friend To Do It With You.

When you lose weight with a friends it's a great and fun way to help you stick with your weight loss plan. You can provide support and encouragement for each other and track each other's progress.

5. Make Your Plan Realistic.

You have to set attainable goals for yourself. You're not going to lose 10 pounds in a single day so don't be in a huge hurry to lose the weight. The best way to lose weight is slowly than trying extreme quick-fix eating changes.

6. Tune In To Your Body.

Most people generally eat the same quantity of food at the same time each day. But is this what you need? Are you always hungry when you eat? Do you stop eating when you're full, or do you eat all of whatever you've made?

7. Eat Slowly.

Generally, you don't feel full until 20 minutes after you actually are full. This is why people get overstuffed. When you eat your food more slowly it will allow your body more time to signal to your brain that you are full.

8. Do Some Exercise.

Exercise must become a part of your lifestyle. You don't have to spend hours each day in the gym. Just find an exercise activity that you enjoy and can do on a regular basis.

9. Portion Control.

You may be have difficulty trying to lose 10 pounds despite the fact that you are eating in a healthy way because you are still eating too many calories. A simple way to cut down your portion sizes is to eat from a smaller plate.

10. Drink Less Alcohol.

Alcohol is very high in calories and is often consumed in large amounts because it's liquid. Have a glass of water between each alcoholic drink. This will slow down your alcohol consumption and help you to feel full.

Article Source:

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Putting The Healthy Routine In Cruise Control

When one of your main concerns is improving your health, the toughest hurdles to get over will likely be changing the amounts of food you eat and getting a consistent form of exercise.

Even though these aspects of the weight loss process may not seem terribly difficult, understand that the number one reason why people fail in achieving their health and fitness goal is that they're not willing to stick with a daily calorie amount that is appropriate for their body and workout regularly.

This is why in order to get your healthy routine to a point where it's basically worry-free and in cruise control, you have to get your entire day running smoothly from morning to night.

Unfortunately one of the easiest things to do is to overeat. It's so simple especially when we're faced with numerous eating moments each and every day, meaning there are many opportunities to take in too many calories. This is especially true if you've become accustomed to eating a certain amount of food at meals.

Think about your current eating trends and what you regularly eat. How often do you go out and eat at restaurants or fast food spots? Do you drink a lot of sugary beverages such as soda, juice, or energy drinks? Do you usually snack while watching television, reading a book, or other leisure type activity? Do you find yourself often feeling stuffed after a meal and a lethargic feeling causes you to want to take a nap?

Your answers to these questions should give you an idea of what may need to be altered if you want to have success losing weight in a natural, healthy manner. If you are determined to succeed with this endeavor and are willing to make some actual changes, you will achieve your goal through your consistent effort.

Therefore in order to get your healthy routine into cruise control, you need to get your entire day up to speed. What does that actually entail?

It means the decisions you make during the day from the moment you wake up until you go to sleep should have your health as the top priority. In order to get into cruise control, not only do your three main meals of the day need to be monitored for their content and size, but also those sneaky snacks that pop up a few times every day.

As surprising as it sounds, snacks can sometimes end up totaling two or even three times the amount of calories of a regular meal if self-control is not maintained. This is something you definitely do not want to happen for it will limit your weight loss progress.

Ideally, you want each eating moment to be nutritious and appropriately portioned so that by the end of the day you will have a calorie total that is healthy for you. Try to create a daily habit, a routine that will guide you from one eating moment to the next.

Don't get fancy with breakfast, just keep it simple with a whole grain cereal with fat-free milk, a half of whole wheat bagel with peanut butter and honey, or an egg white omelette with mushrooms, spinach, olives, and a pinch of mozzarella cheese. Also be sure not to ruin that breakfast with drinks like orange juice or cranberry juice. You just don't need that glass of 250+ calories and sugar. Stick with water, black coffee, or other 0 calorie tea/beverage.

Next, get in the habit of packing nutritious snacks for work so you don't have to rely on vending machine Snicker bars and sodas. Simple snacks in Ziploc bags are easily tossed in along with your lunch so you can eat nutritious the entire time you're away from home. Try almonds with raisins, yogurt with granola, all fruits, rice cakes, granola bars, or carrots and celery sticks.
Be sure not to forget a travel lunch too in your weekly healthy routine! Leftovers make wonderful simple meals to go that literally take no additional effort to prepare. Not only will you save a ton of money over the year by not needing to buy lunch but you will have much better control over the portion size of the meal.

If there are no leftovers to take to work, try to keep food on hand that's easy to put together to make simple meals to go. Stock whole wheat bread and wraps at home so you can toss in tuna, or lunch meat, with lettuce, tomato, and mustard on the days when there are no leftovers. Frozen Lean Cuisines and Weight Watchers meals at $2 dollars each are another option if you have access to a microwave while away at work.

Dinner will likely be the last hurdle you'll need to overcome so that your day ends as a healthy, nutritious one. Be open to try new things in the kitchen. You'll literally find thousands of healthy dinner recipes in minutes if you put the Internet to work for you.

Look for simple yet appealing meals to try at home. Don't forget to cook a little bit extra so you have lunch leftovers or enough to make a different meal the following day. Plastic travel containers are a healthy individuals best friend so make sure you have a good stock in various sizes.

Once you've finished your last meal of the day try not to eat anymore and dump extra calories into your system before bedtime. If you absolutely cannot deal with hunger cravings that may arise towards the end of the day, try a large glass of water and a carrot stick. You may be really surprised at how filling that simple 50 calorie snack can quench a hunger craving while at the same time not ruin an entire day of healthy nutrition which a giant ice cream sundae would do at this moment.

Always keep in mind the importance of your healthy routine and hopefully you will make the right decisions with the choices you're faced with everyday.

Article Source:

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

5 Common Myths About Weight Loss

Successful weight loss requires a gradual transition to a healthy lifestyle. You need to know how to avoid these 5 misguided beliefs that surround the whole issue of losing weight so that you can give your body the nutritional goodness and exercise that needs.

1. You Have To Make Dramatic Changes To Your Diet.

Making abrupt and dramatic changes to your diet is not the best way to lose weight as you will be less likely to stick with them. Begin by making small changes with the foods you choose. For instance, substitute three desserts a week with a portion of fresh fruit. Eat a side salad or steamed vegetables at lunch a few times per week instead of French fries.

2. You Have To Starve Yourself.

Many people think that the best way to lose weight is to drastically reduce eating as many calories as you can by starving yourself. This is an extremely unhealthy way to go about it because your body goes into starvation mode. It is not sure when the next time that it will be fed, so it simply reserves its energy and clings onto your body fat.

3. You Have To Spend Hours In The Gym Every Week.

You do need to include some exercise into your weekly routine but this does not mean that you have to spend hours in the gym every week. The best exercise to lose weight is one that you enjoy and that you will want to keep doing on a regular basis. There are hundreds of different fun ways to exercise, whether at home on your own, in a group environment or simply by adding more physical movement into your day.

4. You Can Go On A Crash Diet.

Crash diets are normally very restrictive in the kinds of foods that you can eat and sometimes whole food groups will be removed. If you abruptly change to a restricted diet, your body will react by holding less water. You will lose weight but you will not essentially lose any fat. When you finish the diet that weight will most likely go straight back on.

5. You Can't Have Any Treats.

To lose weight for good you need to have some balance and you don't have to give up your favourite foods entirely. While you will need to make changes to your diet, you can still enjoy your favourite foods in moderation and lose weight. If you reward yourself occasionally with a treat you will find it much easier to keep to your new lifestyle of improved nutrition and fitness.

Losing weight and getting fit does not have to be difficult.

Article Source:

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Walking For Weight Loss - How To Drastically Lose Weight

Unless you have a medical condition which prevents you from quickly losing weight, a walking for weight loss guide is all you need to get on the fast track to diet success.

Most of us are aware of the vast health benefits of walking, yet most of us who are short on time don't find a way to incorporate walking at least 15 minutes every other day to control our weight and keep our hearts healthy.

Starting today, there are no more excuses!

Even if you have to start with only 2 to 5 minutes a day, take one step at a time, build up your stamina, and you will succeed in losing weight.

Here's a foolproof guide to walking your way to health, without having to spend your money on a walking for weight loss DVD:

Step 1

Prepare your mind for the change in your life. Make a realistic plan by using a journal to write down your weekly goals, day by day. Figure out exactly when you will walk - is it when you come home from work, after the kids are bathed and fed, and somebody can watch them; the point is - everyone has a different home life and situation. Quit making excuses and say to yourself, "Where there's a will, there's a way."

Step 2

You need walking or training shoes that fit well. The easiest way to abandon your walking routine lies in wearing the wrong footwear and suffering everything from painful blisters to fallen arches. This one's really important, so get it right!

Step 3

Get medical clearance from your doctor if you need to and begin your walking program. During the first week, if you're a little out of shape, start with 5-10 minute brisk walks 3 times a week to the point where you're not losing your breath when you speak. If you can say a whole 7 to 8 word sentence without losing your breath or having to pause your speaking, then you're ok!

Work up slowly to a higher degree of fitness so you don't lose interest. Eventually, the ultimate goal would be to speed-walk for 45-60 minutes a day or every other day for optimum weight loss results. I personally find walking 45 minutes 3 times a day perfect for me; I lost all my desired weight doing this, and now, I can pretty much eat anything and not gain weight as long as I perform my walking routine consistently

Aside from the obvious health benefits, walking for weight loss is a very inexpensive way to get into shape when combined with a sensible diet plan. The time is now; believe in yourself, take one step at a time, and you'll reach your goals soon enough.

Article source: Sandy Miller

Sunday, 19 April 2015

How to lose belly fat in 2 weeks

It is possible to reduce your belly fat in a short time. This video contains some great tips to achieve fat loss and to keep it off

Drink to your health

When you look at most guides on diet and exercise there is almost always one glaring omission. Which is surprising since this missing element is the very stuff of life itself and is often the deciding factor.

So what is this mysterious ingredient? Quite simply it is - water. The subject of water is hardly brought up or, when it is, it is given only a passing mention or fits into the vague notion of "drink X glasses per day". It seems that drinking water is so logical and deemed common knowledge that it does not warrant any extra time thinking about by those who are busy weighing out what amount of fat to reduce, how many calories are in this or that, what exercise needs to be done that day and so on in addition to actually getting on with the process of simply having a life! 

Despite the fact that water is an extremely important nutrient that is almost universally ignored it is absolutely essential, even to the maintenance of life itself. Consider these facts: roughly 70% of your body weight is water. The blood coursing through you has a very high percentage of water as does the fatty tissue and muscles within. Even your bones contain approximately 25% water and teeth have about 10%!

So you see that you are mostly water.

People stranded in the desert without shelter can survive without food but the same is not true of water. It is essential to survival. You can live many weeks without food simply by tapping into your fat stores and then later muscle tissue but cut water out and the situation is very different indeed.

The need for water

Unfortunately the subject of water and hydration is not common knowledge, which is a shame.From speaking to scores of people, including some self styled experts, it becomes quite clear that most people have at best a vague understanding of the need for water and what it actually does or why it is an extremely important nutrient for everybody. Even for those who are not engaged in any diet or exercise plan. Everyone will talk about the need for calorie control, about how much fat, carbohydrates and protein is in every meal they consume, agonize about what food combinations are allowed and so on. Ask about water, however, and you will be met with a blank stare or some vague answer such as "6 to 8 glasses a day".

The importance of this vital nutrient can be observed by the fact that nutritionists have referred to water as a universal solvent within the body. It is involved in literally hundreds of chemical reactions vital to the maintaining of life itself. It helps to regulate body temperature most notably through the evaporation of sweat. Nor is this only confined only to hot days. Your body is constantly cycling water so never be afraid to take sips of water. Do not confine it only to exercise or during hot weather only.

You are sweating during cold days, when sitting down, even when sleeping. Studies have shown that mattresses gain water weight due to the absorption of sweat. Water loss from the body occurs in many ways. The most obvious ones are sweat and urination but you can also lose water through talking, in faeces, through the loss of bodily fluids, through walking (the sweat glands in the feet can process a pint of water per day!) and so on.

There are many other functions of water within the body beyond the scope of this article. What we are interested in here though is how it can help to reduce weight! That’s right because when your body is adequately hydrated it finds it easier to lose weight and to keep it off.


The question then is “what is adequate hydration”? There is no surefire amount so the argument to drink X amount of glasses per day does not hold up. Think about it - does a man who is 6’ plus, weighs in excess of 200lbs, is involved in manual labour in a hot climate need the same amount of water as a petite lady, working at a desk in an air conditioned office? Of course not. So how do you work out how much water you need to drink?

Unfortunately thirst is not a good way to determine how much you need. Studies show that by the time you are thirsty you are already mildly dehydrated. So waht to do? Well it comes down to your own individual biology and it involves an unsavoury factor - your own urination! After your first ablution in the morning keep track of your urination. Healthy urination is almost clear in colour. You need to have at least 3 colourless urinations per day. The easiest way to achieve this is to slowly increase the amount or water you take in. By going slowly you allow your body to get used to the increased water intake. Taking in too much at one time will simply mean that you will be running to the toilet all the time!

The easiest way to increase your water intake is to follow these steps (in any order)

  • Drink a glass of water 30 minutes before main meals (this also aids digestion and helps you feel fuller so you tend to eat less!)
  • Drink a glass of water with each meal.
  • Have a glass of water as soon as you wake in the morning.
  • Take sips of water throughout the day.
  • Carry a water bottle around with you and keep taking sips from it.
  • Keep a bottle at work, in the car, at your desk and so on.
  • When exercising carry your own bottle with you and keep taking sips from it (remember that you will need extra water when exercising)

Being adequately hydrated then becomes easier once you start to follow these steps. Once your body is hydrated it will find itself easier to function and to start to work towards dropping weight and, more importantly, keeping it off!

So never be afraid to drink water liberally.

Thursday, 16 April 2015

How to achieve that "Booty"

Do you want to have a "Booty" rather than "junk in the trunk". These days it's more about the former, If you need to be pointed in the right direction this video shows how to go about achieving it

A Weight Loss Food Program - A Guide to Losing Weight

We all know, or have been told, that the most effective means of losing weight is through diet and exercise. Fads come and go, yet the old-school remedy has remained. Diet pills are expensive and have received mixed reviews. This guide is going to discuss one half of the solution: what to eat. This is a guide designed to introduce you to a weight loss food program.

Tip #1: What you eat.

What you eat is very important and someone could write a book on the subject.. in fact, many people have. However, the information out there is astoundingly varied and can cause even the most disciplined web-surfer to go crazy. However, you're in luck, there are certain principles that most of these books and sites agree on, therefore, they should be good right?

Calorie intake is going to vary based on many factors such as height and age, so I will not go into this here. However, I will discuss a few ingredients to stay away from.

Stay away from high fructose corn syrup! It is found everywhere from pretzels and potato chips to candy, beer and soda. HFCS is bad because it blocks certain receptors that tell your brain when you are full. By blocking these, you eat more! Here is something surprising: diet sodas can have the same effect! That's right, the artificial sweeteners in diet sodas have a similar effect.

So, stay away from high fructose corn syrup.

Tip #2: When you eat.

Your body and metabolism go through different stages and phases throughout the course of the day. For instance, your metabolism slows down during fasting times such as sleep.

Eat a big breakfast. Eating a big breakfast will do two things, it will shake the sleep out of your metabolism, and will keep you full and from snacking through the morning hours.

Do not eat 2 hours before going to sleep because as your metabolism slows, you will not be able to burn off those calories that you just ate before bedtime.

These two tips are just the beginning of what is out there.

Article Source:

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Keeping your kids healthy

Keeping yourself healthy is important. However so many times we forget that the message also needs to be passed onto our children.

The video below gives some ideas on this and the best thing is that both mums and dads can benefit while enjoying time with the kids! 

Fitness For Kids with Arianna

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Burning Away Fat With a Weight Loss Nutrition Program

Burning fat away from your waist sounds amazing doesn't it? Summer always feels like it's around the corner....but this time, it is!

Nutrition Tips for Weight Loss:

  • Drink water every few minutes before you sit down at the table to eat. 
  • Eat slower, allow your body to digest. It takes 20 minutes. 
  • Serve food on smaller plates (if you're the host/hostess) 
  • Cut down on the sauces! A killer in nutrition. 
  • Check portion sizes. 
  • Make sure to reduce the amount of sugar you might put in your coffee or in other foods. 
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables 
  • Always keep cut fruit available in the fridge 
  • When you eat out share large portions 
  • Put yourself on a reward program. Eat healthy for a month...have 1 meal of fast food. 
  • Work on managing stress (breathing calmly helps) so food is not your answer.

These nutrition tips for weight loss will help carry you to the next level but, if you are still feeling like you could use more consistent help to ensure that you progress create a schedule that allows you to follow and see with your own two eyes. If you can follow the schedule to ensure you're serious about losing weight. Then you are 75% ahead of everybody else who wants to lose weight.

Personal trainers, body builders and nutritionists agree that nutrition is the absolute determining factor within any weight loss campaign.

Take the time and take yourself seriously. You will not regret it. There is no point because you will succeed.

Article Source:

Friday, 10 April 2015

How to Lose Fat from Your Face

When you meet a person or walk up to a store, the first thing that people get to see is your face. The first impression is created. The first impression means a lot. So, we just cannot afford to have a face that has unwanted fat accumulation. It looks bad and gives a sense of low self confidence. When we do so much to shed the extra pounds that eventually get added to our body, then why not do something to lose the fat from your face?

Tips of food and drinks:

· What we eat: Food has a lot to do with weight gain. The kind of food we choose to eat, the time we want to consume them and the way we prefer eating them, affects positively or negatively to our health. Negative when weight gets added. Positive when we can shed them off. Food should be rich in carbohydrates, protein and fat. Yes, the word fat might raise eye brows, but some amount of fat in diet is essential. There should be a fixed time when we eat each day. Sticking to the time on a regular basis is a must when you focus on losing fat from your face or body. Finally, the way food gets cooked is important. Overcooked food actually loses most of it's nutrients and taste, and therefore, cravings for junk food become a problem. Alternatively, try out foods that are moderately cooked using less oil. Mix vegetables or try a bowl of salad and chew slowly. Mix and match them to fit your taste.

· Water: Water is possibly the most essential part of life. Start the day with a glass of water. Include foods rich in water content in the regular diet and most importantly make it a point to at least have 8-10 glasses of water each and every day. Apart from losing the fat from your face, water also improves the skin quality, making it appear more vibrant.

· Alcohol: Apart from adding pleasure, alcohol doesn’t add anything more to health (except for Resveratrol in Wine, although there's only a small amount). More alcohol means a bloated face and that surely isn’t desirable. So cut down on the alcohol intake and see the fat vanish from your face.

· Salt: Avoid too much salt. Eat foods that are less salty. Salt retains fluid in the body. So make sure not to look at the salt pot, if you are wondering how to lose fat from your face. This means sodium, in case you were confused.

Make faces:

Apart from following the tips mentioned, there are a few exercises that can help you lose fat from your face. Just ensure no one is around when you do them or they might think that you are making faces at them.

· Smile: Don’t frown if you want to know how to lose fat from your face, just be happy and see how it helps the face say goodbye to the accumulated fat. Smile with teeth out and the then smile again with the teeth in. Works for facial muscle.

· Jaw work: If that double chin is taking away the charm from your face, then just try this out. Chewing gums also helps the fat loss. Make sure the gum is sugarless, of course.

Try these at home if you want to know how to lose fat from your face and you will definitely see the difference. Apart from ensuring no wrinkles are on your face, facial fat does nothing more. So face up to the challenge and watch the fat disappear!

Article source:

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

The Ultimate Man Boob Reduction Formula Learn How to Fix Man Boobs

How would you like to be able to take off your shirt in any situation and not be embarrassed? This may seem like an easy thing to do for most men, but to some, it can be the most stressful action in their lives. Men who suffer from gynecomastia, or man boobs, are usually too humiliated to show off their bodies. Though some may laugh it off as a joke, gynecomastia is an actual condition that does not just go away. There is a solution and a way to actually fix your man boobs. The first thing you need to do is actually know why you have man boobs.

What Causes Man Boobs

Some men think they are just overweight when coming up with the cause of their man boobs. This may not be the case. While a high body fat percentage does play a role, it may be more than just that. Some common causes of man boobs are: puberty, steroid abuse, obesity, tumors, aging and more. One very common cause is having a hormone imbalance. A lot of males can grow out of man boobs, while others continue to have them past their twenties. This is due to a lack of testosterone during a normal males hormonal peak. As you can see, what causes man boobs encompasses more than just body fat.

How to Hide Man Boobs

There are very clever ways of hiding your man boobs. The best plan is to have a goal for reducing your chest fat and in the mean time, learn how to hid man boobs. This will help you hide embarrassment while your taking steps to resolve the problem. Buying thicker shirts is a start. Do not buy thin, body forming shirts. This will only accentuate the problem. You can also buy shirts with a thick logo across the chest that will help hide your man boobs. The key is to find shirts that even out your torso and direct attention away from your chest.

Man Boob Exercises

It's important to have a plan when attempting to reduce man boobs. A specific diet and exercise program are needed to effectively remove chest fat. Like most workout programs you need to be doing two types of training: cardio and strength training. Cardio will help you burn off the fat while strength training will help you shape the muscles in your chest. Your main focus, at first, should be to lose the fat. The most effective way to do this is by doing cardio exercises three times a week for twenty to thirty minutes. These workouts should be short intense sessions. This will help boost your metabolism and burn fat quicker.

Once you have a plan and a goal, don't be surprised when you start seeing results, fast. Not only will you see your chest lose fat and become more attractive, you'll feel much better about yourself. Eating healthy and exercising will make you feel amazing and will increase your energy and quality of life. This alone should motivate you to be consistent. However, your goal is man boob reduction and that will surely be met with a consistent plan. You'll be a new man. Get ready to take your shirt off whenever you please (if the situation allows, that is).

Article source:

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Eat Plenty of Oily Fish for Your Health

If you are health conscious or the type of person that keeps a close eye on your weight, then there is a fair chance you will have come across the above advice several times.

Yet what is it about fish that makes it the favourite of so many experts in healthy eating and dieting?

Cross cultural comparisons

To some extent at least, the popularity of fish in terms of recommended eating has its origins in comparative studies between different populations around the world.

Perhaps the best known example of this is the Mediterranean diet and its association with the indisputable statistical evidence pointing to the fact that many populations around the region have far lower instances of cardio-vascular disease (e.g. heart attacks and strokes etc.) than populations in other parts of the world, most notably Northern Europe.

Some decades ago there was an attempt to simplistically attribute this to one thing or another that may have been eaten in and around the Mediterranean. Today, that is seen as being slightly naïve and a much more holistic view is taken, looking at things such as the combination of various foodstuffs, exercise, reduced stress levels and even the fact that there is typically far more sun and warmth in the area than in Northern Europe.

However, fish is typically consumed to a much higher degree in and around the Mediterranean than in other parts of Europe and North America. Not only that but the fish consumed is quite often of a type less popular in the north, including things such as sardines and mackerel - plus other examples of so-called 'oily fish'.

It isn't only the Mediterranean though which has offered cross-cultural comparisons that appear to show a correlation between fish eating and a reduction in the prevalence of certain diseases.

Japan is another often-quoted example, due to the fact that traditionally this culture ate comparatively little meat but very large quantities of fish - though that is changing rapidly.

Once again, Japanese rates of certain of the occasionally titled 'Western illnesses', such as those mentioned above, are considerably lower than you might typically find in Northern Europe.

What is the effect?

Many types of oily fish contain high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants.

Much conventional medical science now accepts that certain fatty acids may have an important role to play in helping to keep the circulatory system in better condition and thereby reducing the risks of certain types of cardio-vascular illness.

Extensive claims have also been made for the cancer-reducing properties of fish oils but perhaps slightly surprisingly, medical science has struggled to clearly and objectively substantiate those claims through objective experimentation.

However, few people would claim that eating oily fish is anything other than good for you though interestingly in the United States, pregnant women in particular are advised to reduce their consumption of what are sometimes called the 'top predator' fish such as sharks plus some types of tuna and mackerel.

That's largely to do with concerns that the top predators may have consumed other fish containing mercury and other pollutants.

In summary, it's probably fair to say that the wonder 'cure-all' reputation that oily fish built up a few years ago has now been diluted somewhat in the light of pragmatic experience. For example, the Mediterranean diet is now seen as being much more a combination of things such as fish, nuts, fruit and vegetables, rather than just fish itself.

Even so, there is little doubt that eating oily fish should be an important part of any health-conscious diet or weight loss programs.

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 Be Very Careful When You're Tired

It's almost the end of a long work day and the one thing that's been on your mind for the last hour is a double cheeseburger super sized combo you're planning to devour on the way home.

Don't do that to your body!

If you're really focused on losing weight and developing a healthier life, one of the most important moments you will need to deal with regularly are the times when you are tired and tempted to revert to a simple fattening fast food meal.

Do you really want to lose weight and get in shape? If so, then you can't simply cave-in and grub on the unhealthiest options just because you're tired. What good is that going to do for your body in the long run?

Sure you'll be temporarily satisfied but how long does that feeling actually last? By tomorrow morning that euphoric feeling will have passed leaving you with nothing but a plethora of calories that have now found a comfortable place to remain on your body. Dealing with the subtle temptations that arise when our focus is wavering can be tough, and why time and time again folks fail in their attempts to shed that pesky weight.

When we are physically and/or mentally exhausted, we often lose a bit of self-control. The choices we should make have a tendency to be changed to another option. In the case of weight loss, the choice you make can literally take back days of effective nutrition and healthy exercise which is why it's so important to stay focused especially when you're tired.

Not only is it detrimental to your efforts to do this but think of how this see-saw effect will have on your motivation to continue with your weight loss plan.

One of the best ways to combat these types of situations where a lapse of focus may throw a wrench into your weight loss efforts is to keep yourself nourished all day long. When your body does not have the chance to become famished, you will be far less likely to eat something unhealthy from a fast food spot.

Being tired and hungry at the same time is never a good combination. Therefore don't put yourself into that situation. Instead be sure to plan out your day with healthy nutrition as your main focus. Eat a healthy breakfast at home but also be sure to pack a travel sized lunch to take with you if you're heading out to work. Be sure to bring along at least two healthy portioned snacks to eat in between your breakfast and lunch meals.

By insuring you do this regularly, you will avoid the instances when you become hungry between meals. When you combine the tired factor with hunger, you likely know from experience that the outcome is rarely a positive healthy one..

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