Monday 28 September 2015

Exercise your lower abs and hips - without leaving the bed!

Wouldn't it be great if you could exercise in bed? In this video see how you can get those toned abs and hips in just this way

Saturday 26 September 2015

Best Options For Avoiding The Temptation Of Junk Food

Junk food is a guilty pleasure for so many people it delivers immediate emotional gratification and it satisfies the taste buds. For many people that are struggling with their weight, giving up the burger and the French fries is the most difficult task of them all.

Are you one of the people that use junk food to cope with daily stress and experience some degree of satisfaction? If so, the following article will teach you some effective opportunities for giving up on such meals without experiencing depression or discomfort.

Do Not Diet

The first and the most important rule for consuming healthier foods is to refrain from dieting. Cutting out a particular food group or type of product from your menu altogether will simply intensify the cravings.

To stop eating junk food, you will need to derive pleasure from healthier meals. Eating in moderation and going for nutritional items is the best option for getting satisfaction from food without turning to the greasy, processed stuff.

Cut Sugars Out Gradually

It is already been proven that sugar is incredibly addictive. Quitting cold turkey will make you experience withdrawal-like symptoms. Chances are that you will lack energy, you will feel cranky and experience mood swings.

Go for a gradual decrease in the amount of sugar you are consuming. Cut out the carbonated beverages first. Have some berries instead of a candy bar. Meanwhile, you can form new and healthier habits that will slowly take you on the path to better health.

Try Weight Loss Hypnosis

Hypnotherapy for weight loss is another great possibility to try.

Very often, food has much more than nutritional value. Certain foods provoke certain positive emotions. This is almost always the case with junk food. Through weight loss hypnosis, you will learn how to enjoy healthier foods carrot sticks instead of chips, for example.

Hypnotherapy for weight loss teaches you healthier habits on a sub-conscious level. As a result, the transition to a healthier lifestyle is not stressful. You will understand what triggers binge or unhealthy eating and you will get equipped with the tools needed to overcome such self-destructive behaviours.

Address the Emotional Component of Cravings
What is making you crave junk food? If you are capable of answering this question, you are also capable of addressing the addiction.

Identifying the hidden cause of your culinary desires and addressing the emotional problems you are facing will eliminate the need for having a coping mechanism. Are you fighting stress through eating? Maybe you feel lonely or you do not like your body? These are all very deep and very serious problems. Food cannot get them solved. Counselling, exercise, more social encounters with positive people and even a hobby can all be helpful for dealing with the emotional factor responsible for your cravings.

Enjoy Junk Food Every Once in a While

You can still have your favourite temptations once per month or if you feel like it. As time goes by and you get used to healthier meals, your taste will change. Suddenly, you may find yourself having absolutely no appetite for that cheeseburger. Until that happens naturally, however, you should not push yourself too far. Being excessively strict will cause more stress and make the transition challenging.

Article Source: By: David SamsonHome

Friday 25 September 2015

Healthy Pizza?

Mmmmm pizza. I love pizza. Maybe you love it too's not exactly the healthiest option out there.

What if I showed you a "healthy" pizza? That would be worth exploring. This video shows you how to go about getting a healthy pizza so that you can enjoy a guilt-free treat.

(p.s. for those of you who cannot see the video, for whatever reason, please contact me and I can send the recipe via e-mail)

Tuesday 22 September 2015

How to go about a low carb plan

Begin With a Low Carb Diet Plan

Once you are fully convinced that you need to shed off some weight and you have decided that low carb diet plan is the way to follow, you have passed the most difficult part. The remaining aspect is just to get started. Let us see what you are supposed to do for the first days of the low carb diet plan.

The first day should be characterized by making some concrete decisions. These decisions include first deciding to shed weight and then deciding that low carb diet plan is the means for shedding this weight. The next decision will be to select the diet plan that you will follow amongst the three popular plans. These are; Glycemic Index low carb diet plan, South Beach low carb diet plan, and the Artkins low carb diet plan.

Regardless of the plan you select, the ultimate goal in taking in the carbs is to lay off additional weight and excess fat from your body. Thus, on day one, make decision on the diet plan to follow and cognize yourself with the working of the particular plan you have selected.

Day two will be specifically for making preparations and planning. The first activity on this day is to sweep clean the cabinet, fridge, pantry and freezer. Discard or give out foods with excess sugar content as they are exempted in your low carb diet plan.

Certain foods will not be permitted in the diet plan to guarantee its success. However, the foods will be allowed after a few weeks in the plan. The next thing is to list and buy the things you will be consuming roughly for the next one week. In the list you may have meals, liquids and snacks, but you should ascertain that they are allowed in the plan.

Day three will signify the start of the new diet plan as you will start consuming the plan’s specified foods. You should try to make sure that you start the diet plan early in the morning. This will help you see that you are committed to the plan rather than feeling like it is an impulsive decision. To commit to the plan, ensure that you have cooked food as lack of it may cause you to compromise and jeopardize you weight loss efforts.

The following days in the plan may be seem endless and might not be the best. Constant starch and sugar cravings, headaches, sluggish feelings and mild dizziness will be the order of the day. The symptoms may be the result of your body trying to clean excess starch and sugar reserves that had piled in your body. The prevalent experiences may also be a result of withdrawal of the normal sugar that your body had been getting. It is advisable to take in pre-cooked foods at the early days of low carb diet plan as they are readily available when you are feeling like quitting especially when your body starts feeling unwell.

Article Source: Vikram Kumar

Sunday 20 September 2015

Weight loss tips from weight lifters

Weight loss tips and fitness tips are a focus in many people’s lives. Many people focus on how to make a lot of money and how to improve their appearance. When it comes to image improvement, top on the list of many people’s goals is how to lose weight.

If losing weight is a goal in your life, here are some things you should keep in mind:

- Start with diet

Most people think that the less they eat, the better they look. Just as you cannot build a good house with flimsy materials, you cannot build a strong and lean body without the right diet. Weight lifters always emphasize the importance of eating right to build and maintain lean muscle among their fitness tips and weight loss tips. Eating well while working out will ensure that you attain a healthy well-toned body, strong bones, and clear skin. In this way, you will not lose weight and look like a scarecrow but you will look healthy and feel energetic.

- Food Portioning

While it is important to eat right, the way you portion your food matters. Ideally, weight watchers eat small portions of food throughout the day. It’s common for weight watchers to have six small meals spread out throughout the day. This meal plan should be three main meals and three snacks between main meals. Your food portions should contain some lean protein, complex carbohydrate, vegetables, and fiber. Ensure you include a source of healthy fats such as avocado, oily fish, and olive oil among other sources of healthy fat.

- Drink lots of water

Plain pure water is important when you need to lose weight. Water helps to flush out toxins from the body. It helps prevent dehydration when working out. Most important, it can boost your metabolism by up to 3 percent.

- Do circuit training

One important workout that helps people lose weight according to weight loss tips is circuit training. This form of training will not only help you lose weight, but it will strengthen your body and improve your endurance. It is a great way of getting slim while strengthening the body and building lean muscle. The best thing about circuit training is that you only need to set aside small sections of your day to do it and maintain your fitness. A circuit training session of 30 minutes every day can do wonders for your body.

- Get enough sleep

According to fitness tips, sleep is an important tool when it comes to losing weight. Regardless of how good your diet is and how much you work out if you don’t sleep enough, it's useless. Inadequate sleep leads to storage of fat in the body due to certain hormones that are released in the body when we don’t have adequate sleep. During sleep, your body repairs worn out tissue in the body. It also regulates the production of hormones that aid in fat burning. Best of all, if you sleep well at night, you don’t have time for late night snacks.

These are a few weight loss tips from weight lifters to follow so as to attain the perfect body.

Friday 18 September 2015

How do I squat properly?

A core exercise for anyone involved in weight training the barbell squat can also be a technically difficult exercise to perform.

As with any weight training programme always get clearance from your healthcare professional or doctor first.

Also as with all exercises get a qualified personal trainer to take you through ALL the exercises you will be performing. In addition ALWAYS start with a light weight that you can easily handle in an emergency. Once you have your form down and can perform the exercise properly you can start adding weight.

Having said that here is a short video that shows how to squat properly

Thursday 17 September 2015

The 4 Set Workout

You have a life to live, you're pressed for time and the gym is way down on your "to do" list. However you need to get in your exercise otherwise that will be another day gone. So what do you do?

It doesn't have to be this way. What if I told you that in just 15 minutes you can get a whole body workout done and be in and out and be getting on with the rest of your day?

Don't believe me? Try this workout for when you are truly pressed for time (you can use machines to save time loading up weights)

First just do a general warm up on the stationary cycle, treadmill, elliptical climber - anything that gets your heart rate up and limbers your body. then we move onto the workout itself.

Exercise 1

Squats - 1 set of 12 to 15 reps. These work the legs (quadriceps, hamstrings & calves), the buttocks, the lower back muscles and to a lesser extent the abdominals

Exercise 2

Deadlift - 1 set of 6 to 9 reps. These work all the major muscles of the body from top to toe

Exercise 3

Incline bench press - 1 set of 8 to 12 reps. These work the chest (pectorals), shoulders (deltoids) and triceps (back of the arm)

Exercise 4

Chin ups or pulldowns - 1 set of 8 to 12 reps. These work the back muscles (lattisimus), biceps and to a lesser extent the shoulders

So there you have it - a complete full body workout that can easily be squeezed into a busy day. You can even drop the deadlifts if needed as the muscles are worked with the other exercises.

Monday 14 September 2015

9 Secrets From The World's Healthiest Countries

Many of us think of health as something that’s controlled individually from person to person. And while this is certainly true to some extent, the places we live in have more of an influence on us than we may realise. 

Health is just as much a community concern as a personal one, and this is reflected nowhere better than on the national level. Some countries are healthier than others, with lower rates of disease, longer average lifespans, and better qualities of life. In his book “The Blue Zones: Nine Lessons for Living Longer,” Dan Buettner reveals some powerful health habits that these countries have in common.

1. Exercise regularly

People in Blue Zones tend to incorporate physical activity into their daily lives, but rather than setting aside an hour for running on the treadmill, they simply make better choices, like swapping their car commute for a bicycle ride. They also enjoy hobbies that keep them moving, like hiking, gardening and kayaking. It doesn’t have to be strenuous, as long as it’s regular.

2. Find ways to relieve stress

Everyone copes with stress differently, so be intentional about finding the things that work for you. Maybe it’s a yoga class, reading a book, or getting coffee with a friend. Whatever it is, set time aside for it throughout your week.

3. Eat healthy, plant-based diets

Most people in Blue Zones don’t skimp on servings of vegetables. Most of their diets revolve around veggies, whole grains, and beans, rather than animal products.

4. Live with purpose

Few things are better for your mental health than waking up each day feeling like it’s good to be alive. Set goals for yourself, even if they’re small goals, and make a decision to stay positive even in the face of negativity.

5. Practice moderation

Try to value the quality of something over the quantity. A delicious meal shouldn’t have to leave you stuffed, and you don’t need dessert every day. You’ll be healthier and happier if you can learn to be content with less.

6. Stay busy

Boredom can lead to a whole host of negative behaviours, whether it’s wasting an afternoon in front of the TV, turning to comfort food, or feeling depressed. Invest your time into jobs, hobbies, and relationships that leave you feeling fulfilled.

7. Get sufficient vitamin D

This certainly doesn’t mean spending hours baking in the sun, since that comes with health problems of its own, but vitamin D is necessary for boosting immunity and preventing disease. Eat foods that contain it, take supplements, or go in the sun for short periods of time.

8. Kick bad habits

Vices like smoking, excessive drinking, and staying up too late can all age you prematurely. The sooner you ditch them, the better off you’ll be.

9. Nap

A 30 minute nap a few times a week can relieve stress and reduce the risk of heart disease, so don’t feel guilty about lying down to rest your eyes now and then. Of course, this shouldn’t be treated as a substitute for adequate nightly sleep (aim for at least 7 hours).

Just remember, physical health goes hand in hand with mental health, so don’t neglect either one. Fill your life with good habits and positivity and you’ll be able to create your own mini Blue Zone, no matter where you live.

Are you already practicing these rituals? What else can you incorporate to live a healthier life?

Article source: Thomas Cho,, 08/19/2015

Friday 11 September 2015

The Most Common Reasons for Weight Loss Failure

If weight loss was as simple as fewer calories in than calories out, everybody would get the results by following the formula. Unfortunately, sustainable weight loss happens to be a bit more challenging. Numerous additional factors have to be considered, which makes it impossible to come up with a universal formula.

Have you been struggling with your weight loss efforts over the years? Here are some of the common reasons why you haven't seen results so far.

Address Emotional Eating

For many people, food turns into a source of comfort. Excessive workplace stress, personal problems and relationship issues that aren’t addressed in the right way can result in cravings. Food turns into a coping mechanism. Stopping emotional eating is an incredibly challenging task, especially if the underlying emotions aren’t addressed.

Choosing the right relaxation techniques and considering weight loss hypnosis are two possible options for breaking that vicious cycle and starting to have a healthier relationship with food. Hypnotherapy for weight loss makes it easier for people to come in touch with their emotions, understand destructive patterns and sub-consciously accept healthier patterns of behaviour that will contribute to easier, sustainable weight loss.

What do you see in the mirror? Are you happy with the reflection? Can you embrace every single curve, dimple and imperfection? People that love themselves and accept their appearance find it much easier to lose weight than the individuals that hate themselves.

The premise is easy to understand – you can’t heal a body that you loathe and you can’t work on improving its appearance if you see solely faults. Weight loss hypnosis is once again a great option for overcoming the problem. It can help you understand why you hate yourself and lack self-esteem. Upon understanding the underlying cause of the negative emotions, you can begin working on having a better relationship with yourself and your body.

A Quick Fix?
A quick fix like a fad diet isn’t going to deliver the desired results. Sustainable weight loss is all about introducing lifestyle changes and making healthy decisions.

It’s all about finding the balance. You should learn how to cope with chronic stress, incorporate healthy foods in your meal plan and work out at least one or two times per day.

Hypnotherapy for weight loss can make it easier for you to introduce such changes. Sub-consciously, you’ll learn how to “enjoy” healthy foods and replace your favourite junk snacks with those. In addition, hypnosis can help you incorporate exercise in your everyday existence without feeling particularly stressed about it.

Medical Conditions

Apart from addressing the emotional factors linked to your inability to lose weight, it may be a good idea to have your health thoroughly assessed.

A number of medical conditions could be making it difficult for you to become fit. It’s not impossible to lose weight if you have those, you’ll simply need a specialised plan and you may eventually need to take medications.

Some of the medical conditions that turn weight loss into a challenging task include hypothyroidism, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), type 2 diabetes and clinical depression. If you haven’t been capable of losing weight for some time, you’ll need to schedule an appointment with your physician before doing anything else.

Article source: Vikram Kumar,, June 2015

Thursday 10 September 2015

The Fastest Way to Lose Weight around Your Waist

Obesity is a disease that is quite alarming. Just like when we have a disease - we try hard to get cured, in the same way when we have unwanted fat accumulation in the body, it requires treatment. Fat can build up quite fast in a particular body part or all over, and it all depends on the body type. Hence, treatments should vary. Variation mostly happens in the workout part keeping the basic fat reduction rules same.

It is mostly seen that the stubborn fat builds up in the waist area and it takes years to get rid of the same if steps are not taken from day one. Fat here is generally mulish, refuses to shed off without vigorous exercise regimes, as well as a healthier diet, and looks absolutely unattractive to most people. A few steps show the fastest way to lose weight around waist.

All about food and drinks:

· Whenever you feel the urge to drink something such as a Coke, drink water. Start with a full glass of water, the first thing in the morning. Spread it throughout the day. A glassful of water, 30 minutes before every meal, is the fastest way to lose weight around waist as it suppresses hunger to a certain extent.

· No matter how hectic the day is, ensure that the breakfast isn’t skipped. No excuses here. Skipping breakfast slows the rate of metabolism and that hinders weight loss. In fact, you should be eating first thing in the morning and every 2.5-3 hours as well. Of course, you want to keep the meals small and do your best to eat less carbs and fat.

· Every two and a half hours eat something so that the stomach is always feeling full. The logic behind this is, if there is a long gap between meals, then the body gets confused and turns the next available meal into fat because the body is not sure when would be the next food time. So if the stomach is full and the body is certain about the time it’ll be supplied with food, it tends to convert some amount of food into energy.

· Regular food intake should have carbohydrates, proteins and some amount of fat. Foods low in carbohydrates are primary in diets recommended for fat loss.
athough you need them to sustain energy. Do your best to get carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables early in the day, and try not to eat many after noon.

Protein is required to give the overall support to the body and fat balances the required nutrients. The fastest way to lose weight around waist requires you to have a good combination of exercise and a good diet that accommodates all three essentials together.

Twist, turn and bend:

When weight loss is primary, one thing that should be kept in mind and followed regularly is the set of exercises. To lose as much fat around the waist as possible, it is recommended to have exercises meant specifically for that area.

· Twister: A round shaped manual machine where one needs to step on, with hands parallel from ground and stretched to hold the wall in front. Now twist to see who’s at the back, without moving the hand at all. Only the body should move. The pull around the waist is the answer on how effective this workout is.

· Crunches: Lie flat on your back and fold your legs. Now with the help of your hands try to get up and touch the knee. Remember the legs will not move. Pressure should be on the tummy. When this action can be performed effortlessly, try not to fold the legs and touch the tip of your feet with your hands in the same manner you used to touch the knee. If done correctly this exercise is considered to be one of the fastest way to lose weight around waist.

There's a lot of other exercises that you can include in your routines. I prefer body weight exercises as they're better for most people and burn off fat quickly, without damaging your body. Just be consistent and work on your diet!

Article source:

Monday 7 September 2015

Dr Oz and Garcinia Cambogia

It's the hot new weight loss product that promises almost magical results - Garcinia Cambogia.

But what is this product and how does it work? The vidoe below by Dr Oz reveals some insights.

Please also be aware that Dr Oz DOES NOT recommend any particular company selling this product. In fact he has taken a company to court for using his name and images as a way to sell their product.

Also Garcinia Cambogia is a SUPPLEMENT to add to a sensible diet and exercise programme (i.e. it improves on the results of a well structured programme)

Friday 4 September 2015

10 perfect muscle building foods for men and women (6 - 10)

Building muscle is important in a quest for a slimmer, healthier body. Every pound of muscle burns up an extra 50 calories just to maintain itself. Fat requires none! Therefore to maintain that muscle you need quality, nutritious food.

Today we look at the second part of the 10 best foods to build and maintain muscle

6) Lean Beef

For decades beef has remained at the top of the list of best muscles building foods for good reason! Beef contains a muscles building cocktail of protein packed with essential amino acids, B-vitamins, and creatine. Beef also contains a mixture of saturated fat, which can support healthy testosterone levels, and monounsaturated fat, for heart health. As an added benefit research from the University of Melbourne, shows that people who eat more red meat report feeling lower levels of anxiety and stress

7) Rotisserie Chicken

Rotisserie chicken should be your go-to of these muscle food options. Available at almost all supermarkets rotisserie chickens provide you with readily available ready-to-eat high quality protein. Have one or two breast or mix and match light and dark meat whichever fits your diet.

8) Lentils

Lentils should be your secret mass building weapon. One cup of cooked lentils contains 18 grams of protein and 40 grams of slow digesting quality carbohydrates. They are also very inexpensive and have a long shelf-life. They cook up in just 10 minutes and can be added mixed in with brown rice, sprinkled over a salad or eaten as a standalone side dish.

9) Wild Salmon

Salmon contains both high quality protein and the long chain omega-3 fats EPA and DHA. These omega-3 fats are most well known for their ability to improve heart health but they also inhibit muscle breakdown while increasing the anabolic capacity of amino acids. If you don’t like eating fish then make sure to take a fish oil supplement to reap these benefits. And, just because your fish is fatty doesn't mean your body will be, too. Salmon makes our list of the fatty foods that will help you lose weight.

10) Fermented Dairy Products

Fermented dairy products like kefir are a little-known muscle-building magic bullet. Kefir is the perfect addition to any muscle-building blender bomb, providing distinct nutritional advantages over water or regular milk. If you usually use water in your shakes, 1 cup of kefir will add 150 calories to your diet. Compared to regular milk, kefir will allow your meal to be more easily digested due to the presence of probiotics (up to 10 billion good bacteria per cup). These healthy bacteria will help keep your digestive track running at peak condition so it can breakdown and assimilate maximum amount of calories and nutrients from your meals.

Courtesy of Men's Fitness

Thursday 3 September 2015

10 perfect muscle building foods for men and women (1 - 5)

You really should give yourself a hand: You wake up before most of your city to put in time at the gym, pumping out reps and churning out miles.

You eat well, keep those cheat meals to a minimum and carry a water bottle everywhere. You're not in it for rapid weight loss, but that doesn't mean you don't have athletic—and aesthetic—goals. Don't you deserve foods just as dedicated to working hard for your body as your lifting schedule? Yeah, we thought so. Fuel your workouts—and recovery—with these muscle-building foods that pack in the protein without sacrificing flavor

1) Omega-3 Eggs

Eggs have been vilified for years as the poster child for artery clogging foods; but further research into the role of dietary cholesterol and heart disease shows that for most people the two are not linked. Eggs have since returned to the spotlight as a health food; but they are also a serious muscle building food. The cholesterol found in the yolk of eggs serves at the scaffolding for steroid hormones and the ½ a gram of leucine per egg is like throwing gasoline on your muscle building fire

2) Nuts

Nuts are a must for any hardgainer struggling to put on weight. One ounce of cashew or almonds contains 150-170 high quality calories. Nuts are the perfect blend of protein, fats, and fiber allowing you to get the extra calories you need without having them pad your waistline. Nuts are also extremely portable, making them one of the best healthy snacks to munch on during the day if you need to increase your calorie intake.

3) Protein Shake

A protein and carbohydrate recovery shake should be the cornerstone of your muscle building program. Drinking a shake consisting of protein and carbohydrates before your workout sets the stage for optimal muscle growth and nutrient usage. Research from several universities shows that this power nutrition combination puts the breaks on excess muscle breakdown, jacks up protein synthesis, rapidly refills muscle energy stores, increases blood flow to your muscles, up regulates creatine transport, and improves your body’s ability to process and use carbohydrates for hours following your workout. For quick and easy options, try one of these Grab-and-Go Protein Shakes.

4) Full-Fat Cottage Cheese With Live Cultures

Cottage cheese’s muscle building powers comes from two different components. Cottage cheese contains a high proportion of casein, the slow digesting dairy protein. When you eat casein you blood amino acid levels rise slowly and stay elevated for longer than if you would have eaten whey (the other dairy protein). Cottage cheese also contains live cultures which are good bacteria what will help you breakdown and absorb all the nutrients you need to get bigger and stronger.

5) Chickpeas

Chickpeas should be your anytime carb source of choice. If you are having trouble getting big and staying lean, replace some of the rice and grain in your diet with chickpeas. This versatile bean contains 45 grams of slow acting carbs per cup along with 12 grams of fiber. If you don't like them whole, try picking up some hummus; it's one of the 8 Superfoods You Should Eat Every Day.

Courtesy of Men's Fitness