Sunday, 31 May 2015

Raspberry Ketones The Miracle Metabolism Booster

What was once a secret has grabbed worldwide attention and that secret something is Raspberry Ketones. Why? Raspberry Ketones have become known as the miracle metabolism booster and dieters across the world are amazed with the results that the diet achieves.

The Ketones have proved to be safe for consumption and have the ability to enhance weight loss by breaking up fat stored in the cell and absorbing it into the body where the body can then easily burn the fat. When paired with a reduced calorie diet and daily activity raspberry ketones accelerate weight and fat loss efforts. Raspberry Ketones are sold in diet supplements that are formulated for maximum results.

For years, raspberry ketones have been added to foods as a flavoring and coloring and to perfumes for aroma. Life Sciences reports that when Raspberry Ketone supplements are combined with exercise, the body's ability to release and burn fat for energy during exercise is enhanced, thus, the workout becomes much more productive for slimming.

Dieters are not the only ones that are gaining from Raspberry Ketone supplements. Bodybuilders are, as well. Because Raspberry Ketone enhance fat burning the breakdown of muscle tissues to fuel exercise sessions is discouraged. The increase in fat loss helps to improve the maintenance of the muscle tissue. For the common dieter who wants to increase fat burning to get rid of those stubborn pounds, increased muscle mass is beneficial, as more calories are burned, so even for those that do not exercise the results produced by Raspberry Ketone are beneficial.

Raspberry Ketones enhance the body's metabolic rate which then helps the body to burn more calories. This is not the only benefit of Raspberry Ketones they also influence the enzyme lipases. The function of the enzyme is to breakdown fat cells, which then turns the fat to fuel for your body to help increase your energy levels.

Maximize the Results of Raspberry Ketones

Raspberry Ketone supplements go much further than that, however. They are designed to promote an overall wellbeing. Health gurus such as Dr. Oz not only enforce the supplements he, like many other authorities who suggest a combination of a well-balanced diet and exercise with the consumption of Raspberry Ketone supplements. A combination of raw vegetables, fresh fruits, chicken and turkey, seafood, low fat or no fat dairy products, whole grains, and egg whites should be part of your well balanced diet. It is important to drink plenty of water, eliminate or limit alcohol consumption and avoid prepared or process foods, fatty and high saturated fatty foods, and red meat for the best results for the raspberry ketone diet.

Article source: Mak B Smith Raspberry Ketones The Miracle Metabolism Booster

Friday, 29 May 2015

What happens when you stop eating?

Intermittent fasting is a popular diet but how does it work? This video helps to explain the science behind it and also shows why keeping the body without food is not a good idea

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Healthy Eating and Recipes For Weight loss

Losing weight effectively is a combination of the following things:

* food selection
* food preparation
* exercise

These three points need to be addressed if you want your weight loss campaign to be successful. If you do not address these three things you may find yourself on a cycle that does not give you the results that you are seeking.

Let's take a look at the importance of each one individually.

1. Food selection:
Food selection and the type of fuel you put into your body is critical to your success. When choosing food to fuel your body and aid weight loss choose natural foods. Eat foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. Stay away from foods that have been processed and refined. Cut sugar out completely as it turns to fat on your body particularly around your waist. Do not drink carbonated drinks or alcohol. Water should be your preferred drink and you can add lemon or lime to give it flavour.

2. Food Preparation: 
Often people choose the right foods and are doing the exercise required yet the weight refuses to budge. The simple reason for this is because they are preparing their food the wrong way. When cooking and preparing meat you must look at healthier alternatives to frying. The preferred methods for healthy cooking for a lean, healthy body are: steaming, blanching, grilling and baking- cooking in these ways helps to retain most of the nutrients and flavour without adding any fat.

3. Exercise: 
Exercise is essential to not only lose weight but to tone your body. Be creative with your exercise routine but aim to do something everyday. Include cardio workouts, as well as weight and strength training to accelerate your weight loss. Pilates and yoga is a fantastic way to strengthen your core muscles and helps to create long lean muscles.

Following the above three rules combined with your specific goals for weight loss will ensure your success.

Article Source:

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Five Tips that Help You Find Time for Exercise

Only about 30 percent of adult Americans report that they have regular physical activity during their leisure time; and about 40 percent of Americans say that they don’t have leisure-time at all, to do the physical activities.

All in common agree on the fact that regular exercises help the person in terms of health and long life. But, most of the people do not focus on exercise. The most common reason people give for this is that they, “do not have the time”.

Lack of awareness also puts regular exercise at a lower priority. This article may help you change your priorities and find time for exercise.

Tips to find time for exercise

1. Wake up early

If you wake up early, you will be adding more time to your day. This provides you the opportunity to find time to do exercise. It’s not really hard to wake up a little early that you are used to. It is little bit hard until you get habituated. Afterwards once you feel the difference and the gain you will have more of a reason to continue waking early and doing exercise. There are many benefits in waking up early and doing exercise – you will feel more energetic and fresh for sure.

2. Limit your time spending on TV & Online

Track the time you spend on TV, online & mobile games for a few days. Then you will come to know how much time you are spending on those things. Then, try to limit the time you are spending on TV & online, for example: if you are spending 3 hours, reduce by 1 hour and assign that to exercise. You don’t really need to sacrifice your joy anyway.

3. Cut down low priority things from daily and allot that time for exercise

For most people who cannot find time, it is not really about time, it’s about the priority they are giving to exercise. If you feel that exercise is more important and shouldn’t be avoided, then you can adjust the time for it. Make the list of things you do daily. Divide the items into following 2 categories:

Important things that are highly essential to you (Job, Family)

Enjoyment/Less Important Activities (Movies, Parties)

Try to include exercise in the list of important things. Then, you will automatically find time for exercise.

4. Stay motivated by the benefits

Motivation is the best way to find time to do something. You might know that exercise has many benefits. Always keep in mind that the exercise will protect you from many health issues, keeps your body in shape and boost your brain power. Once you start doing exercise regularly, you will get motivated by the changes in the body. All you have to do is, go to gym regularly and maintain the motivation and fitness cycle.

5. Socialize at Gym

This is one of the best passive motivation to find time for exercise. We don’t need any motivation to spend time with friends. Find some friends at gym. As you do workouts with friends, you can enjoy the workouts without feeling it as hard. This also motivates you to go to gym regularly, to meet friends.

Hope the above tips will help you manage time to do exercise. If you still do not get motivation to find time to exercise, read the following quote by Edward Stanley, a British statesman – “Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness”. Take this quote and paste it somewhere in your room, for sometimes fear motivates better than anything else.

Article source: 04.04.2015 · Posted in Health

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Low Carb Recipes- How to Organize Your Day An article by Vikram KR

Low carb recipes are some of the hardest to design because very few people are willing to give up on their old eating habits. It is understandable why somebody would not want to have a substitute for the sandwiches or rice taken for lunch or dinner. They are used to that and getting away from a habit is very difficult. No matter how difficult it might be, you have to forego that because it will help in improving your health. When looking to have the best low carb diet for weight loss, consider the following tips and you will have an organized day from breakfast all the way to dinner.


In this, you will have very many options at hand for consideration. To start with, eggs should be your closest friend. They are very fast to cook and their taste is wonderful. You can consider scrambling them with tomatoes, pepper and onions. That will make a good part of your low carb recipes. Coconuts is another choice that you can think about for your breakfast when the focus is solely on low carb eating. Flour derived from coconuts usually comes with low carbs and can be used for baking muffins and pancakes. The two are fine to have for breakfast as part of your low carb diet for weight loss


When its lunchtime, focus more on your low carb diet for weight loss. Even when you are out to cut weight, it’s not advisable that you skip a meal. Lunch being one of the meals to take, it must be reflective of your low carb recipes to use. Leftovers will be a good thing to include in your menu. This simply means repeating the same thing you eat from time to time for instance lunch and dinner. It will help to eliminate carbs from your meals. Salads are another food to include in your low carb diet for weight loss. Make sure vegetables are many in that diet plus some proteins. The combination will be massive for any low carb recipes.


When its dinner time, you will have to be very choosy on the low carb recipes you come up with considering you will have about eight hours of sleep. Look for something like grated cauliflower to replace rice in your diet. It has no carbs and has been a natural replacement for rice in any recipe. If you have to use sauce in your low carb recipes, they need to be used with vegetables and meat instead of pasta.

Whether its breakfast, lunch or dinner, there are some few dos and don’ts that you need to know about recipes. Make sure you have controlled your craving for sweets when preparing a low carb diet for weight loss. Sugars are known to help in weight gain. In the morning, you should only take snacks that you like and always stick to taking real food. It will help in coming up with the best low carb recipes

The writer has many years of experience handling matters relating to low carb recipes thus is well informed. He has necessary training about healthy eating thus understands very well what it means coming up with a low carb diet for weight loss . To him, writing about health matters is a passion rather than obligation

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Wednesday, 6 May 2015

10 Of The Biggest Fat Loss Furphies

#1 You can believe what you read in the magazines.

Unfortunately not. And without going on for hours here is the condensed reason why. MONEY! Take most of the major fitness magazines for example. Each of these magazines has articles, editorials and advertisements for the latest and greatest in fat burning products. Ever notice they’re all from the one company. Why? Because that magazine owns that company and all they are doing is using the magazine to promote their own product. Magazines have just become the forum by which supplement companies generate their huge revenues.

#2 The only natural weight loss method is starvation.

Starvation will actually cause you to gain weight in the long run. Yes it is true that you have to burn more calories than you eat. But this doesn’t mean starving yourself. If you drop your calorie intake dramatically your metabolic rate actually slows down and therefore you burn much less fat. Your body as a response increases your appetite to try to get you to eat more calories. Because you deplete your fat stores so quickly your body feeds off your muscles. Then when you eventually do start eating again your body, in anticipation of being starved of nutrients again will store everything it possibly can and therefore result in rapid weight gain again but this time without any muscle tissue- so you have just increased your body fat percentage.

#3 The diet pill is the secret.

People fail to realise the dangers of diet or appetite suppressing pills. Effectively they stop you from eating by making you feel full. The problem with this is that there are no nutrients entering your body. Your body’s response is to slow the metabolic rate to decrease fat burning. Prolonged use can have the same effect as starvation. And then, like starvation, as soon as you begin eating again your weight rises rapidly because your body begins to store fat again in anticipation of the next starvation period.

#4 All I need is a shake for breakfast, lunch and tea!

Meal replacement shakes are nothing more than supplements for an inadequate diet. The problem with them is that the body was never designed to live off liquid lunches. If they have been formulated correctly then they are invariably very low in calories. If your diet is too deficient in calories remember point 2- starvation. Meal replacement shakes also effectively eliminate the thermic value you get from consuming food and therefore slow your metabolism.

#5 All fat is bad.

It all depends on the type of fat. There are good and bad fats. The good fats, poly-unsaturated and mono-unsaturated fats can actually help reduce the risk of heart disease, cardiovascular problems and blood pressure problems. On the other hand, the BAD fats are the Saturated Fats and Trans-Fatty Acids which can be found in many of the deep fried, processed foods that flood today’s market. Fats are essential for our body to function correctly, you just have to know which ones to choose.

#6 Fat becomes muscle.

It is physiologically impossible to turn muscle into fat and vice versa. They are two completely separate types of tissue. If the muscles aren’t being trained then the body gets rid of the muscle tissue and therefore there is more room to store fat. The fat tends to be stored on top of your muscle tissue and therefore you lose your definition. However, when you train and build muscle you burn fat and subsequently the fatty deposits over your muscles shrink. Muscle takes up less room than fat so as you build muscle you can find that you tend to trim down. You cannot turn one into the other.

#7 Constant water consumption makes you bloated.

Water is one of the key players in metabolism, digestion and hunger control. None of these bodily systems function correctly without a sufficient level of water provided constantly to the body. The reason you feel bloated is that your body is not used to receiving the correct amount of water and so, like starvation, it retains the water and gives you that bloated feeling. If you regularly drink water then your body gets used to receiving a constant flow and therefore realises it doesn’t need to retain water, flushing your system and making the bloated feeling disappear.

#8 I am genetically fat.

It doesn’t matter what you metabolism or genetic disposition is like. The scientific facts are simple. If you burn more calories than you consume you lose weight. And if you eat less more often you keep your metabolism working at a higher rate for longer, therefore putting your body into a fat burning state for longer and giving you more energy.

#9 I have to do hours of cardio to burn fat.

Once again this is not the case. It all comes down to intensity. If you are doing very low intensity exercise (walking) then your body isn’t working hard to burn energy (fat) and therefore fat loss is very slow. If on the other hand you perform high-intensity exercise you are forcing your body to work hard, your energy stores are depleted quicker and your body subsequently enters the fat burning zone quicker. You don’t need to train for hours, 20-30 minutes of high intensity training may be all that is required.

#10 Performing a thousand crunches will flatten my stomach.

You cannot “area target” fat loss through exercise. You see the body has certain places it finds it easier to store fat. For men it is usually the stomach area whilst women it is usually the hips and thighs. But you can do no abdominal work at all and still see a reduction in your waistline. Training all parts of your body will burn fat from all those storage areas, not just one.

Article source: Expert Articles

By: Paul James
Submitted: 2007-08-06 21:47:31

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Fun and Easy Exercise

Everyone knows that regular exercise is good for your health. Without regular physical activity, we increase the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and even heart attacks. We can put on weight, which can make it even harder to exercise. But who has time for boring exercise? I mean, do you really want to walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes every day? How boring!

The good news is that there are fun and easy ways to exercise. There are daily activities you can easily integrate into your life so you won't feel like you're exercising at all. However you will still be getting that physical activity your body needs.

The best thing about fun physical activities is that if you find activities you enjoy doing, you will keep doing them. Instead of starting something and in a week deciding you don't want to do it any more, you'll look forward to doing it. That's the key to regular exercise!

So, what kind of “exercise” is fun and easy? That can be a personal choice. After all, what you find fun may not be fun to someone else. Easy depends on your current level of physical fitness. To stick with an exercise plan, it's extremely important to find out what works best for you. You know what you like and how your body feels after you do certain types of activities. Listen to what it's telling you and you'll find the exercise that's perfect for you.

To get you started, here are some fun and easy ways to increase your physical activity.

· Turn on your favorite music and dance around to your favorite tunes

· Go for a walk around your neighborhood

· Play tag with your kids

· Join an activity group

· Play charades

· Fly a kite

· Play miniature golf

· Walk on the beach

· Tour a museum

· Go for a hike in the forest or mountains

· Go for a bike ride

· Play Frisbee

· Visit your local historical attractions

· Play a music instrument

· Housework (OK, this may not be “fun,” but 15 minutes a day will get you 15 minutes of extra exercise!)

As you can see, there are plenty of things that you can do that aren't too strenuous, but are fun! Find enough of these activities that you can fit into your week and you'll have no problem staying physically fit. Having fun while doesn't get better than that!

Article source: Expert Articles

By: Mary L Duval

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Ab exercises in bed!!

Sometimes it's just too much of a hassle to get out of a warm, snuggly, comfy bed to go and exercise.
However with this simple routine you don't have to because you can exercise from the comfort of your own bed.

Check out the video below to see how