Thursday, 16 April 2015

A Weight Loss Food Program - A Guide to Losing Weight

We all know, or have been told, that the most effective means of losing weight is through diet and exercise. Fads come and go, yet the old-school remedy has remained. Diet pills are expensive and have received mixed reviews. This guide is going to discuss one half of the solution: what to eat. This is a guide designed to introduce you to a weight loss food program.

Tip #1: What you eat.

What you eat is very important and someone could write a book on the subject.. in fact, many people have. However, the information out there is astoundingly varied and can cause even the most disciplined web-surfer to go crazy. However, you're in luck, there are certain principles that most of these books and sites agree on, therefore, they should be good right?

Calorie intake is going to vary based on many factors such as height and age, so I will not go into this here. However, I will discuss a few ingredients to stay away from.

Stay away from high fructose corn syrup! It is found everywhere from pretzels and potato chips to candy, beer and soda. HFCS is bad because it blocks certain receptors that tell your brain when you are full. By blocking these, you eat more! Here is something surprising: diet sodas can have the same effect! That's right, the artificial sweeteners in diet sodas have a similar effect.

So, stay away from high fructose corn syrup.

Tip #2: When you eat.

Your body and metabolism go through different stages and phases throughout the course of the day. For instance, your metabolism slows down during fasting times such as sleep.

Eat a big breakfast. Eating a big breakfast will do two things, it will shake the sleep out of your metabolism, and will keep you full and from snacking through the morning hours.

Do not eat 2 hours before going to sleep because as your metabolism slows, you will not be able to burn off those calories that you just ate before bedtime.

These two tips are just the beginning of what is out there.

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