Friday 4 September 2015

10 perfect muscle building foods for men and women (6 - 10)

Building muscle is important in a quest for a slimmer, healthier body. Every pound of muscle burns up an extra 50 calories just to maintain itself. Fat requires none! Therefore to maintain that muscle you need quality, nutritious food.

Today we look at the second part of the 10 best foods to build and maintain muscle

6) Lean Beef

For decades beef has remained at the top of the list of best muscles building foods for good reason! Beef contains a muscles building cocktail of protein packed with essential amino acids, B-vitamins, and creatine. Beef also contains a mixture of saturated fat, which can support healthy testosterone levels, and monounsaturated fat, for heart health. As an added benefit research from the University of Melbourne, shows that people who eat more red meat report feeling lower levels of anxiety and stress

7) Rotisserie Chicken

Rotisserie chicken should be your go-to of these muscle food options. Available at almost all supermarkets rotisserie chickens provide you with readily available ready-to-eat high quality protein. Have one or two breast or mix and match light and dark meat whichever fits your diet.

8) Lentils

Lentils should be your secret mass building weapon. One cup of cooked lentils contains 18 grams of protein and 40 grams of slow digesting quality carbohydrates. They are also very inexpensive and have a long shelf-life. They cook up in just 10 minutes and can be added mixed in with brown rice, sprinkled over a salad or eaten as a standalone side dish.

9) Wild Salmon

Salmon contains both high quality protein and the long chain omega-3 fats EPA and DHA. These omega-3 fats are most well known for their ability to improve heart health but they also inhibit muscle breakdown while increasing the anabolic capacity of amino acids. If you don’t like eating fish then make sure to take a fish oil supplement to reap these benefits. And, just because your fish is fatty doesn't mean your body will be, too. Salmon makes our list of the fatty foods that will help you lose weight.

10) Fermented Dairy Products

Fermented dairy products like kefir are a little-known muscle-building magic bullet. Kefir is the perfect addition to any muscle-building blender bomb, providing distinct nutritional advantages over water or regular milk. If you usually use water in your shakes, 1 cup of kefir will add 150 calories to your diet. Compared to regular milk, kefir will allow your meal to be more easily digested due to the presence of probiotics (up to 10 billion good bacteria per cup). These healthy bacteria will help keep your digestive track running at peak condition so it can breakdown and assimilate maximum amount of calories and nutrients from your meals.

Courtesy of Men's Fitness

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